Chapter 3
Night, Grand Hotel.

After waiting for several hours, Zhang Yang was already sleepy and yawning, when Chen Yijie beside him suddenly patted him.

"Yangzi, stay alert, people are coming!"

Being dragged up by Chen Yijie, Zhang Yang looked down.

Surrounded by more than a dozen people, Chen Huimin was walking up the stairs to the gate of Yuanshan Hotel.

The real owner finally arrived. Chen Yijie adjusted his clothes, showed an attentive smile, and hurriedly came up to say hello.

"Brother Min!"

"Well, um, Bo Zai, come here, you two just follow him."

Under Chen Huimin's arrangement, Zhang Yang and Chen Yijie followed a short, black and thin mule and fell to the end of the team.

After entering the hotel and walking all the way from the lobby to the corridor on the second floor, Chen Huimin took only a few close associates and walked into the box at the deepest part of the corridor. Chen Yijie and Zhang Yang could only follow Bo Zai and the others and sit down. Into the next box.

After seeing these people sitting down, they all lit up their cigarettes in a familiar manner and chatted and laughed with each other. Chen Yijie couldn't bear the temper of his eighth wife and his wife, so he took the initiative to talk to Bo Zai: "Brother, who are you going to have dinner with tonight, Brother Min?" ah?"

Bo Zai glanced at him and hurriedly replied, but instead he laughed mischievously.

"Brother, listen to my advice. Knowing some things too clearly may not necessarily bring good things to you."

Chen Yijie was just curious and not a fool. When Bo Zai said this, he immediately smiled awkwardly and waved his hands repeatedly.

"That's right, that's right."

Hitting a soft nail, Chen Yijie put away his curiosity resentfully, turned his head and wanted to have a chat with Zhang Yang, but found that Zhang Yang had closed his eyes to rest his mind at some point, helplessly, he could only hold his fingers and wait for the time to pass .

After about half an hour, Zhang Yang suddenly opened his eyes, and immediately after, the door of the private room was pushed open. A confidant who followed Chen Huimin into the inner room just now stood at the door and shouted.

"Brother Min asked the boxers to come in."


In the moment when Zhang Yang was stunned, two people stood up in the corner of the room and took off their coats.

Under the tight-fitting vests and T-shirts, the two of them had strong muscles, as if their clothes would fall apart at any time. Zhang Yang's well-trained figure actually seemed to be a size smaller in front of these two people. Let alone his actions, just by looking at it. , the sense of oppression will be a bit stronger.

"And another one?"

Seeing that there were only two people, his confidant frowned slightly.

Chen Yijie stood up quickly and said, "Here, Yangzi, I'll go with you..."

Before Chen Yijie could finish his words, Bo Zai took the lead and glared at him.

"What are you doing, you? Brother Min told Boxer to come over, and you too?"

In one sentence, Chen Yijie was directly turned into a speechless mute.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang finally stood up, which relieved Chen Yijie's embarrassment at the moment.

Under the guidance of that confidant, Zhang Yang and other boxers walked towards the box where Chen Huimin was.

Inside the box.

There were only two people sitting at the large round table, and the rest of the people in the room stood behind them in an orderly manner.

In the middle of the round table, there was an opened kraft paper bag, and a golden light was faintly revealed at the opening.

As Zhang Yang and others pushed open the door and walked in, Chen Huimin, who had her legs crossed at the table, flicked the ashes of her cigarette and pointed at Zhang Yang and others.

"Brother Dabao, hey, now you have seen them too. These are the fighters I have carefully selected from Hong Kong Island. What about Ah Yu, he is my yellow paper brother. Now that something happened, I have no reason to pretend not to see it. Knowing that you are the leader of the new four, some things are difficult to do, and you need a step to end, let's do what we said before tonight, you are here to set up the ring, if I pass this level, look at my face and end Help persuade your brother, if you can't make it through, you will accept the meeting gift, just pretend that I, Amin, have never been to Wandao this time."

The man called Dabao looked at these people, then at the brown paper bag on the table, and smiled.

"It's easy to talk about. Brother Min, if you meet me like this, of course I want to know what's interesting. How about this? Tonight, we don't have to fight so hard for three games. I will call someone later, as long as the three brothers you brought Here, if someone can beat him, I will look at your Brother Min's face and try to persuade Weimin, if you can't win, I won't accept this meeting gift, but let's stop here, okay?"

At this point, the conditions have actually been agreed upon, so Chen Huimin naturally has no reason not to agree.

The two men who exuded the aura of big bosses each stood up and directed their men to move the round table in the middle of the box to the side.

