Hong Kong Entertainment: Kung Fu Superstar 1981

Chapter 21 The Strangely Familiar Eye

Chapter 21 The Strangely Familiar Eye

nine in the morning.

As usual, Zhou Billy got off the car at Kimberley Road in Tsim Sha Tsui and walked towards the boxing gym.

Since leaving the Fude Club, as of today, Zhou Billi has been training under Zhang Yang's guidance for more than a month.

To be honest, every time he received Zhang Yang's advice, although Zhou Billy would deeply agree and nod in agreement, he had no idea how much progress he had made since he had not participated in boxing matches during this period. end.

Why don't you take the time to talk to Zhang Yang and ask him to give him a few days to go to the ring to verify it?
Constantly hesitating in his heart, Zhou Bili climbed up the steps and stepped into the boxing gym with one foot.

"Ha ha!"

As soon as he entered the door, Zhou Billy was startled by the noise coming from the boxing gym.

After all, in the past, there were only three people in the boxing gym, namely him, Chen Yijie and Zhang Yang, and this shouting and shouting movement was obviously not something that three or four people could create.

Curiosity followed the sound.

In the center of the boxing gym, eight muscular men, under Zhang Yang's surveillance, were waving their fists in a rigid manner, and every time they punched directly, they still didn't forget to borrow the strength of their punches, shouting and exhaling. foul air.

Zhou Billy had seen the scene of students learning boxing in the boxing gym many times before when he was still at Fude Club.

But what was different from Zhou Billy's impression was that in addition to being filled with evil spirits, Zhang Yang's students also had bruises on their faces and bodies that had not yet faded, as if they had just been beaten severely by someone. ...

Could it be that he came to the boxing gym to learn boxing right after the group fight?

Sure enough, Jianghu rice is not so delicious.

While sighing in his heart, Zhang Yang raised his head and saw Zhou Billy who had just entered the door.

"Billy, it's just in time for you to come. These are newcomers to the boxing gym. Please guide me for a while, and I'll go out for a while."


Hearing Zhang Yang's order, Zhou Bili subconsciously nodded.

Watching Zhang Yang grab the coat hanging at the door and leave, Zhou Bili turned his head and looked at the students again, but was a little worried.

Although he is now a little famous in the fighting circle, he has never done anything about leading students.

How to do this?
Should they continue to practice punching and air strikes here?
Just when Zhou Billy was touching his chin, feeling a little entangled and troubled, the eyes of the eight students brought by Bo Zai met again.

The five stepped forward tacitly, blocking Zhou Billy's sight, while the remaining three hid behind the five, whispering to each other.

"Dalong, the big devil just now has left, should we try again?"

"If you want to try it, you can try it, old mother, I was the first one to go up just now, but I was the one who got beaten the worst, and I'm still in pain!"

"I asked you to go first, because everyone agrees that among these brothers, you, Brother Dalong, are the best at fighting."

"Yes, yes, Brother Dalong, are you willing to be trained by others in this small boxing gym every day! Brother Bozai said when we came, as long as we can win people in the boxing gym, If you don’t have to suffer this crime, you can still get the money, didn’t you say two days ago that Ajuan, who wants to go to the nightclub, is now nestled in the boxing gym every day, what will happen to your great career of picking up girls.”

Excited by the words of the crowd, Dalong lost his temper a little bit.

But looking up at Zhou Bili's burly figure, Dalong couldn't help lowering his head again.

"Hey, why don't you just forget about it, I'll take it, this Pujie is taller and stronger than the big devil just now, and I feel even more difficult to mess with..."

"Are you afraid? In terms of body size alone, Brother Dalong, you may not be stronger than him. Besides, the big devil doesn't always talk about fighting. After all, fighting has to talk about some skills. Otherwise, we wouldn't have been killed by that guy just now. The big devil beat him so badly."

"Yes, Brother Dalong, with the experience just now, we will definitely succeed this time!"

With the kind encouragement from the brothers, Dalong finally plucked up his courage again.

"Since everyone thinks so highly of me, okay, then I'll try again."

