Hong Kong Entertainment: Kung Fu Superstar 1981

Chapter 14 The Abnormal Chen Yijie

Chapter 14 The Abnormal Chen Yijie
Let the character become you?
This sentence of Miao Kexiu is more difficult to understand than the sentence just now that is integrated into the character.

Zhang Yang scratched his head, looking confused.

After thinking about it for a while, Miao Kexiu directly picked up the script Zhang Yang had in front of her, pointed to a paragraph above and said, "Here, Gao Gang found out that he has been deceived by Tian Li all this time. What does it feel like?"


Zhang Yang replied casually without even thinking about it, but then added: "In addition to anger, there is also the collapse of his own beliefs, from not being able to believe it, to doubting everything, and the transformation and despair."

"That's very good. Next, you just need to show this feeling and show it in front of the camera, and you'll be fine."

"But, but this is my emotion, not the character's emotion?"

Zhang Yang was still a bit guilty, but Miao Kexiu stretched out his finger and touched Zhang Yang's eyebrow.

"You, why did you forget, you are the character now!"

Me, the character?

That's right, Gao Gang is now played by me.

As long as I express my true feelings, the characters on the screen will naturally express their true feelings!

Miao Kexiu broke through the fog in his heart, and Zhang Yang's eyes suddenly lit up.

Although it is only the most superficial method and the crudest interpretation, it is undoubtedly a bright light for Zhang Yang today!
"Yangzi, Sister Miao, you two hurry up and eat and put on your makeup. The director is anxious to start work in the afternoon."

Just when Zhang Yang gradually found some feelings, the curtain of the dressing room was lifted, and Bo Zai shouted inside.

Without any time to think about it further, Zhang Yang and Miao Keyiu looked at each other, quickly picked up their lunch boxes and ate happily.

In the afternoon, everyone who finished their makeup continued to shoot under Wu Ma's direction.

Perhaps it was Miao Kexiu's suggestion that really worked. Compared to the morning when the literary drama was frequently shouted "click", the shooting in the afternoon went much smoother. Although Zhang Yang is still very immature, he is no longer ignorant.

As Zhang Yang got more and more into the mood, Wu Ma's expression gradually improved.

Even after sometimes shouting "Ka", he would take the initiative to call Zhang Yang over and teach him how to perform.

Three hours later, all the afternoon scenes were filmed, and after Wu Ma shouted, "It's over," Zhang Yang couldn't bear it any longer and sat down on the ground, breathing heavily.

The filming of these few literary scenes was more laborious than his day of boxing.

"How is it? Filming is quite fun, isn't it?" Miao Keyiu got a glass of ice water from somewhere, handed it to Zhang Yang, and asked with a smile.

"It's fun, but I'm always worried about dragging everyone down."

Zhang Yang took the cup from Miao Kexiu, drank it in big gulps, then wiped his mouth and looked at Miao Kexiu.

"Sister Miao, thank you so much for today. If it weren't for you, I would still be being scolded by Brother Wu right now."

"No way, you just don't have much experience. Didn't you improve very quickly later?"

Miao Kexiuqian laughed, and said curiously: "Speaking of which, when you are filming literary dramas, you always hesitate, as if you are afraid that you will not do well, but when you are filming fight scenes, you don't feel this way at all. He even dared to confront Wu Zhi face to face."

When it came to the final confrontation with Wu Zhi, Miao Kexiu couldn't help covering her lips and chuckling.

Because recalling Zhang Yang's domineering look at that time, she really couldn't stand up to the shy young man in front of her.

As for Zhang Yang, he was somewhat embarrassed to be praised in person by an already famous actor like Miao Kexiu.

He scratched his head and said, "I really don't know anything about acting, but when it comes to martial arts..."

Zhang Yang paused, and the light in his eyes suddenly became firm, even with a little look of pride.

"I'm very confident!"

The shy look before and the determination and confidence at the moment overlapped, making Miao Kexiu, who was staring at Zhang Yang's face, couldn't help but be stunned.

She couldn't help but wonder in her heart, what was the reason that allowed Zhang Yang to show such strong confidence at this moment.

This confidence, in a trance, seemed like an old friend of hers, full of fascinating charm.

"Sister Miao? Sister Miao?"

I don't know how long she was stunned for, but Miao Kexiu was woken up by Zhang Yang's low voice.

Seeing Zhang Yang waving his hands in front of him, Miao Kexiu's face flushed slightly, and he quickly said: "Okay, today's scene is finished filming. You should go back early. If there is still something you don't understand about acting, You can come back and ask me for advice anytime.”

"Really? How can I contact you then?"

Zhang Yang, who is deeply aware of his weak acting skills, is now extremely curious about acting.

Upon hearing that Miao Keyiu was willing to teach him more, Zhang Yang asked hurriedly.

"The beautiful costumes in Mong Kok, when you are free and not filming, you are welcome to visit us anytime."

After finishing speaking, Miao Kexiu waved her hands and left.

After watching Miao Keyiu leave, Zhang Yang just stood up when he was patted hard on the back.

When he turned around, he found Bo Zai pointing his thumb at him.

"You're so sharp, Yangzi, you got into a fight with Sister Miao so quickly? Hey, if you have any special skills for picking up girls, please teach me."

After breaking away from the immature state on the set, Zhang Yang's speech is no longer so reserved and restrained.

He put his backhand on Bo Tsai's shoulder and patted it, and opened his mouth cheerfully.

"It's not a good thing to know some things too clearly. You should say this first, Bo Tsai."

"Hey, hello, are you threatening me?"

"What do you mean by threatening? You are talking nonsense. I want you to tell Brother Min that I want you to shoot a scene with me. Don't worry, I will definitely be merciful and I will never send you to the hospital."

You will never send yourself to the hospital?
You bastard, you are deliberately trying to send me to the hospital!

Bo Tsai cursed secretly in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it on his face.

After all, Lao Jia and Zhou Billy had learned from the past, and he felt that he could take advantage of Zhang Yang in terms of fists and feet.

"I don't want you to brag about it. Brother Min asked me to drive you back. Billy is already waiting for you in the car. Let's go."


at dusk.

Zhang Yang got off the car at the entrance of the boxing gym, asked Bo Zai to help take Billy back to his residence in Mong Kok, and then walked into the boxing gym.

But as soon as he walked into the boxing gym, Zhang Yang found that for the first time, Ba Pojie did not guard the counter. Instead, he stood in the hall, looking at the old furnishings in the boxing gym seriously, holding his chin in his hand, as if Thinking about something.

Seeing his appearance, Zhang Yang leaned over curiously.

"Hey, Ba Pojie, what are you crazy about again?"

"Yangzi, why did you come back so soon?"

Chen Yijie woke up with a start, and when he saw Zhang Yang, his eyes were a little flustered and evasive.

Seeing his abnormal appearance, Zhang Yang frowned slightly and asked, "If you don't guard your counter, what are you studying?"

"No, I didn't study anything..."

Chen Yijie let out a haha, and wanted to cover it up, but being watched by Zhang Yang's sharp eyes, he finally couldn't help sighing.

"Yangzi, actually...I want to sell the boxing gym."

(End of this chapter)

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