Chapter 12 Talent
"Please bless the Lord Guandi, wish us a smooth start-up, and the film Changhong!"

two hours later.

Zhang Yang and Zhou Bili mingled among the actors, waiting respectfully to offer incense.

Chen Huimin is worthy of her background as a gangster, she can't forget Erye Guan even when she turns on the phone and worships God...


So loyal!
After everyone finished paying homage to the incense and worshiping the gods, the film crew officially started filming.

Under the order of the director Wu Ma, the staff of the stage, props, etc., quickly got busy.

Lighting lights, photography guide rails, radio microphones...

All the equipment was set up by the staff, and Zhang Yang was led to the dressing room to start styling.

Half an hour later, when Zhang Yang, who had put on makeup, returned to the set, the set of the room had been completely completed.

Perhaps because the script of "Black Boxing" is full of fighting scenes from beginning to end, the first scene shot today was the two ring fight scenes in which Gao Gang had just participated in a black boxing match shortly after the start of the film.

Director Wu Ma was standing in the group of performers, explaining the process to everyone, while Chen Huimin brought one person to Zhang Yang.

"Yangzi, let me introduce you, this is our Wuzhi, the god, let him teach you how to fight this time."

Zhang Yang nodded, and stretched out his hand to Shenxian: "Hi Brother Shenxian, it's my first filming, please give me some advice."

Faced with Zhang Yang's hand, the immortal turned a blind eye to it. Instead, he frowned and looked at Chen Huimin.

"Brother Min, if you want me to say that you are a bit too courageous, a newcomer who has never filmed a scene before, you actually want to promote him as the leading role? Seriously, if it weren't for your face, this kind of scene I wouldn't take it at all."

"I believe that Yang Zi has talent, so you can help me more."

"Hey, I can only try my best, but if this bad guy can't do it, don't blame me."

After complaining to Chen Huimin, the god turned back and looked at Zhang Yang.

"Young boy, later I tell you to fight, and you will fight as you like, do you know?"

The arrogance revealed in the fairy's words made Zhang Yang unhappy, but he also knew that he had never filmed a movie after all, so he couldn't say much at the moment, so he could only nod.

"It's good that you know what's interesting."

Immortal patted Zhang Yang's shoulder triumphantly, and wanted to say something more, but director Wu Ma had already picked up the loudspeaker and shouted.

"Okay, please get the actors in their positions, and get ready to start filming!"

At Wu Ma's instructions, the extras took their positions one after another and formed a large circle with the camera as the center. The actor who was going to compete with Zhang Yang in the first scene came to the camera and rubbed his hands slightly nervously. Start warming up.

The fairy led Zhang Yang to the field, first observed the position of the camera, and then said casually: "When the meeting starts, you should punch out a straight punch first, and when your opponent's punch retreats, you catch up and make up for it, and then call it a day. , is there any problem?"

Zhang Yang frowned slightly.

Although he is not a professional martial artist, he has seen the original film of "Black Fist".

In the original film, although this is also a routine to kill the opponent in seconds, the opponent first attacks and performs the routine at the beginning, and then the protagonist takes off and ends with a gorgeous roundabout kick in the air. The visual effect is absolutely first-class.

But if according to the fairy's way of speaking, such a simple attack with fists and feet would have no visual effect.

Although he was full of doubts in his heart, Zhang Yang still decided to follow the order of the gods first.

Signaling the front and back of the dragon suit, Zhang Yang punched fiercely, and then when the dragon suit retreated, he stepped forward to catch up with him, kicked out directly with one foot, kicked the dragon suit on the shoulder, and knocked him down neatly.

"Okay, that's it, let's start shooting."

Shenxian nodded in satisfaction, turned around and was about to withdraw from the shooting range, but Zhang Yang couldn't help it.

"Brother Shenxian, that's it, isn't it too simple?"

The god's feet paused, and he turned back with an ugly expression, staring at Zhang Yang.

In front of so many people on the set, to be questioned by a newcomer on the set like Zhang Yang undoubtedly touched his bad luck.

The god stared and shouted in a low voice: "What are you talking about, simple? Are you a martial artist, or am I a martial artist? If you don't want to be simple, then I tell you to do somersaults three times and kick it out now, you bastard Can you do it? If you can't do it, just shut up!"

Zhang Yang didn't expect that the gods would burst out suddenly, and the dissatisfaction that had been in him before could finally be suppressed.

"Hey, what do you mean? I want the action to look better. I don't want to make do with my salary like you."

"Street boy, I'll grab your mother!"

I don’t know if what he was thinking was exposed, the face of the god suddenly turned red, and he pointed at Zhang Yang angrily: "You said I am just a salary, right? Okay, I won’t receive this salary, I see you all It’s a fight film, how can I shoot it without martial arts!”

After finishing speaking, Shenxian walked out of the set in a huff, sat down on the bench next to Wu Ma, and put on the posture that I don't care, let's see what you do.

The horse behind the monitor sighed.

The filming of the film had just started, and the male lead began to quarrel with the martial arts instructor. This film did not seem to be an easy job.

Taking a peek at Chen Huimin, who had an ugly face, Wu Ma was about to turn his head to persuade the gods, but when he heard Zhang Yang in the middle of the set, he suddenly ordered to the actor on the opposite side: "Later, you can attack with your fists whatever you want, and wait for me to whip my legs When passing in front of you, you just follow the direction I swept, turn around and back, follow me to take off and kick, and you just get hit and fall to the ground, do you understand?"

The actor didn't expect that Zhang Yang would give him orders to act, and immediately looked at Wu Ma as if asking for help.

But before Wu Ma could reply, Chen Huimin in the corner suddenly spoke coldly.

"You, first follow what Yang Zi said."

Although Chen Huimin is not a director, he still holds the title of producer, not to mention that everyone knows who is the real boss of the set since he participated in the opening ceremony in the morning.

Following Zhang Yang's instructions, the dragon raised his fist and was hesitating about how to attack when Zhang Yang's voice sounded again.

"Let go, hit whatever you want, don't need to restrain your strength, the more realistic you hit, the better!"

Hey, the lead actor said so, you can’t blame me for being beaten!
The dragon set his heart aside, gritted his teeth and punched fiercely, running straight towards Zhang Yang's cheek.


The ferocious heavy punch was firmly received by Zhang Yang, and Zhang Yang quickly raised his leg and swept high, brushing the cheek of the dragon.

Subconsciously, the dragon set hastily turned around and backed up to dodge. When his feet had just stabilized and he raised his head again, Zhang Yang on the opposite side jumped up suddenly, and a chic and handsome roundabout kick came straight towards his cheek!

The dragon set was dumbfounded by the fright, and he forgot to make any movements. He just watched the sweep kick before his eyes, followed, and Zhang Yang landed steadily.

"You... fall!"

Under Zhang Yang's dumbfounded gaze, the actor finally came to his senses, shouted "Ah" and fell to the ground in an exaggerated manner.

On the set, there was silence.

Except for Zhang Yang, no one laughed because of Cai Cai's mistake just now, and their eyes were all shining with amazement.


Zhang Yang's roundhouse kick is clean and sharp, needless to say.

And what made them admire was that Zhang Yang was able to perfectly block the attack that was not planned beforehand. Such a real and rare shot was really eye-opening.

Finally, Chen Huimin, who had an extremely ugly face before, calmed down.

He raised his head and looked at Wu Ma behind the monitor, and the corners of his mouth raised when he saw the other party give a slight thumbs up.

Sure enough, I saw the right person, this publicity is really talented!
(End of this chapter)

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