Chapter 60 The Kemmel's Night Attack
In the blink of an eye, it was already night time.

At this time, everyone had already gone to bed early, and the snoring kept ringing.

However, on the playground track outside the school, a figure was wandering around at this time.

This figure is none other than Meiling. She is looking at the moonlight to relax.

This afternoon, the motorcycle man's behavior reminded Mei Ling of her childhood nightmare.

For a while, it was difficult to calm down.

Even though the auditorium light behind comforted her for many moments, Meiling was still in a low mood.

Just when Meiling was walking aimlessly on the playground track.

A voice suddenly came from behind.

"Are you alone now?! Where are the others?!"

Hearing the sound, Mei Ling suddenly turned her head away, only to find that behind her, the motorcycle man in the afternoon was looking at her playfully.

At this moment, the motorcycle man looked around cautiously.

"Where's the guy who hit me with that jeep?! Didn't he come?!"

As he said that, the motorcycle man seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

When he realized that Meiling was the only one left around, the motorcycle man couldn't help but feel complacent.

"Why don't you play the hunting game with your brother again?"

As he spoke, the motorcycle man took out Dark Spark and a flash doll.

Under Meiling's somewhat disbelieving gaze, the motorcycle man inserted the dark spark into the bottom of the doll.

The next second, a dark red aura filled the air, and a purple-black light enveloped the motorcycle man and his motorcycle.

Immediately, Meiling couldn't help stretching out her hand to cover her eyes, waiting for Meiling to turn around again.

An alien creature appeared in front of Mei Ling.

At the same time, alien creatures continue to make strange sounds.

At this time, if Omega and Taro were there, they would be able to recognize them at a glance.

The alien creature that the motorcycle man turned into was the Kemmel.

But Mei Ling didn't know, she just felt that the guy in front of her was extraordinarily ugly, and her voice was extraordinarily weird.

Just for a moment, it reminded Meiling of the fear of walking alone in the dark forest when she was a child.

Without the slightest hesitation, Meiling turned her head and ran away in fright.

Run towards the dormitory building.

But at this time, the Kemmel people are chasing after Meiling.

The strange voice kept ringing.

After entering the corridor, the voice was even more eerie and ethereal.

Suddenly, a creepy feeling spread throughout Mei Ling's body.

"Don't come here!"

The fear in Meiling's heart became more and more serious, so she could only keep running.

Relying on her familiarity with the dormitory building, Mei Ling kept running.

While going around and around, gradually, the Kemer man behind him was thrown away.

Mei Ling ran all the way out of the dormitory building. Through the door, she didn't find the Kemer people following her, and she couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, the light of a flashlight suddenly shone.

Immediately, Meiling Meiling was startled, and she quickly stepped back a few steps. At the same time, screams followed.

"Ah, don't come here!"

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came.

"What's wrong with you, Meiling?!"

"Little persimmon?!" Meiling raised her head, looked at the round face in front of her, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The little fat man in police uniform in front of him is the patrol policeman of their town.

"It's me!" Seeing Meiling's appearance, Xiaoshi couldn't help but said worriedly.

"Did something happen?! Remember to tell me if there is anything!"

"Also, be careful when it gets dark. Not only what happened last time on the motorcycle, but now the whole town is not peaceful lately!"

"I see." Meiling was a little absent-minded at this moment, and kept looking back.

However, he just raised his head and looked behind Xiaoshi.

But as if he had discovered something, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

However, at this time, Xiaoshi didn't notice the abnormality, and instead spoke on his own.

"You may not believe it when you say it. I saw a monster last time."

"Behind, behind!" However, Meiling at this moment was extraordinarily strange, reminding Xiao Shi with a face of panic.

Xiaoshi thought that Meiling meant something later, so she just said it.

"Oh, you still don't believe me?! I'm definitely not bragging!"

"I didn't mean that!" At this moment, Meiling couldn't help taking a few steps back, and then said.

"I mean behind you!"

At this time, Xiaoshi finally realized something was wrong, and turned around to look.

But he found an ugly figure behind him, it was the Kemmel.

"Ah, monster!" At this time, Xiao Shi finally came to his senses, with a look of panic on his face.

