Chapter 13 Heroine

"Everyone, cheer up and go through the fighting process again, and we will officially start filming."

After a brief silence, Wu Ma, who was the director, clapped his hands vigorously, bringing everyone back to their senses.

Seeing that under Wu Ma's command, the actors including Zhang Yang began to follow the script.

The god, who was so angry that he gave up his position, saw that the entire crew began to treat him as a transparent person and started to operate in an orderly manner. He suddenly panicked and turned to look at Wu Ma, and hurriedly whispered: "Brother Wu Ma, what are you doing?" what?"

"What else can I do? Of course it's filming. I received a remuneration of 10 yuan, so I can't just be a hands-off shopkeeper."

The immortal who was ridiculed by the horse looked even more ugly.

He gritted his teeth and was about to argue with Baima again when his shoulder was suddenly tapped heavily.

Turning his head, Bo Zai grinned and spoke with a smile on his face.

"Brother Immortal, Brother Min said that if you don't want to help, please go back. If you don't want to move, I can also give you a gift."

Seeing the fierce look in Bo Zai's eyes, the god shuddered.

At this moment, he finally remembered that the crew that invited him to be a martial artist this time was not an ordinary crew.

Losing one's temper here and being thrown out by others is probably the lightest thing...

"I'll go by myself, go by myself."

Intimidated by Bo Zai's ferocious eyes, the immortal stood up helplessly and left in disgrace.

When he was about to leave the set, the god couldn't help turning his head, glanced at Zhang Yang in the set, and spat viciously.

This bad guy, really thinks that a few jumps and jumps can make the martial arts scenes in the whole movie look better?
Bad movie, just wait for it to hit the streets!

Thanks to Wu Ma's calm performance, although the departure of the gods was a bit turbulent, it did not cause much impact.

Soon, the play process went through again.

This time, the experienced supporting actor did not make the same mistakes as before and cooperated just right.

The clean and sharp action characteristics are also fully demonstrated thanks to the cooperation of this supporting role.

"Okay, this time the performance is very good, after the official, just play according to this rhythm."

After watching the whole process behind the monitor, Wu Ma nodded in satisfaction, then turned to look at the assistant.

"Is the heroine's makeup finished? Inform the makeup artist to hurry up, we are ready to officially launch."

The field manager nodded and was about to get up and go to the dressing room to check the situation, but the curtain of the dressing room was lifted, and immediately after, a woman with a delicate appearance and full of heroic eyes walked out of the dressing room and came to the set.

Many extras present couldn't help but whisper to each other when they saw this woman, and Zhang Yang couldn't help but be stunned.

He is so familiar with this woman!
Whether it is "Brother Tangshan" or "Fist of Fury" and "The Way of the Dragon", she is the heroine of Li Xiaolong's every film. When she co-starred with Li Xiaolong in the early 70s, she even had Jiahe. The reputation of a princess.

Miao can embroider? !

How did Chen Huimin hire such a big-name actor?

Zhang Yang didn't know the inside story and was dumbfounded. Seeing his appearance, Chen Huimin was filled with pride.

Since Miao Kexiu withdrew from Golden Harvest in 75, and then served as the host of Li TV for two years, Miao Kexiu has officially retired and devoted herself to running her own clothing business. Please do not come to the big names.

But Chen Huimin is different from others.

In the 70s, Chen Huimin had an irresistible relationship with Li Xiaolong.

Thanks to this relationship, Miao Kexiu and Chen Huimin also collaborated on filming many times.

The films the two of them collaborated on were not only Jiahe's films, but also the flagship film "Hand Buckle" launched by Chen Huiming when she founded Eagle Films, which also invited Miao Kexiu to be the heroine.

This time, it may be because Huang Bingyao praised the script highly, or it may be because Chen Huimin saw the shadow of an old friend in Zhang Yang. He was stingy in using the connections he had accumulated in the film and television industry back then.

"Yang Zi, right? Brother Min and I praised you, don't be too nervous, and act according to the script later."

Today, the 29-year-old Miao Kexiu, although still beautiful, does not have the youthful feeling of the past on the screen, especially in front of Zhang Yang, a newcomer on the set, he is extremely reliable, making Zhang Yang Nodding unconsciously.

And as Miao Kexiu took the initiative to gently hug Zhang Yang's arm, Wu Ma also picked up the horn and shouted.

"All crew members are in their positions, three, two, one... start shooting!"

The red light on the front of the camera lit up, Zhang Yang stepped forward under Miao Kexiu's affectionate tug, and the filming finally started.


Four hours later.

The opening two boxing matches of the film "Black Boxing" were all filmed successfully.

In addition to Zhang Yang playing Gao Gang and Miao Kexiu playing the protagonist Tian Li, Chen Huimin also personally participated in the battle and starred as the boss of the underground boxing match, Prince Brother. As for the other two important characters in the film, they are responsible for teaching and exposing Tian Li at the end. The real gangster leader Captain and Tian Li's best friend are two actors under the Eagle banner who are usually responsible for making pornographic films.

Although they are pornographic film actors, they have also filmed movies, and they have some acting skills. In addition, there are few scenes, and there is an experienced director, Wu Ma, who is in charge of teaching, so the filming was smooth.

On the contrary, Zhang Yang, who is the leading actor but has never filmed a movie before, except for the two fight scenes that were completed neatly, the follow-up literary dramas have been slow to meet Wu Ma's requirements, so that at noon, Wu Ma didn't With a good complexion, his voice is a little hoarse.

After returning to the dressing room with the lunch box, Zhang Yang winked at the mirror and sighed.

This time, he finally understood the difficulty of filming.

When Zhang Yang was worried, the curtain of the dressing room was lifted suddenly, and Miao Kexiu came in and sat beside Zhang Yang.

Seeing Zhang Yang winking at the mirror, Miao Kexiu gave a "puchi" smile.

"No wonder the director yells at you endlessly. If all the movies were shot like you do, after the movie is finished, everyone's face will be covered with wrinkles."

Zhang Yang didn't feel offended when others made fun of his acting skills. He also knew that he didn't have any so-called acting skills at all, so he asked Miao Kexiu for advice humbly.

"Sister Miao, how can I meet the director's requirements?"

Miao Ke embroidered a hand pad under her cheeks and thought about it for a moment, then said: "Actually, I'm not very good at acting, but according to my experience, if you want to make a good film, you must first understand the role you want to play, and then into the character."

Understand the character and then get into the character?

Zhang Yang frowned slightly.

People who grew up in the martial arts circle, especially the mixed martial arts circle, have always focused on themselves.

It might not be so easy to blend in...

Perhaps sensing Zhang Yang's hesitation, Miao Kexiu blinked.

"Yangzi, you don't need to think too complicatedly. If you find it difficult to fully integrate into the character, then you might as well change your thoughts and ideas. Keep the core of the character in mind first, and then let the character integrate into you."

(End of this chapter)

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