Chapter 2

"How about it, Yangzi, nothing happened, right?"

After a while, Chen Yijie returned to Zhang Yang's side with his pants up.

But at this moment, Zhang Yang's face was extremely ugly.

Before Chen Yijie came back to his senses, Zhang Yang turned around abruptly, grabbed his collar, gritted his teeth and said, "Damn you Ba Pojie, what the hell is your brother Min, tell me honestly, otherwise I will Ten seconds will let you walk through Tang Seng’s journey of learning Buddhist scriptures.”

"Hey, what are you doing? Let go first, you. Let's talk carefully if you have something to say..."

Chen Yijie wanted to get away in a hurry, but he could not easily escape with his flamboyant hand strength.

After struggling in vain for a long time, Chen Yijie said helplessly, "What on earth do you want, Yang Zi."

"Let me ask you, who exactly is Brother Min? Is he from a gang?" Zhang Yang shouted with a straight face.

"So what, do you want such a big reaction, boss?"

Chen Yijie looked puzzled. For the local residents of Hong Kong Island who he had been with from the 60s to the 80s, the gangsters are not a scourge that is only heard of but not seen. On the contrary, it has already become a common part of their lives.

But he, a local resident, could think so, how could Zhang Yang think the same as him.

Although he has been exposed to some chaos during his three years abroad, in the final analysis, he is still a good young man who grew up under the red flag. Things like societies have never had a good impression on him.

If he gets involved, who knows if he can be cleared in the future.

"Go, go back."

With a stern face, Zhang Yang didn't intend to give Chen Yijie room to refute, so he was about to leave after pulling him on.

But before he could drag Chen Yijie away, there was a greeting from behind him.

"Hey, it's their studio here, what are you two talking about here!"

Hearing this call, Chen Yijie suddenly became energetic and quickly signaled Zhang Yang to let go with his eyes.

Zhang Yang couldn't continue to pester him, so he could only glare at him fiercely and then let go.

Chen Yijie put on a courteous smile, straightened his collar, and said with an apologetic smile: "The two brothers are joking around, don't mind, Brother Min, Yang Zi, come on, this is the big man I told you about, we are from Tsim Sha Tsui Tianzihao, Brother Min, Chen Huimin!"

Chen Huimin?
Hearing this inexplicably familiar name, Zhang Yang turned his head curiously.

Thin and muscular figure, straight nose, thin lips, piercing eyes, not angry and majestic, this familiar face almost made Zhang Yang blurt out "Brother Luotuo" directly.

After a long time, it turned out that Brother Min Chen Yijie was talking about was actually this...

Perhaps because of the familiarity on the screen, although Zhang Yang didn't completely let down his guard, his expression softened slightly and he nodded.

Seeing this, Chen Yijie hurriedly took over the conversation: "Brother Min, you said you were looking for a boxer, and I brought Yang Zai right away. Don't underestimate him. I can assure you that he will search all over Hong Kong Island, let alone Tsim Sha Tsui. No more than one hand can beat him."

Hearing Chen Yijie's praise, Chen Huimin naturally looked at Zhang Yang more.

I have to say that Zhang Yang’s appearance is absolutely impeccable.

The muscle lines from years of fighting training are clear but not obtrusive. The clean short hair and clear facial features do not reveal the slightest bit of sinisterness. Instead, he looks sunny and determined. He is definitely worthy of being called handsome.

However, the appearance alone is enough, obviously not up to Chen Huimin's expectations.

Withdrawing her gaze, Chen Huimin said to Ajie: "Well, I gave you this opportunity because you have also been in the old boxing gym. If your people can win the game tonight, you can say whatever you want. Well, if you can’t win, don’t blame me for not giving you a chance.”

Regarding Zhang Yang's strength, Chen Yijie naturally has [-]% confidence, and at this moment he hastily patted his chest and agreed.

"Don't worry, Brother Min, Yang Zi won't make mistakes."

"It's a mistake. You'll find out later tonight."