However, before he could turn around and run away, the tube above the Kemer man's head spurted out mucus and sprayed it on Xiao Shi's body.

Suddenly, in Xiao Shi's painful struggle, his figure gradually became transparent.

This is exactly the ability of the Kemer people. The liquid sprayed from the organs on the top of their heads can transport the opponent to another dimension.

But at this time, Mei Ling didn't know all this. She thought the Kemer man had killed Xiao Shi.

Even though I couldn't help but tremble.

Seeing the Kemmel people gradually approaching, and the pipe above her head pointed at her, Meiling couldn't help but closed her eyes in fear.

However, at this moment, a black sphere suddenly flew over and hit the head of the Kemmel.

Immediately, the Kemer people flew out directly.

At the same time, a voice came.

"Mei Ling!"

Mei Ling opened her eyes tremblingly, only to find that the light from the auditorium was running towards her quickly.

Then he hugged her tightly and asked nervously.

"Are you OK?!"

"I..." At this time, Meiling's eyes became a little blurry when she saw Guang Guang's face in the auditorium.

The dusty memory also came back again. When she was a child, she walked alone in the dark forest.

It was the auditorium light that rushed over.

Thinking of this, Mei Ling couldn't help but blush a little.

Dang even spoke while leaning against the light in the auditorium.

"I'm fine!"

"That's good!" Hearing this, Auditorium Guang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly came.

"Ah, I'm so pissed off, you bastard, you hit me with a shot put!"

Hearing the sound, Auditorium Light turned his head, only to see the Kemer man looking furious, covering his head and feet and screaming in pain.

It was the Kemmel who stood up, a little annoyed, and immediately kicked the spherical object.

Only then did I discover that it was a shot put.

It is also thanks to Auditorium Light having undergone Omega's training, and his strength has been improved.

Otherwise, it may not be possible to throw it.

At this time, the Kemer man was full of anger. He looked at Meiling and Auditorium Light and said.

"You guy, you not only hit me with a shot put, but also showed your affection in front of me, it's really too much!"

"Let me banish you to a different space. This world does not need such foul-smelling behavior."

As he said that, he approached Guang and Mei Ling step by step.

At this moment, Omega suddenly jumped out from the side and kicked the Kemmel man away.

"There are two people who are talented and beautiful, and they hit it off, so it's your turn to intervene like an ugly monster?!"

"Also, you wretched guy, how did you play the role of a monster like a strange species?!"

Saying that, Omega couldn't help digging his ears.

"It's you again!" Hearing this, the Kemmel stood up.

Seeing the figure of Omega, Dang even couldn't help being angry.

"You guy, you hit me with your jeep this afternoon. I haven't settled the score with you yet. Now you attack me secretly and call me ugly?!"

"I'm so pissed off, I'm going to trample you into minced meat!"

As he spoke, the Kemer man opened his arms and his figure gradually grew larger.

It didn't stop until it reached dozens of meters.

Then, the Kemmel looked at the ground, and said sinisterly.

"A new chase is about to begin!"

"Are you ready to play the game?!"

After speaking, without waiting for Omega and the others to answer, he raised his big feet and ran towards Omega and the others.

At this time, everyone was also running non-stop.

Omega looked at the light in the auditorium and said.

"Xiaoguang, now it's time to test the effect of your training, come on."

"Don't worry, after you go, Meiling will leave it to me to take care of you!"

"Understood!" At this time, the auditorium light felt that Omega's words were a bit strange, but because the matter was urgent, he did not think much about it.

Dang even stopped in his tracks and waited for the Kemmel people to arrive.

At this time, Omega hid with Mei Ling.

It's not that Omega doesn't want to take action. First, Meiling is here and it's hard to take action.

Second, auditorium lights also need to grow rapidly.

If you ask him to do anything, it will only harm him.

Thinking of this, Omega took Meiling and left without looking back.

At the same time, the Kemmel people at this time also caught up.

When I saw a person waiting in the auditorium, I couldn't help but feel doubtful.

"Hey, kid, are you the only one left?! Where are the others?!"

"Do you want to stop me alone?! Don't be kidding, call out the others!"

"How will you know if you don't try?!" However, at this time, the corners of Guang Guang's mouth curved.

At the same time, his hands kept groping behind his butt.

