Chapter 22 Mixed Martial Arts
"DiDi, DiDi..."

at dusk.

When Zhang Yang got out of the taxi, he heard the BP machine in his pocket making a rapid beep.

I clicked on it and glanced at it, it was a message from Miao Kexiu.

"How about it? Is the machine easy to use? This is the first time I've given you a gift. Don't lose it."

Sister Miao is...a bit clingy.

However, it is indeed a lot more convenient to have a BP machine these days. It seems that I have to prepare a gift in return when I look back.

As for when to send it, we have to study it further.

After all, if you go there every day, your body might not be able to bear it...

Shaking his head, he put the BP machine back into his pocket, and Zhang Yang stepped into the martial arts gym.

"Huh? Billy, why are there so few people?"

After entering the martial arts hall, Zhang Yang raised his eyes and scanned around, only to find that there were only seven of the original eight students left.

And these seven people were all orderly in the corner at this moment, kicking sandbags, while Zhou Bili hugged his shoulders, pointing and correcting their posture and movements.

Hearing Zhang Yang's question, Zhou Bili turned around and scratched his head in embarrassment.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't stop the actual combat practice. Dalong was a little dizzy from the beating, so he went back to rest first."

Practical practice?

Zhang Yang was taken aback when he heard the words, and then scanned the seven people in the corner with sharp eyes.

Seeing that the seven brothers deliberately turned their heads away, not looking at themselves, hiding in the corner trembling, Zhang Yang snorted softly.

"It doesn't matter. They asked for it. Besides, with their physical fitness, there won't be any problems."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yang raised his head, glanced at the clock hanging on the wall, and clapped his hands.

"Okay, you guys have practiced here today, go back and rest first, and come to the boxing gym to gather at eight o'clock tomorrow morning."

Hearing Zhang Yang's words, the remaining seven students, as if they were being pardoned, grabbed their coats, wiped the sweat off their faces, and left the boxing gym one by one as if they were fleeing for refuge.

He raised his hand and patted Zhou Bili's shoulder. Just as he was planning to let him go back and rest early after a busy day, Zhou Bili suddenly spoke.

"Mr. Zhang, I actually have a question that I've always wanted to ask you."

"What's the problem? Let's talk about it."

Zhou Billy, who was dull and not good at words, actually took the initiative to speak, which made Zhang Yang a little more interested and replied with a smile.

I saw Zhou Bili pondering for a moment, then slowly opened his mouth.

"During this time, in addition to teaching me traditional boxing, muay thai, and Sanda, Mr. Zhang also taught me some wrestling and ju-jitsu skills. However, the current mainstream fighting competition rules do not allow the use of wrestling and ju-jitsu at all. , and I seldom hear that there are rules in fighting competitions that allow the use of these two techniques..."

After a pause, Zhou Billy raised his head and stared at Zhang Yang seriously.

"Mr. Zhang, what kind of competition are you using these skills for?"

Finally, I couldn't help but ask.

Faced with Zhou Bili's doubts, Zhang Yang was not surprised.

In the fighting world of the 80s, although Li Xiaolong has set off a wave of innovation for a period of time, in fact, it is still in the stage where each fighting skill develops and grows independently according to its own rules.

Even at this time, it was clear that Li Xiaolong had improved his training methods, opened the door to cross-schools and fields, and carried out a Jeet Kune Do fighting model with unlimited wrestling and grappling. However, in the end, due to Li Xiaolong's regretful death, Jeet Kune Do became Tao did not set rules and had no capital to organize competitions, which led to Jeet Kune Do being eventually classified into a separate category and becoming a Kung Fu technique.

This status quo lasted until 1993, when the founder of UFC at that time was inspired and based on the popular alien fighting battles in Japan. With very few rules and restrictions, he finally gathered martial artists from all over the world. After several peaks and troughs, the prosperous dynasty of mixed martial arts was officially launched.

So even now, Zhou Bili, who is fighting in the field of free combat that claims to have the most open rules, still expresses doubts and puzzles about Zhang Yang's strong wrestling and jujitsu prowess.

"Billy, do you think there is the strongest kung fu person in the world?"

Zhang Yang leaned against the counter and didn't rush to answer Zhou Billy's doubts. Instead, he asked first.

Zhou Bili opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say any genre.

After all, free fighting is the first field to accept the concept of mixed martial arts. The boxers who can compete here have long realized that any individual style and technique has its own strengths and weaknesses.

Perhaps as Li Xiaolong said, there is no strongest Kung Fu school in this world, only the strong ones themselves.

Seeing Zhou Billy's reaction, Zhang Yang nodded happily.

"I'm very happy that you can't answer, Billy. Just like your reaction, in my eyes, there is no kind of kung fu in the world that can be called the strongest. On the contrary, we can use these kung fu , to make yourself more perfect.”

"The delicacy of boxing, the fierceness of Muay Thai, the flexibility of Sanda, the balance of wrestling, the control of jujitsu, the confusion of war dance, the interception of Jeet Kune Do, including the center line of Wing Chun in traditional martial arts, and the body support of Bajiquan Shoulder strikes, these skills are a way to continuously strengthen oneself, but it is not the end of the goal."

"The world has changed. If we just want to be the strongest, everyone will become a sharpshooter, or simply study physics and chemistry, and study missiles that can blow up mountains in one go. So for those of us, the real meaning of fighting is , just like Li said.”

Zhou Bili raised his head as if he had some understanding, and asked tentatively: "Is it sincere self-expression?"

"Yes, it is sincere self-expression."

Zhang Yang raised his head, his eyes shining with excitement.

"I don't shy away from admitting that I love violence. I like the feeling of winning a boxing match and shouting. I like watching myself grow step by step when I punch a punching bag. I prefer to study various fighting techniques. Explore the restraint and balance in it, I like to strike hard and cleanly knock out my opponent, and I also like to use a naked choke to let my opponent slowly suffocate in my arms and admit defeat.”

"Didn't you ask me before, what kind of game do I learn these skills for?"

"My answer is, any game is fine, boxing, yes, muay thai, no problem, free fighting will also make me excited, I hope to show what I have learned in the ring, and beat all the strong players." Those who want to enjoy the thrill of victory.”

"But now these competitions are not enough, Billy, not enough, whether it is boxing, muay thai or kickboxing, there are still too many restrictions in them, I hope to make the rules more open, Billy, you Can you imagine?"

"If there is such a kind of competition in the world, there are only very few rules and restrictions. Whether you learn boxing, Jeet Kune Do, Muay Thai, kickboxing, wrestling, or traditional martial arts, you can compete for victory in the ring. Don’t you want to show off all the skills you have learned with the least restrictions?”

Zhang Yang's series of descriptions made Zhou Bili swallow.

As a martial artist, as a fighter, as a fighter, no one can resist this temptation.

"Mr. Zhang, what kind of competition are you talking about? Where is it held?"

"The competition hasn't happened yet, but soon, I'll make it a reality."

Zhang Yang raised his hand, and slowly clenched it into a fist under his gaze.

"Its name will no longer be limited to a genre. It will be the highest point pursued by all martial arts fighters after abandoning limitations."

"Its name is……"

"Mixed Martial Arts!"

(End of this chapter)

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