Hong Kong Entertainment: Kung Fu Superstar 1981

Chapter 20 The First Batch of Students in the Boxing Gym

Chapter 20 The First Batch of Students in the Boxing Gym

"Yang Zi, I know you just finished filming your first movie and you're so excited, but you have to do it step by step, do you understand?"

Listening to Chen Huimin's earnest persuasion, Zhang Yang looked puzzled.

What does opening classes for a boxing gym to generate income have to do with the movie you just finished filming?

Could it be that Chen Huimin felt that her request was a bit too much?

Zhang Yang rubbed his chin, pondering in his mind.

This is probably the case, after all, he is also a gangster, so how can he spend so much time and energy on his own affairs.

"Brother Min, I understand what you mean, I'll go back and think about it myself."

"Okay, as long as you understand what I mean." Chen Huimin paused, and continued, "But since you can think about the long-term, it's a good thing, how about it, if the film sells well, you start the actor class, I can help you later."

"Then thank you Brother Min, I'll go first."

Zhang Yang got up and left the manager's office while continuing to think in his head.

Chen Huimin is a person who really refuses to let go of rabbits before she is willing to help. However, what he said is that becoming a kung fu star is the path he wants to take now. If Blindly working in the boxing gym, but it affected the film, but it turned the cart before the horse.

Although the filming is finished now, he doesn't know much about post-editing, but the experience of UFC in his previous life has allowed him to accumulate some ideas and methods for commercial hype. After Chen Huimin confirms the release date, in this regard, he Maybe I can think of a way.

Thinking about it, he stepped out of the building, but suddenly bumped into someone head-on.

Even if he doesn't look at the other person, years of training have already allowed Zhang Yang to form muscle memory for things that are suddenly close to him.

Completely subconsciously, Zhang Yang raised his hand and grabbed the opponent's shoulder, twisted his body and pushed his hips, and threw the opponent down with a flip.

When the other party yelled "Ouch", Zhang Yang came back to his senses.

"Bozai? Wow, sorry, accidental injury, accidental injury."

Lifting Bo Zai who fell to the ground, Zhang Yang apologized again and again.

Bozai rubbed his almost sprained lower back and sighed helplessly.

"Damn it, I know you Yangzi is sharp enough, but there's no need to fight with me."

"What's wrong with you? It's just that I was thinking about something. When you bumped into me suddenly, I moved subconsciously."

After listening to Zhang Yang's explanation, Bo Zai waved his hand and did not pursue it. Instead, he asked curiously: "Isn't the film finished? What else do you want to do?"

Zhang Yang had nothing to hide from Bo Zai, so he briefly explained that the boxing gym was short of students and that he wanted to open an acting class.

"I'll take it as a big deal. You just want to teach boxing to make money. Tomorrow I'll bring some people over to cheer."

"Are you bringing people to support you?"

Zhang Yang was taken aback, but he didn't expect that after going around for a while, it turned out that it was Bo Tsai who solved the current troubles of the boxing gym.

"Why, you still don't trust me? With your Yang Zi's skills, if those people under me can learn one or two percent of your skills, I will be happy to ask me to pay for them. In this way, I will bring you money tomorrow morning. people pass by."

Facing Bo Tsai's all-inclusive package, Zhang Yang seemed to have no better choice for acting, so he could only nod suspiciously.

"Then I'll wait for you tomorrow morning?"

"Go back and rest with peace of mind. Just wait until I get there tomorrow."

Bo Zai raised his hand confidently and walked upstairs into the company. Zhang Yang had no choice but to catch the last train back to the boxing gym.

After returning to the boxing gym, Zhou Bili had already left, and only Chen Yijie was left dozing on the counter.

Hearing the news of Zhang Yang's return, he rubbed his sleepy eyes and yawned, "How are you, Yang Zi?"

"It seems that we have found a group of students. If you get up early tomorrow, keep an eye on them for me."

"Okay, I see."

Chen Yijie agreed, lay down on the counter again, and dozed off.

Looking at his yawning appearance, the exhaustion from running around and teaching before all came to his mind.

He hurried up to the second floor and returned to the small dormitory. Zhang Yang lay on the iron frame bed and fell into a deep sleep.


The next day, early in the morning.

Just when Zhang Yang seemed to be awake but not awake, a burst of noisy voices suddenly came from downstairs of the boxing gym.

He sat up slowly, his eyes dull for a while, and then Zhang Yang washed his face and went downstairs.

After exiting the stairs, Zhang Yang glanced into the boxing gym and was suddenly shocked.

I saw eight strong men with strong bodies, and the boxing gym was already crowded at this time.

These people either have dragons and tigers tattooed on their shoulders and chests, or they simply have scars on their faces and old wounds on their bodies.

They got together and formed a group, the strong evil spirit of the rivers and lakes rushed almost to the roof of the boxing gym.

Chen Yijie's usually good-natured eighth-wife character suddenly became like a shy little girl in front of this group of people, and her nagging voice was almost quieter than a dead person in the morgue at this moment.

"Yangzi! You finally got up, hey, what's the matter, I didn't break my promise!"

Bo Zai, who was in front of the eight strong men, saw Zhang Yang who had just stepped down from the second floor, and immediately waved excitedly, and then introduced with a little satisfaction: "Hey, these eight brothers are all selected by me. Carefully selected, all of them are elite players, you have to teach them well, when I want to go out to do things later, I still count on them to support me."

These people, even if they don't need to be taught, are enough to support their appearance...

Zhang Yang wanted to say this at first, but seeing Bo Tsai took out 4 yuan from his pocket and slapped it on the table, he finally swallowed his words.

"Hey, the tuition fee of 5000 yuan per person, I have paid all of their first month's money, you have to teach the real skills."

"Just rest assured, Bo Zai, I guarantee that they will all learn something."

"That's good. Brother Min still has something waiting for me to do. I, my brothers, will leave it to you first."

After a pause, Bo Tsai turned his head to look at the eight strong men behind him, and raised his finger to Zhang Yang.

"Brother Min has boasted about Yang Zi's skills. You are here to study hard. If anyone is lazy on the street, let me know. When I get back, I will skin him and take him to the pier to fill the sea. Do you understand?"

"Got it, Bozai."

As the eight people shouted in unison, Bo Zai waved his hands at Zhang Yang, leaving the eight people behind, and left the boxing gym swaggeringly.

In the boxing gym, only Zhang Yang and Chen Yijie were left, staring at each other with these eight men.

"Yangzi... what should I do now?"

Chen Yijie tried his best to lower his voice, and asked tremblingly.

"What else can we do? Of course we teach as normal. Otherwise, why don't we wait for Bo Zai to drag you to fill the sea?"

Zhang Yang stepped forward helplessly, clapped his hands, and focused the attention of the eight people on him.

"Just now, you all heard what Bozai said. For the next month, I will be your coach. If you have any questions, I will give you time to ask them. After the training starts, I don't want anyone not to obedient!"

The eight strong men looked at each other, as if they were making eye contact. After a while, the biggest of the eight raised their hands.

"Mr. Zhang, I have a question."

"What's the problem, tell me!"

"Brother Bo Zai only praised you for your good skills, but we have never seen it with our own eyes, can you let us see it?"

Sure enough, the most indispensable thing in Jianghu clubs is thorns.

Zhang Yang lowered his head and sighed silently in his heart.

But when he raised his head again, his eyes burst out with excitement, like the light of a wild beast before it preys.

"Want to see my skills? Of course you can, as long as you are not afraid of pain!"

(End of this chapter)

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