At this time, the Kemmel people did not notice the small movement of the auditorium light.

Hearing the words of the auditorium light, the Kemmel immediately spoke.

"Since you want to die so much, then I will fulfill you!"

"It doesn't matter if the others are hiding, it just makes the game more interesting."

As he said that, he stretched out his big feet and stepped on the light of the auditorium.

At this moment, Auditorium Light took out Galaxy Spark in his right hand and Lightning Dalambier's flash doll in his left hand.

"It's up to you!"

The voice fell, and the auditorium light inserted a galaxy spark into the bottom of the doll.

Following a flash of light, a huge figure suddenly appeared.

And directly knocked the Kemer man in front of him to the ground.

"You guy, you can also become a monster?!" The Kemmel climbed up with difficulty, looking at the huge lightning Dalambir in front of him, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

At this time, the light in the auditorium looked at the Kemer man and said.

"No, I am different from you, I am for justice."

"Why are you riding a motorcycle to hurt others?!"

"Why?!" Hearing this, the Kemer people couldn't help but laugh wildly.

"It's all for fun, of course. Don't you think the way they panic is exciting?!"

"Bastard!" Hearing this, the light in the auditorium was extremely angry, and Lightning Darlanbier's body trembled constantly.

"If that's the case, then I'm welcome!"

"Just use this trick!"

As he said that, on the back of Lightning Darlanbier, azure lightning continuously gathered.

Then it launched towards the Kemmel people.

Just when Auditorium thought that this move would definitely take down the Kemmel.

Suddenly the Kemmel ran to the side violently, so fast that it left an afterimage on the spot.

"How come?!" The auditorium light did not respond.

However, at this time, the Kemmel suddenly came up behind him, and suddenly went up with a kick.

Looking at Lightning Dalambir who fell to the ground, the Kemer people couldn't help but laugh.

"This move does good damage, but it's useless if you can't hit it?!"

"You bastard!" Hearing this, Auditorium Guang couldn't help being angry.

Even launched an attack again.

I saw him swiping his paw, but it was in vain.

The Kemmel in front of him was still an afterimage.

The auditorium lights also watched the surroundings carefully to prevent the Kemer people from sneaking attacks.

At this moment, the Kemmel suddenly appeared in front of him, and when he raised his head, Dalambir, the top lightning bolt, retreated again and again.

Before the auditorium light could react, the Kemmel people pulled up a big tree and stuffed it directly into the mouth of Lightning Dharambir.

"Come on, let uncle see if you have a sore throat?!"

As he said that, before the auditorium light could react, he disappeared in place again.

When the light from the auditorium pulled out the big tree in his mouth, he found that the Kemer people were constantly spinning around him, surrounded by afterimages, and it was impossible to know which one was the real body.

For a moment, the auditorium light couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

At the critical moment, the auditorium light suddenly came up with an idea.

I saw him controlling the lightning Dalambier, quietly extending his tentacles from the ground, and tying the trees in the distance.

In the next second, the Kemmel, who was still spinning at a high speed, tripped over the tentacles before he could react.

Then it fell heavily to the ground.

And Auditorium Light took the opportunity to bind the Kemmel with his tentacles.

Then, a powerful electric current was released, which immediately penetrated the whole body of the Kemer people.

"You guy?!" The Kemmel man who was undergoing electric shock treatment looked at the auditorium light in disbelief, and said through gritted teeth.

"How did you know my flaw?!"

"What's so difficult about this!" After hearing this, Auditorium Guang couldn't help but said.

"Your steps are too regular and unchanging, so it's easy to get caught!"

The voice fell, and before the Kemmel could reply, the light in the auditorium suddenly froze.

Too regular and unchanging, so easy to get caught.

He seems to have finally understood the mystery of the limping waves and small steps that do not touch the body that Omega said.

The light in the auditorium immediately looked up at the starry sky. The night was particularly refreshing at this time.

Represents the twelve constellations shining in the sky.

The auditorium light couldn't help being immersed in it.


 Thanks to Qread users, everyone is equal, the love of time and space, scp——076 and many other bigwigs for their monthly ticket support
  Thanks also to other big guys for their votes of support.

  At the same time, thank you for your subscription support, thank you very much!
(End of this chapter)

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