Just after she finished speaking, before Chen Huimin could say a few more words, a loud shout came from behind her.

"I didn't pass that one just now, Brother Min, I need to add another one!"

"it is good!"

Chen Huimin agreed, and then told Chen Yijie: "Take your people and go first, and wait for me at Yuanshan Hotel at night."

"I know, then you go about your business first, Brother Min."

Chen Yijie nodded and bowed to send Chen Huimin away, and was about to take Zhang Yang away, but found that Zhang Yang was staring straight at the person who had just called Chen Huimin to go back to filming in the distance, as if in a daze.

"Hey, what are you doing, have you been possessed by an evil spirit?"

Chen Yijie stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang, who had come back to his senses, still had a hint of disbelief on his face: "Bapojie, that person just now was... a Chenglong?"

"Otherwise, I already told you that Brother Min is a big shot. Although Chenglong is popular in Hong Kong now, it's not the same as filming with Brother Min. As long as you perform well tonight, let alone Chenglong, it is Hong Jinbao. Look, some of them are gone."

Under Chen Yijie's urging voice, although Zhang Yang left, all the thoughts in his mind seemed to stay on that glimpse just now.

For anyone who loves fighting and kung fu, Cheng Long is a controversial existence.

Those who hate him say that he was born in a theater troupe, and his kung fu is flashy. Those who love him agree with his contribution to action kung fu movies, admire his acting skills, and affirm his breaking Hollywood barriers and promoting culture as a Chinese.

Of course, with his flamboyant personality, he has no interest in discussing and arguing about these merits and demerits.

What really made him dazed was because the Chenglong who was right in front of him reminded Zhang Yang of one thing.

This is the 80s of Hong Kong Island!

At this time, the UFC has not yet been established, and the concept of mixed martial arts is still in its infancy. The most popular fighting event nowadays is still a free fighting competition that follows the rules of kickboxing. Even if Zhang Yang can become a boxing champion, he will eventually have to find a way to make money across borders. gold.

But if he relies on his epoch-making fighting style and understanding of the future, he might be able to become an epoch-making kung fu superstar like Cheng Long and Jet Li. When he earns enough money, he might even become the first Establish mixed martial arts and create MMA competitions like UFC to influence future generations...

Subconsciously, Zhang Yang clenched his fists.

Not only wealth and fame, but also the opportunity to leave a mark in history in the industry you love most.

No one can resist this temptation, Zhang Yang is no exception!

"Yangzi, why are you still in a daze, get in the car!"

Chen Yijie's call awakened Zhang Yang from the excitement of finding his goal.

After regaining consciousness, Zhang Yang raised his hand and looked at his clenched fist, and spoke softly thoughtfully.

"Ajie, tell me...if Brother Min takes me into the showbiz, is there a chance?"

"You've finally figured it out, Yang Zi, don't worry, if a big man like Brother Min really wants to support you, let alone bringing you into the showbiz, it's just a trivial matter to let you be the next city dragon, so you You must perform well tonight, you know?"

Chen Yijie is just a small boxing gym owner, how can he know if Chen Huimin has such great energy, but since Zhang Yang took the initiative to let go and change his temper, he naturally has to climb up immediately, for fear that Zhang Yang will go back on his word and embarrass him in front of Brother Min .

Of course, Zhang Yang would not believe all of Chen Yijie's words. Asking this question is not so much asking for a definite answer, but rather to strengthen his beliefs. No matter whether this brother Luotuo will really praise him, at least Considering his current situation, this is the best shortcut to step into the entertainment industry on Hong Kong Island.

Released his clenched fists, Zhang Yang closed his eyes and took a deep breath. After a long while, he exhaled the turbid air and opened his eyes again.

Facing the setting sun that was gradually setting westward, a fierce light bloomed slightly in his eyes.

Just like a vicious tiger wandering in the dense forest at night, there is a slight glimmer of excitement before hunting.

"In that case, let's put in a little more effort tonight."

(End of this chapter)

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