When a spacious space was opened in the middle of the box, Brother Dabao took the lead in saying hello.

"Old Jia!"

Among the crowd following him, a tall man with a square face stepped forward and walked out.

Obviously, the person Dabao mentioned before who accepted the challenge was him.

Seeing that Dabao readily sent people to fight, Chen Huimin didn't waste her words and raised her hand to point to the person next to Zhang Yang.

"Chang Zai, come and play with Dabao's brother first."

"Yes, Brother Min."

Chang Zai nodded and stepped forward, standing opposite Lao Jia. The two tall, strong men looked at each other across the air. The atmosphere was suffocatingly tense.

Chang Zai hung his arms in front of him with a stern gaze, while Lao Jia's arms were slightly loose. He didn't look like a professional boxer, but it wasn't until Bo Zai, who was acting as the temporary referee, called out, Then Lao Jia suddenly burst into glory!

Simple and efficient, with strong grappling and finishing intentions when attacking.

This was Zhang Yang's first feeling when Lao Jia launched an offensive.

And this style of fighting is completely different from the boxers in Zhang Yang's cognition, on the contrary, it is more like a habit of people who have been in the army.

Military background?

Kind of interesting.

Zhang Yangxu squinted his eyes and carefully observed the contest between the two.

Lao Jia, who was the first to launch the offensive in the field, was attacking Changzai with a fierce kick at this moment. Hearing the roar of the air in front of him, Changzai broke into a cold sweat on his forehead and hurriedly retreated to avoid it, but Lao Jia's sweeping kicks are still unabated!

Accompanied by a crisp sound, Lao Jia's low sweep directly shattered the wooden chair on the side. The whole chair was shattered on the spot as if hit by a shotgun head-on, and the flying sawdust stirred in the air. The mutilated body was overwhelmed and collapsed.

"I'm holding your mother, making a movie?!"

Seeing this, Bo Zai beside him was already stunned in shock, while Chang Zai, who was called to the stage by Chen Huimin, had his pupils constricted subconsciously, his previous self-confidence disappeared, and only panic and palpitations remained instead. .

If he was kicked on his body by this kick, Chang Zai didn't dare to think about that scene.

And at the moment when Changzai was dazed with fear, Lao Jia's figure had moved forward again, and Changzai, who was startled, hurriedly raised his arms to protect his cheek, but Lao Jia's right leg was already high lift up...

The powerful and heavy kick was like a gunpowder barrel, directly blasting Chang Zai as a cannonball.

With a loud "thud", Chang Zai was kicked and flew backwards. His whole figure was mounted on the wall like a painting, completely losing his fighting power. Lao Jia raised his hand and patted his trouser legs. Putting down the kicked leg again, he snorted disdainfully.


This crushing match not only stunned Bo Zai and the other boxer, but also made Chen Huimin speechless.

Dabao stepped forward, raised his hand and patted Lao Jia on the shoulder, and said proudly: "Brother Min, my brother is not bad, I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, Lao Jia is not only a model student in the military academy, but also a good student after graduation. Frogmen serve in the brigade, and the boxers you recruited today, let alone fight one by one, even if they fight together, I'm afraid they may not be able to win him."

Seeing Dabao's triumphant expression, Chen Huimin couldn't help but turned her head to look directly at Zhang Yang and the other boxer.

"You, who has the confidence to take him down for me!"

Zhang Yang glanced at the boxer next to him, but found that the man lowered his head and didn't even dare to meet Chen Huimin's eyes. Obviously, facing Lao Jia who won by crushing, let alone winning, he didn't even have the courage to fight. All gone.

"Let me do it."

Seeing that there was no more chance to watch the battle, Zhang Yang took the initiative to step forward.

Chen Huimin frowned slightly. After all, he was not sure whether the boy brought by Chen Yijie was reliable or not.

This veteran Jia, who was born in the military, every move is aimed at killing people.

This kind of friendly little boxing match is not afraid of losing, it's just a loss of face.

But if you accidentally kill someone, it will be troublesome to deal with.

"To be honest, do you have the confidence to win against him?"

Lowering her voice, Chen Huimin asked Zhang Yang.

"You want to tell the truth?" Zhang Yang frowned.


Under Chen Huimin's serious gaze, Zhang Yang stretched out two fingers casually and shook them.

"Be conservative and beat him within 2 minutes."

Then, Zhang Yang put down his hand and stepped forward. The second half of his sentence was still floating in the air...

"After all, I spent a whole day flying and driving, so I'm not in good condition."

(End of this chapter)

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