Chapter 9
"What are you talking about? Bingyao really said that?"

Late at night, in the box of the nightclub in Tsim Sha Tsui, Chen Huimin looked at Bo Zai who came back to report, a little in disbelief.

"How could I lie to you, Brother Min? He really said that, and he also said that he is ashamed of himself."

"I'm holding you in my mouth, are you so sharp?"

With an expression of disbelief, Chen Huimin picked up the script on the table and was in a daze.

Is it possible that he really found a treasure?

"Huang Bingyao has said so, so do we have to make this film, Brother Min?"

Chen Huimin held the script and thought for a moment before speaking slowly.

"There is no hurry about the film. I made an appointment with Zhou Billy to take Yangzi there to compete tomorrow morning. You go to the company to withdraw 80 yuan first tomorrow morning, and then all the money will be paid into the handicap, and then go and pick up Yangzi. Come."

"Ah, do you want 80 to beat Yangzi?"

"Otherwise, it's too stressful? I'm crazy!"

Chen Huimin glared at Bo Tsai angrily, then picked up the script again, stared at the title of the script and muttered to himself.

"Young man, it's you who said you can't lose. If you can handle it well, Zhou Billy, the 80 you earn will be treated as my investment in your script. Think of it as a cement coffin for you."


"Yangzi, it's so early again."

The next day, Tiger Boxing Gym.

When Chen Yijie yawned and came down from the second floor, Zhang Yang seemed to have finished his morning exercise, and was sitting on a bench by the wall, panting slightly, sweat dripping down his temples fall.

Ignoring Ba Pojie, after his breathing stabilized, Zhang Yang picked up the water glass next to him and took a few sips.

Just when he was wondering whether he should practice aerial strikes or steps later, Chen Yijie sat down next to him, raised his hand and put his arm around Zhang Yang's shoulders, and continued to himself: "Yang Zai, you're filming. It’s time to tell me what happened, right?”

"What's there to talk about? Could it be that I told you to go to Chen Huimin to fight for your life if something broke out? Would you also fight with him?"

Putting down the water glass in his hand, Zhang Yang sneered.

"Hey, it's true or not, boss, don't scare me, okay?"

Hearing that Zhang Yang actually proposed to fight Chen Huimin desperately, Chen Yijie couldn't help but "thump" in his heart, and his voice trembled a little.

"Don't ask around if you don't have the guts. I was scolded by Bo Zai last time in Wandao, and I haven't been scolded enough."

Standing up, Zhang Yang lost interest in practicing anymore, grabbed a towel and went to take a shower.

But just when he stood up, there was a loud sneezing sound from the gate of the martial arts hall.

"You're holding his mother in your arms, and what bad guy is thinking about me behind my back?"

Accompanied by muttering complaints, Bo Zaimai stepped into the martial arts gym, just in time to bump into Zhang Yang.

"Yangzi, Brother Min is waiting for you in the car, let's go."

"A boxing match is scheduled so soon?" Zhang Yang frowned, a little surprised.

"Brother Min came forward in person, there is nothing difficult to deal with, hurry up and change clothes, don't make Brother Min wait too long."

"it is good."

Zhang Yang nodded, and hurried to the dressing room, while Chen Yijie, who was sitting in the corner listening, was also feeling relieved at the moment.

Yang Zai jumped into the street and was almost frightened by him again!

But what on earth are they going to do?Why did Brother Min come here in person...

Out of curiosity, Chen Yijie came to Bo Zai, offered a cigarette, and asked, "Brother Bo Zai, where are you going to take Yang Zai again this time? Is the filming still settled?"

"You really want to know?"

Bo Zai took the cigarette, took a deep breath, and looked at Chen Yijie with a faint look.

"Brother Min asked me to prepare a cement coffin from the reclaimed sea this morning. I am cautious, so I made an extra pair. If you really want to know so clearly, why don't I leave the spare cement coffin for you to use? Can you say yes?"

"No, no, Brother Bozai."

Chen Yijie's cold sweat, which had just subsided, once again covered his forehead, and he quickly backed away with a smile.

And Zhang Yang, who had changed his clothes, happened to come out of the dressing room at this moment, and raised his hand in a refreshed manner.

"I'm ready, let's go."


A journey as familiar as yesterday.

Soon, the car stopped at the door of the boxing gym, and Zhang Yang was the first to open the door and get out of the car.

Turning around, Bo Zai walked down with a suitcase, instead of entering the boxing gym, he went straight to the opposite direction of the boxing gym. When Zhang Yang was wondering what he was doing, Chen Huimin also got out of the car and slapped his big hand on the boxing gym. on his shoulders.

"What are you doing in a daze, let's go in, and behave well later, don't forget what you told me yesterday."

Forced to look away, Zhang Yang followed Chen Huimin into the boxing gym.

Compared to yesterday, the boxing gym today seemed much deserted.

There was no one in the spectator seats around the ring. Only Zhou Billy stood at the corner of the ring, warming up in an orderly manner.

"Brother Min, you're finally here."

Seeing Chen Huimin's arrival, the coach of Fude Boxing Gym greeted him with a smile on his face. After exchanging a few pleasantries, he set his eyes on Zhang Yang, looked him up and down, and clicked his tongue: "No wonder Brother Min was so confident yesterday. , you boxer, you are strong enough!"

"Punching is not based on the mouth, whether it is strong enough, you will not know until you have punched it."

After Chen Huimin finished speaking, she patted Zhang Yang and pointed to the boxing ring.

"You go up and warm up your lower body first. The referee will be here later."

Zhang Yang nodded, stepped onto the ring, moved his hands and feet, and at the same time fixed his eyes on Zhou Bili who was opposite him.

Although I had seen Zhou Billy's heroic appearance in the ring yesterday, but actually standing in the same ring, the strong sense of oppression exuding from Zhou Billy's body not only did not weaken at all, but actually became clearer.

Obviously, Zhang Yang, who has the advantages of the times in terms of experience and technology, or mentality and strategy, feels that he can win completely, but if this is the case, where does this inexplicable sense of oppression come from?
Is it really a talent?

Just when Zhang Yang was muttering in his heart, the door of the boxing gym opened again and Bo Zai walked in. However, the suitcase in his hand had disappeared and was replaced by a serious-looking man following him.

After entering the boxing gym, the man first said hello to Chen Huimin and the boxing gym coach, and then stepped onto the ring, facing Zhou Billy and Zhang Yang, and said sternly: "I am the referee of this competition. If you are ready, tell me at any time."

Zhang Yang was still a little surprised, but Zhou Billy seemed to be used to this. After making an OK gesture towards the referee, he leaned against the corner and closed his eyes in silence.

Seeing this, Zhang Yang no longer struggled, took a deep breath, and gradually adjusted his physical condition to its peak.

"I'm ready."

"Okay, you two, come to the middle of the ring."

Zhang Yang and Zhou Billy stepped forward at the same time, looking at each other through the referee's arms in the middle.

"3, 2, 1...start!"

As soon as the referee's voice fell, Zhou Bili raised his fist violently and struck first!

(End of this chapter)

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