Hong Kong Entertainment: Kung Fu Superstar 1981

Chapter 18 The Future of the Boxing Gym

Chapter 18 The Future of the Boxing Gym

"This paragraph needs another close-up, yes, that's it."

In front of the monitor screen, Wu Ma pointed to the playback screen of the play just now, and explained to Zhou Billy where close-up shots needed to be made.

As for Zhang Yang, he was sitting aside to rest, recovering the energy he had just consumed.

"Hey, Yang Zi, what was the kung fu you fought with Zhou Bili on the ground just now?"

Miao Keyiu came forward, sat next to Zhang Yang, and asked softly curiously.

Having collaborated with Li Xiaolong in so many movies, Miao Kerxiu always thought that she had a general understanding of all the Kung Fu schools in the world. However, the ground fighting skills that Zhang Yang showed just now were completely beyond her knowledge. She couldn't help but be curious.


"Jiu-jitsu? I've heard of Japan's judo."

"It's somewhat similar, but jujitsu is more focused on ground fighting and strangling, which is the sleeping technique in judo."

Zhang Yang explained a few words casually. Seeing that the curiosity in Miao Kexiu's eyes was not diminished, he took advantage of the situation and said: "Sister Miao, if you want to learn, I can teach you later. You have helped me so much in acting before, so just treat it like me." return gift."

"You have a conscience, boy."

Miao Kexiu smiled and was about to speak again, but suddenly the voice of the horse came.

"Zhang Yang, there is a close-up scene here that needs your cooperation, come here and take a look."

"Know it."

Zhang Yang agreed, cast an apologetic look at Miao Kexiu, then got up and started to make up shots.

After a whole night of busy work, everyone finally finished filming all the night scenes before the sun rose.

After getting off the boat, everyone was so tired that they didn't even think about chatting, so they went back to their homes.


The most difficult scene was solved on the cargo ship. With the running-in of the crew, the filming of the film became smoother and smoother.

A week later, the filming officially wrapped.

Calculating carefully, the total shooting time from the first scene of the official launch to the present is actually less than a month.

This kind of terrifying shooting speed, I am afraid that only Hong Kong Island in the 80s will appear frequently.

Of course, the end of filming does not mean that the film will be officially released.

In fact, it will take at least two or three months before the film is finished and released.

During this period of time, Chen Huimin's Eagle Film still had to find people to take charge of post-production editing, dubbing, subtitles, film development, etc. After the film was completed, it had to go through two of the most difficult levels.

The two hurdles are to find theaters for release and to promote the film.

It goes without saying how important publicity and marketing is to a film, but what troubled Chen Huimin more than this was the issue of theater chains. After all, in Hong Kong in the 80s, the theater theater battlefield was in full swing.

At this time, among the three major theater chains in Hong Kong, Golden Harvest and Shaw Brothers were both operating theaters and production companies themselves. All the movies released during prime time were firmly under their control.

In addition to the two of them, another important Golden Princess Cinema Line has reached a cooperation with New Art City. Now, relying on the joint efforts of New Art City's Seven Monsters, it has even defeated the two giants Shaw Brothers and Golden Harvest. Bow your head and sigh, it can be said that the morale is like a rainbow.

If Chen Huimin wants to release this "Black Fist", logically speaking, the best choice is Golden Harvest, which he has collaborated with many times, but the "Master Dragon" he previously shot with Jackie Chan in Bay Island was also produced by Golden Harvest. ’s blockbuster masterpiece, with this movie standing in the way, it would be basically impossible for the movie to be released in Golden Harvest theaters during prime time.


Looking at the theater information that Bo Zai handed over to her, Chen Huimin felt a lot of pressure in her heart.

Fortunately, the post-editing work of the film has not yet been completed, and he still struggles with how to choose a theater for a while.

And just when Chen Huimin was in trouble, Zhang Yang, who finished filming and returned to the boxing gym, was also in trouble.

In the dilapidated boxing gym, Zhang Yang sat on the floor.

Opposite him were Chen Yijie, who was looking up at the sky, and Zhou Billy, who looked dull.

"Cough cough."

Clearing his throat, Zhang Yang put on a serious expression.

"Two of you, if you have any opinions on the future development of the boxing gym, feel free to express your opinions."

Silence, only silence.

Although Chen Yijie has been running a boxing gym for many years, his core business philosophy only has four words: show it off and wait for fate.

After all, if he really had a good way, he would have made the boxing gym a success, so why wait until now?

Chen Yijie couldn't do anything, let alone Zhou Bili.

When it comes to boxing in the ring, he is definitely considered a good player, but he really doesn't know anything about managing this matter.

Hey, none of these two crazy lines is reliable.

Zhang Yang stroked his chin and began to think.

In his opinion, the easiest way for a boxing gym to make money is to teach.

But the same courses are taught, the target groups are different, and the courses are naturally completely different.

For the general public, we need to teach simple self-defense tips and provide courses such as body shaping and fat loss.

Facing professional boxers, it is necessary to provide actual combat sparring, impart the most high-end skills, and study professional competitions.

However, although the fighting culture in Hong Kong Island was strong in the 80s, it was basically impossible to make a lot of money solely by coaching professional boxers. After all, there were not many people who could really make money as boxers these days.

Fighting competitions at this stage have just sprouted, and the annual bonuses are only so much. In this case, if you ask the boxers to spend tens of thousands of dollars a month and hire a special coaching team just to improve their performance, it is simply worse than using a knife to kill them. The cutting of flesh on the body is even more excessive.

Not to mention that in some boxing matches, just because you are stronger doesn't mean you can win.

Fake punches are not uncommon these days.

It is difficult to go in the direction of professional competitions, and it is not easy to go in the direction of the general public.

After all, regardless of the difficulty of improving the reputation of the boxing gym, how many people can he teach with Zhang Yang alone as the coach?

Don’t forget, Zhang Yang’s real goal is to shoot movies.

It is difficult for professionals to make money, and for the general public, they have no skills at all. It seems that the two roads seem to be blocked.

Isn't there a way to support a boxing gym with more money, less people, and only a small number of students?
Hiss, wait!

At the same time as complaints arose from the bottom of his heart, an idea suddenly flashed through Zhang Yang's mind.

People who have money and are willing to come to the boxing gym seem to exist.

"Both of you do your own thing first, I'll go out for a while."

With the goal in mind, Zhang Yang didn't want to linger with these two people and stood up quickly.

Zhou Bili got up silently and prepared to practice boxing, but Chen Yijie, who came back to his senses, couldn't help asking.

"Hey, Yang Zi, don't you want to plan the future of the boxing gym? Why are you going?"

"Why else? Of course I want to find a way to find students who are willing to spend money for the boxing gym!"

While speaking, Zhang Yang grabbed the coat hanging at the door and walked out of the boxing gym.

(End of this chapter)

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