Chapter 15 Difficulties
"Sell boxing gym? Are you serious?"

Zhang Yang was stunned by Chen Yijie's words.

"Yes, the boxing gym has not been improving during this period, so I just thought of selling it..."

Chen Yijie pretended to be relaxed and was halfway through speaking, but was interrupted by Zhang Yang frowning.

"What trouble have you encountered? Tell the truth."

"What can happen to me..."

Chen Yijie wanted to continue acting, but under Zhang Yang's direct gaze, he finally fell silent.

"If it's just because the business is not good, you should have sold this boxing gym a long time ago. In the past, not to mention the students, there was not even a coach like me who could teach boxing. At that time, you could persevere. Now you say You think the business is not good, you want to sell the boxing gym, such a lame reason, do you think I will believe you?"

After ruthlessly exposing Chen Yijie's background, Zhang Yang simply sat cross-legged on the ground and reached out to pat the seat next to him.

"What's going on, tell me."

Chen Yijie hesitated for a moment, finally sat next to Zhang Yang, and sighed.

"At noon, my sister-in-law called and said that my niece was sick and had liver failure. If she needed an operation, it would cost at least 10 yuan. My brother passed away early, leaving them orphans and widowers. As an uncle, I have no reason to pretend. Can’t see.”

Zhang Yang nodded and answered smoothly: "So you thought of selling a boxing gym?"

"Yes." After Chen Yijie finished speaking, he smiled and touched his nose, his tone full of self-deprecation, "Yangzi, you said that I am almost 30 years old, and I can't even come up with 10 yuan in a hurry. Isn't it terrible? Bad?"

"There are only a few people in this world who don't worry about money."

After casually speaking the truth and comforting him, Zhang Yang stood up, looked around the boxing gym, and said softly: "Don't sell the boxing gym. I will give you 7 yuan first, and treat it as my investment in the boxing gym. From now on, everyone is boxing." I’m the boss of the hotel, so that you don’t have to act like a boss with me in the future.”

Chen Yijie was startled for a moment, then quickly stood up.

"Yangzi, I can't accept this money. I just don't have cash now, but as long as I sell the boxing gym..."

"Sell the boxing gym and go work for someone else in the future?"

Zhang Yang sneered.

"With your temperament of being lazy at the counter every day, any boss who hires you would be really bad."

After saying that, Zhang Yang got up and went to the second floor, counted out 7 yuan from the money Chen Huimin had given him before, and threw it to Chen Yijie.

"Take it and use it first, and then tell me if it's not enough."


Holding the 7 yuan in his arms, Chen Yijie was particularly moved and speechless for a moment.

"We are all men, don't act like shedding tears, it's very disgusting. Also, this money is not given to you for free. I will also be the owner of the boxing gym in the future, and I will share the profits. Okay, okay, hurry up Come on, I have to film tomorrow and need to rest early."

Pushing Chen Yijie out of the room, Zhang Yang lay down on his iron frame bed.

This 7 yuan is not a small amount of money for Zhang Yang, who is currently living under someone else's roof.

But recalling that when he first crossed over to Hong Kong Island, it was this kind-hearted person who took the lead in taking him in even though he was a bit nagging, so Zhang Yang felt that he couldn't turn a blind eye to this matter.

Although the iron frame bed under me is hard and small, I have been lying there for more than a month, and I have some feelings for it.

And really speaking, Chen Yijie's incident reminded him that life is not a routine, and who knows what might suddenly happen one day. Taking this opportunity, the boxing gym should probably run a good business. In case something goes wrong, at least in the familiar fields of boxing gym and fighting, he can be regarded as a safe retreat.

Thinking about it, Zhang Yang's eyelids gradually closed, his head tilted, and he fell into a deep sleep.


In the next two weeks, Zhang Yang began to work step by step between the boxing gym and the set.

The excitement of filming for the first time has long been diluted with time, and the biggest feeling of publicity is only a tired word.

This tiredness does not refer to the body, but the spirit.

I don't know if it's because of saving costs, or because the film and television industry on Hong Kong Island is like this. Since the filming officially started, the entire crew is like a clockwork gear, running at a fast speed without interruption every day.

At the busiest time, the sets and venues even had to be changed three times a day, and everyone in the crew was so busy that they hit the back of their heads.

For Zhang Yang, if it's just running back and forth, it's a trivial matter. The most troublesome thing is the change of the character's emotions.

Making a movie is not to follow the timeline and shoot one by one.

In the same scene, maybe in the first scene, Zhang Yang had to play the role of Gao Gang who had no knowledge of black boxing and was ignorant, but in the next scene, he had to play the role of Gao Gang who had learned the truth and was full of emotions in his heart. Angry blackened Gao Gang.

And this huge emotional gap, coupled with the word "click" that the director Wu Ma shouted angrily from behind the monitor from time to time, seemed to turn into invisible pressure, which was so oppressive that Zhang Yang couldn't breathe and was exhausted physically and mentally.

So much so that when filming later, the fight scene, which was clearly avoided by the other actors, actually became Zhang Yang's relief.

"Okay, now that we've passed this point, let's take a rest first and wait for the bus to arrive, so we can prepare to shoot the night scene scene at night."

In the studio, Zhang Yang let out a long sigh of relief as director Wu Ma shouted.

Just about to find a place to rest, Miao Kexiu came up, Qian smiled and said to Zhang Yang, "Hey, Yang Zi, have you heard that the night scene scene tonight seems to be filmed on a boat."

Zhang Yang, who was exhausted, rubbed his shoulders and muttered: "What kind of boat are we going to shoot on? It would be better if we go on the bed to shoot."

With a "Tang" sound, Miao Kexiu's face turned red. She raised her finger and tapped Zhang Yang on the head.

"What are you talking about?"

Miao Kexiu's coquettishness made Zhang Yang realize all of a sudden, he quickly explained the ambiguous meaning in his words just now.

"No, Sister Miao, I didn't mean that..."

"We're not making pornographic films. Even if you mean that, there's no chance this time."

Miao Keyiu hummed and rolled her eyes at Zhang Yang, then turned and left.

Touching his nose, Zhang Yang looked at Miao Kexiu's slender back, muttering inwardly.

If there is no chance this time, does that mean that there might be a chance next time?
Speaking of which, during this period of time, I have often asked Sister Miao for advice on filming. Should I come to the door in person to thank her someday?

Just as he was thinking wildly, the scene manager hurried into the set and yelled at the top of his voice.

"The car is here, it's time to go!"

Zhang Yang showed helplessness, he put aside the miscellaneous thoughts in his head, got up and rushed over.

For the night scene on the ship tonight, we had to shoot the two most important fight scenes in the entire film, so we couldn't be sloppy at all. Not to mention the arrangements for tonight's two fight scenes, Zhang Yang didn't want to follow the original film and follow the steps.

Whether this "Black Fist" can become a blockbuster or not depends entirely on his performance tonight!
(End of this chapter)

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