After discussing, everyone quickly dispersed, and Dalong took the initiative to step forward.

"Coach, in fact, the big devil...Mr. Zhang said that I hope you will practice with us in actual combat. I wonder if it is possible."

Zhou Bili was worrying about how to teach these people, when he heard Dalong talk about actual combat training, he was relieved.

I don't know how to teach it, but practicing in actual combat is indeed a good way.

What's more, I just happen to want to try my recent growth.

"Okay, then according to Mr. Zhang's arrangement, actual combat practice, whoever of you will go first, and the rest can spread out."

As soon as he finished speaking, the remaining seven people dispersed backwards, leaving Dalong in the middle of the field.

"Damn it, these gangs rushed to the street, they said they believed me just now, now they are hiding so fast?!"

Dalong cursed inwardly, but the matter had come to this point, he could only bite the bullet, nodded to Zhou Bili, and slowly raised his fists.

Seeing that Dalong was ready for the battle, Zhou Bili didn't procrastinate, he stepped forward, swiped his whip low and blasted out!


The fierce and sharp whip leg was like a steel rod, hitting Dalong's leg, making him grin.

it hurts!

This strength is no worse than that big devil just now!

No, you can't just admit cowardice like this!

Holding his breath and raising his breath, Dalong's head was full of memories of how the big devil beat him violently before, and then he followed suit, following the movements Zhang Yang showed earlier, kicking forward with his back feet, and punching straight with his right hand. Zhou Billy's jaw.

The punch came, but it was a beat too late, and was firmly blocked by Zhou Bili's frame.

Fortunately, after seeing the power of Zhou Billy's low sweep, Dalong didn't expect to knock down his opponent with one punch. Just after the straight punch was fired, he continued to imitate Zhang Yang's technique and raised his feet towards Zhou. Kick on Billy's stomach!
Just now, he was knocked down on the spot by Zhang Yang with such a straight punch combined with a forward kick.

I have to say that after all, Bo Zai carefully selected a good player. Dalong's ability to copy gourds and paintings is not bad. There is a hint of arrogance between the smooth movements.

But the problem is that his current opponent not only has the talent and quality of a boxing champion, but also has undergone more than a month of painstaking training under Zhang Yang, imitating Zhang Yang's techniques, and in front of Zhou Bili, he is completely useless. Send it.

Almost subconsciously, Zhou Bili dodged sideways, and at the same time pressed down with his front hand, caught the leg kicked by the big dragon, and put it between his elbows.

"Facing kicks, the best technique to use is to catch kicks in Sanda."

"The core of the technique of leg wrestling is to be fast, cold, crisp, control the opponent's back of the leg, and immediately use the pace to put pressure on the opponent's center of gravity. There is a high probability that the opponent will be knocked down on the spot. If the opponent can still balance To keep your center of gravity in check, you can consider adding the Beijing wrestling technique, using your front legs to destroy your opponent's center of gravity..."

"As long as the opponent falls to the ground, he will immediately suppress the opponent from the riding position and directly end the game with ground punches."

At this moment, Zhang Yang's former professor quickly flashed through Zhou Billy's mind.

He gave up his usual habit, followed the thoughts in his mind, turned to one side, brought down the dragon, and followed up with fists!

"Bang, bang!"

After the two fierce punches, Zhou Bili suddenly came back to his senses, and only then remembered the second half of Zhang Yang's sentence.

"Of course, you are fighting free kicks, the rules may not allow ground skills, you just need to know this trick."

Oops, mistake!

Zhou Bili patted his forehead, then lowered his head, trying to pull Dalong up, but found that Dalong had fallen to the ground, passed out completely, and a lot of nosebleeds were flowing out from under his nose.

"Wow, I'm sorry, I didn't control my strength well. Come here and help me."

Zhou Bili raised his head, only to realize that other people were looking at him, full of danger and...familiarity?
Yes, it is familiar!

The way these people look at me now is exactly the same as the way they looked at Zhang Yang before!
(End of this chapter)

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