Chapter 17 Unprecedented play

"The lighting team is moving the light this way."

On the cargo ship, Wu Ma is directing the crew to adjust the scene.

And Zhang Yang pulled Zhou Billi to the corner.

"How about it, teach you the process, do you still remember?"

Zhou Bili nodded seriously.

"Don't worry, I will practice what you taught me when I go back."

"Just practice, don't be nervous, just follow my rhythm."

Just as Zhang Yang finished giving instructions, the scenery for the scene has also been finalized.

As the extras took their places, Zhang Yang also came to the venue and stood opposite Zhou Billy.

"Start shooting!"

The red light of the camera turned on, and Zhang Yang took the lead in attacking, rushing forward with his feet and raising his right fist high.

Just when everyone thought that Zhang Yang would start with a fierce punch, Zhang Yang, who was halfway through, suddenly squatted down, directly hugged Zhou Billy's legs with his hands, and used a punch that was the most standard in mixed martial arts. He dived and hugged his legs.

After Zhang Yang's prior teaching, Zhou Bili didn't panic when faced with Zhang Yang's sudden change of tactics.

He hurriedly retreated, lowering his body to prevent the fall. After stopping his aggressive momentum, he then raised his knees and pushed forward!


Under Zhang Yang's special instructions, Zhou Bili's attack did not stop at all. In the camera's picture, Zhou Bili's thick and thick thighs, the veins that bulged when he tapped the ground to charge his strength, and his swiftness were clearly captured. The smoke from the top knee.

A sense of power!
The professional boxer's unabashed strength makes the impact of the picture almost reach its peak.

Even though Zhang Yang was prepared in advance and folded his arms in front of him to protect him, the fierce momentum of Zhou Bili's iron knees still made people sweat for Zhang Yang unconsciously, for fear that Zhang Yang would not be able to block such a fierce attack.

But it turns out that they still think too much.

Although Zhou Bili's fists and legs were heavy enough, they were not incomprehensible in front of a boxer of Zhang Yang's level.

If you don't learn to beat people, you should learn to be beaten first. If you can't pass the test of fighting and beating, wanting to become a world champion is undoubtedly a dream.

Under everyone's horrified gaze, Zhang Yang firmly blocked next week's full-strength knee-jerk, followed by a straight left fist to meet him. After forcing Zhou Billy back, Zhang Yang followed up with a right fist and an uppercut, forcing his opponent to maintain a hug. , and then put his left hand around his neck, pressing Zhou Bili's head down hard, and suddenly lifted his knee.

Muay Thai fighting in the circle, neck and knees!
"Bang, bang!"

According to the rehearsal process in advance, Zhou Bili firmly guarded the two knee pushes. When Zhang Yang intentionally accumulated strength to raise his knees, Zhou Bili suddenly pushed forward, and with the strength of his whole body, he directly pressed Zhang Yang to the ground. on the ground!

And when Zhang Yang was thrown down, the string in his heart was instantly stretched to its tightest.

The most critical scene of this fight scene, the ground battle is coming, Billy, you have to keep up.


His back hit the ship's plank firmly, ignoring the pain from his body, Zhang Yang stretched out his arms around his neck again, trying to hold Zhou Bili firmly in his arms, Zhou Bili hurriedly raised his arms with both hands, and the shrimp walked Shrink and break free.

After escaping from the ground control, Zhou Bili raised his fist and punched down. Zhang Yang immediately wrapped his hands around Zhou Bili's heavy punch. At the same time, he raised his legs, wrapped tightly around the opponent's neck, and used a triangle lock.

Under Zhang Yang's deliberate control, Zhou Bili only felt short of breath, and his face turned red rapidly. Fortunately, this feeling lasted for less than a few seconds. As Zhang Yang deliberately relaxed a little, Zhou Bili hurriedly Taking a deep breath, following the trend, mustering all the strength in his body, he suddenly lifted Zhang Yang up, and then smashed Zhang Yang to the ground with a ferocious bomb.


Even without the help of late-stage amplification, everyone present could hear the violent smash this time.

Even when you show off yourself, you can't help but see flowers in front of you.

This kind of action is still too dangerous...

If you do it again next time, you have to change it to a softer place!

He secretly cursed himself for making a mistake, but Zhang Yang didn't dare to delay, after all, if he couldn't go through this scene once, he might have to suffer such vicious throws later.

Taking advantage of Zhou Bili's exhaustion after hitting him hard, Zhang Yang released his locked legs and pushed Zhou Bili back hard.

Standing up again, Zhou Bili, who had been knocked back just now, had rushed forward again and swung a straight fist.

Zhang Yang squatted sideways, hooked Zhou Billy's arm with one hand, kicked Zhou Billy's center leg with his foot, threw Zhou Billy with a beautiful shoulder throw, and then put Zhou Billy to the ground, following Zhang Yang without letting go Instead of opening Zhou Billy's arm, he pulled it towards his arms, and at the same time he lay down, preparing to use the extremely classic cross arm lock in Jiu-Jitsu.

Although Zhou Bili was beaten badly by Zhang Yang at this moment, fortunately, long-term training allowed him to develop a certain degree of muscle instinct. Without waiting for Zhang Yang's legs to press down on his body, he rolled to the right. body, but pressed Zhang Yang under him.

In the following series of ground battles, the figures of the two continued to roll alternately.

Although Zhou Bili has no foundation in Jiu-Jitsu, this time he is rehearsing an attack. Zhang Yang has already taught him all the detailed procedures and responses. As long as the routine procedures are fixed, Zhou Bili's physical talent, coupled with There is also an offensive transition, with appropriate auxiliary thrust, the two of them can naturally achieve a smooth effect that is dizzying.

Looking at the constantly alternating figures on the ground, as well as the completely unexpected transitions between the two, Chen Huimin, who was watching the battle, was stunned and stunned.

After all, he was also a veteran in the boxing world, but this high-speed fight on the ground completely shattered his understanding of fighting.

Fighting... Can you still fight like this?

Before Chen Huimin recovered from the fierce confrontation, the two people on the ground kicked each other's stomachs, rolled over and opened up the distance at the same time, and then supported the ground with their palms at the same time, and stood up with difficulty.


In the picture, Zhang Yang and Zhou Billy were gasping for air at the same time.

Here, it's not just for acting, but because the two of them are really exhausted.

It seems that ground combat is not as good as standing up and down, but in fact, it is the most energy-intensive style of play. Whether it is the mutual wrestling in stalemate, or the movement of shrimps, bridges, or looking for control positions, basically All need to mobilize the strength of the whole body.

With such a huge amount of consumption, let alone ordinary people, even professional boxers often find it difficult to persist for a long time.

But, fortunately, according to the arrangement, this fight scene has also entered the final stage.

Zhang Yang took a deep breath, kicked the ground hard again, and shot out like a sharp arrow.

Diving and throwing...feint!
The feint was just like the straight punch used in the opening game to turn the feint into the dive. This time, Zhang Yang reversed the two movements, and instead regarded the dive as a feint, and the uppercut of his right hand blatantly blasted out!

Zhou Billy pretended to be deceived and leaned back while being punched.

Zhang Yang seized the gap, circled around and grabbed his back, and tightly wrapped his arms around Zhou Billy's neck...

Naked twist!

After a brief stalemate and struggle, Zhang Yang let go of his hand, and Zhou Billy fell down softly.



Accompanied by the yelling of the horse, it was defined by Zhang Yang as the most important fight scene, and it came to a complete end.

(End of this chapter)

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