Hong Kong Entertainment: Kung Fu Superstar 1981

Chapter 10: Current People and Old Friends

Chapter 10: Current People and Old Friends

Ferocious enough!
Zhou Bili's fist hit his face, and the light in Zhang Yang's eyes suddenly became excited.

Although in his eyes, Zhou Billi's technique is still rough, but the tough temperament that erupts from his hands is really amazing.

It’s still a long time, so try your luck first!

Zhang Yang, who hadn't had an opponent for a long time, became very playful, facing Zhou Bili's heavy punch, he didn't raise his hand to parry at all, but moved his feet forward while turning his head and neck slightly, and his body fell down...

Cross step shake flash!
The strong wind wrapped in the heavy fist almost brushed against Zhang Yang's ears, whistling past.

Knowing that the opponent's punches are strong and fierce, but deliberately not parrying, the excitement of choosing extreme dodge made Zhang Yang's pores slightly open, and the soaring adrenaline boosted his perception and reaction to another level.

As expected of someone who can force Kung Fu master Yu Hai to wear protective gear, Zhou Bili's punches and kicks are really heavy enough!

It's just that the power of beating people is very powerful, so I don't know what to do when resisting beatings.

With the thought of probing, Zhang Yang put his back foot on the back foot, and with the help of the cross step just now, he lightly jumped to Zhou Bili's sideways position, followed by a liver-exploding fist with his left hand, and rushed directly to his ribs!


Being hit in the ribs by Zhang Yang's ferocious blow, if he was an ordinary person, he would have collapsed with pain on his face by now.

But what about Zhou Billy?
He only twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and then he forced himself to endure the pain.

Fighting is also good, good, good, what a good opponent!
Zhou Billy acted tough, but Zhang Yang was even more excited.

After all, it has been more than a month since he traveled to Hong Kong Island, and he has not been able to have a serious boxing match.

How can Zhang Yang not be enthusiastic about fighting if he can ascend to the throne of champion.

Right now, although it's hard to find a well-matched opponent, a boxer of Zhou Bili's level can barely quench his thirst.

Just resist for a while, don't fall too fast...

Thinking silently in his heart, Zhang Yang's body had already started up again, his front hand jab was dangling, and his low-sweeping whip kick followed closely!


Like a steel whip hitting an iron railing.

Zhang Yang's low kick hit Zhou Bili's thick thigh.

The severe stinging pain was like countless steel needles, all piercing into the regressed muscles. Zhou Billy, the man who used to have an unchanging expression in the boxing ring, like a machine, could not help but clench his back molars at this moment. The facial expression is slightly ferocious.

Below the ring, the coach of the Fude Club looked stunned, while Chen Huimin couldn't help but clenched her fists, her eyes shining.

I really found a treasure!

Unlike Zhang Yang who arrived halfway yesterday, Zhou Bili watched the whole match!

Until now, he still clearly remembers how Zhou Bili resisted all the opponent's ferocious attacks with a fierce crushing momentum and expressionless face in the face of the opponent's fierce attack, and then completely destroyed the opponent's confidence collapse!
But now?

Zhang Yang's fierce attack has undoubtedly shattered the iron face of Zhou Bili's robot, and victory seems to be close at hand!

As if realizing that Zhang Yang was unusual, Zhou Bili didn't want to stay on the defensive any longer, and sat and waited for death.

With a roar, he took advantage of Zhang Yang's sweeping kick again, and he also swiped low, bumping towards Zhang Yang's leg!

This guy, do you want to directly compete with me for the hardness of your legs?
What a pity, I'm not here for your legs!
With a flash of light in his eyes, Zhang Yang's originally low-swept leg suddenly retracted, and then he suddenly raised it and ran towards Zhou Billy's head!
Change the line and kick!
Compared with the jiu-jitsu wrestling that was carried forward by later generations, the technique of changing the line kick was actually born very early, and it was the legendary Kung Fu master, Li Xiaolong, who really showed this technique to the world.

In fact, as a technique, the technical principle of changing the line kick is not complicated.

If you just want to use it well, you must rely heavily on the boxer's own sense of balance and the core strength of the waist and abdomen.

Even in the octagonal cages of later generations, there are only a few who can use this move skillfully.

And Zhang Yang, who fought his way out in the devil weight class and successfully won the championship, is undoubtedly one of the few who meet the standards!

This technique is...not difficult for him!


Push the golden mountain and pour the jade pillar.

With the high whip leg hitting the head, even a strong man like Zhou Bili couldn't help but staggered and fell to the ground!

But in the end it was a boxer with excellent physical fitness who won the Asian boxing champion in the future.

The referee had just counted three seconds when Zhou Bili put his hands on the ground and stood up again.


I don't know if he felt humiliated because of being knocked down. Zhou Bili's eyes were filled with anger. pit of heart.

After all, he is still young. He lacks experience in competition and lacks composure.

Watching Zhou Bili launch an offensive in a hurry, he suddenly lost interest when he realized his opponent's immature arrogance.

Lightly sideways dodged the forward kick, taking advantage of Zhou Bili's retraction of his legs, Zhang Yang pressed forward, and used a series of combo combos of straight swings and hooks one after another, blasting towards Zhou Bili's cheek.

"Boom, bang, bang!"

Continuous combination punches were like a gust of wind and rain, constantly bombarding Zhou Bili's raised arms. Just after finishing a set of combo punches, Zhou Bili felt that his offensive had stalled. When he was about to fight back, he found that the person in front of him was... Zhang Yang suddenly turned around!

Turn around and kick!
The unique cold moves from Sanda are just like the hidden arrows shot by archers in the shadows, which makes people caught off guard!
The aggressive Zhou Bili was kicked directly on his abdomen, and he couldn't help staggering. Before he could stand still, his flamboyant figure was like a tarsal maggot. Before Zhou Bili raised his fist again, his whole body People have jumped high.

Muay Thai techniques, flying knees in the air!


It's like an overloaded truck, stepping on the gas pedal desperately, Zhang Yang slammed into it with a bang!
But when Zhang Yang got up again, Zhou Bili fell to the ground and couldn't get up again.

"8, 9, 10... KO!"

Following the referee's verdict, Zhang Yang took off his gloves with a relaxed expression and threw them on the ring.

"Haha, good! Enough!"

Looking at Zhang Yang's domineering figure in the boxing ring, Chen Huimin put her hands on her hands and laughed, her eyes full of admiration.

Twice, since they met each other, Chen Huimin once asked Zhang Yang twice if he could win the opponent he was about to face.

And these two times, Zhang Yang's answers only made Chen Huimin think that he was arrogant.

But looking back now, Zhang Yang not only did what he said two times, but also did better than what he said!

Chen Huimin also saw such a person exuding such a strong self-confidence and aura in the 70s.

And that person became his best friend.

Now on Zhang Yang's body, Chen Huimin looked around and found that it was full of shadows of that old best friend.

This makes him how can he not appreciate it, how can he not look at it differently.

Recalling Huang Bingyao's answer last night, Chen Huimin suddenly became excited.

If, if, just if...

If Zhang Yang is really the same kind of person as his old friend, then there will probably be another wave on the big screen in Hong Kong!
(End of this chapter)

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