Chapter 16 Brutal Performance
"Wow, what a big ship!"

When the bus stopped at the port terminal, Miao Kexiu, who got off the bus first, looked at the cargo ship parked on the shore, his eyes shining.

Bo Zai, who was waiting for everyone at the side of the boat, happened to hear Miao Kexiu's praise and answered it happily.

"Brother Min rented this specially, and it costs 3 yuan a night. It's like a gold swallowing beast."

Wu Ma, who was following behind, also heard this sentence, turned to look at Zhang Yang beside him and said: "Hey, you heard it too, it costs 3 yuan in one night, be careful when filming later, don't procrastinate until tomorrow ah."

Faced with Wu Ma's instructions, Zhang Yang showed a confident smile.

"Don't worry, play, I have confidence."

Wu Ma Yile didn't say much.

After all, he still vividly remembers how the immortal was run away by Zhang Yang.

Even his seniors in the film industry have to admit that it is just as Zhang Yang said.

In terms of acting, Zhang Yang has indeed done a good job.

"Come on board."

With a wave of Wu Ma's big arm, everyone in the crew got on the cargo ship one after another, but Zhang Yang was not in a hurry to get on. Instead, he waited there for a moment until Zhou Billy, who was born with a serious face, appeared in the crew crowd. Only then did he get on the boat with Zhou Billy.

If you want to shoot a good fight scene, you can't do it without a good opponent, and Zhou Billy in front of you is your best opponent.


After several hours of intense and careful setting work, the center of the cargo ship was finally completed by the crew.

Next, Zhang Yang will shoot two fight scenes in this scene.

The first scene is the final battle of the film. Gao Gang, who agreed to fight the black boxing, finally gave up the fake boxing because he discovered the true face hidden by Tian Li. Instead, he put all the anger in his heart on the weak opponent, Total catharsis.

In order to highlight Gao Gang's brutal anger in this scene, Wu Ma specially invited a thin martial artist and paid him more money. As for the normal fighting process, he left it entirely to Zhang Yang. Design and control.

As the lighting engineer turned on the lights and the cameraman set up the camera, Wu Ma also sat behind the monitor and spoke slowly.

"Everyone is ready, three, two, one... start shooting!"

Under the dark night, Zhang Yang clenched his fists, waiting for the thin martial artist on the opposite side to attack.

This is a deliberate design to keep the audience from guessing whether Gao Gang will choose to fake the punch.

Facing the attack of the skinny martial artist, Zhang Yang never dodged or evaded, allowing the opponent's fists and legs to rain down on his body, but he himself remained motionless like a mountain.

As the atmosphere was gradually pushed to the peak, Zhang Yang's previously drooping eyes suddenly opened wide with anger. The fire in his eyes seemed to burn through the air. He suddenly raised his right leg and ran towards the opponent's chest, kicking out!
After all, he charged double the price, that thin martial artist is extremely dedicated.

Completely ignoring the steel plate of the cargo ship beneath him, he followed Zhang Yang's seemingly powerful kicks and flew out exaggeratedly.


The thin body fell heavily, and all the planks of the ship made a crisp and muffled sound, but it was not over yet. Zhang Yang stepped forward quickly, grabbed the other party's collar, and lifted the other party directly from the ground. There were blue veins on his forehead and neck. They all burst into flames, roaring and roaring.


This roar seemed to shout out all his disappointment with Tian Li and the world, and at the same time as the roar, Zhang Yang turned around and waved his fist towards the opponent's face, and swung it with all his might!

There was another muffled sound of "bang", and the thin martial artist circled in the air before hitting the ship's plank heavily again.

At this time, the black fist boss played by Chen Huimin came from outside the court, gnashing his teeth and shouting.

"You street boy! What the hell are you doing!"

Zhang Yang turned his head, his eyes flickering with fire, staring closely at Chen Huimin above.

"I told you that I, Gao Gang, will not lose to anyone! It will be the same today!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Yang stepped forward quickly and once again pulled up the martial artist who fell to the ground. Then he grabbed the martial artist's waist with one hand and hugged the martial artist's thigh with the other. He slammed the martial artist's back with a sudden turn, smashing through several pieces on the spot. Stacked prop forklift pallets.

With sawdust and smoke flying all over the sky, the martial artist fell into a mess of broken wood. Zhang Yang turned around again and pointed his extended index finger directly at Chen Huimin. Although there were no words on his lips, his sharp eyes seemed to penetrate everything. .

"Crack! This one is over!"

With the yelling of the horse, the people on the set gradually recovered from the shock.

I have to say that Zhang Yang's performance in this fight scene really surprised everyone.

During the opening and closing movements, the tyranny caused by anger made them, the "audience" on the scene, almost tremble. They couldn't help but start to imagine, when this content was on the big screen Coupled with some close-up shots later, what kind of cheers will this "happy" scene cause.

"Now the actors are making up close-up shots."

Amidst Wu Ma's shouts, everyone in the crew came to their senses and got busy again.

After nearly an hour of tossing around, all the close-up close-ups in this group of fight scenes have just been re-shooted.

When the props team came to the venue again to change the scenery, Chen Huimin came to Zhang Yang and smiled with satisfaction: "This performance was good, especially the look in the end. It was so sharp that I was attracted by you." Scared."

"Brother Min, stop joking with me, why are you scared by me?"

Zhang Yang is not a fool. He knows who Chen Huimin is and what kind of storms he has experienced.

Not to mention the eyes, even being held by the black muzzle of a gun, it is estimated that it would be difficult to shock this old Jianghu.

"Hahaha, alright, let's get to the point first." Chen Huimin paused, narrowing her eyes, "You've been telling me before that you must let Zhou Bili come to play the opposite scene with you, is there any reason? Special arrangement? Now it’s time to talk.”

"Yes, Brother Min, this scene... I think it's really going to be played."


Chen Huimin was startled, then frowned slightly.

Although he is an action star like Cheng Long in the film and television industry, it doesn't mean that Chen Huimin doesn't know actual combat either.

In fact, Chen Huimin, who once worked as Fatty Kun's bodyguard and fought many boxing matches, has even richer combat experience than Zhou Bili, who is still young today. The fighting in the film and television screen is much different.

But playing for real doesn't mean it will look good on screen.

The more realistic the fight, the more boring it will appear.

He didn't want the fight scene at the end of the film to turn into a constant confrontation between two people.

Zhang Yang saw Chen Huimin's doubts and explained with a smile: "Brother Min, when I say we want to fight for real, I don't mean to directly ask the camera to record my fight with Billy, but I want to make the fighting style more practical. Specifically, You’ll know when you get there.”

Looking at the confident Zhang Yang, Chen Huimin could only nod doubtfully.

"Okay, I hope you can take better pictures."

(End of this chapter)

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