Chapter 23
January 1982, 1, the eve of the Spring Festival.

This year's Hong Kong film Spring Festival file can be said to be brilliant.

First, on the 16th, New Arts City took the lead in releasing "Best Partner", which swept the entire Hong Kong with an unstoppable trend.

On the 21st, Zhongyuan Film Company's "Shaolin Temple" once again created a sensation. Not only did Li Lianjie's name become popular in Hong Kong Island, but it also broke the previous barriers for mainland movies to be released in Hong Kong Island. box office record.

In a daze, everyone seemed to see a new superstar like a city dragon rising on Hong Kong Island.

In such a hot atmosphere, even Zhang Yang could not avoid accompanying Miao Kexiu to watch movies at the cinema under Miao Kexiu's strong request.

When the film ended, looking at the boiling audience in the theater, Zhang Yang couldn't help being dazed.

Such a sensational and enthusiastic response from the audience made him curious. When "Black Fist" is released, will those who come to watch the movie be so enthusiastic, or will there be some other different reactions? .

The curiosity bred by anticipation continued to linger in Zhang Yang’s mind until he parted ways with Miao Kexiu and returned to the boxing gym.

"Yangzi, you are finally back."

But soon, Zhang Yang's wild thoughts were interrupted by Chen Yijie in the boxing gym.

At this time, Chen Yijie had already packed his luggage and was about to return to his hometown in the countryside in Yuen Long.

Seeing that although Zhang Yang came back, he still looked like a wandering soul, Chen Yijie couldn't help but said: "Yang Zi, why don't you go to Yuen Long with me, we have a lot of families and it's very lively. The pair of chopsticks is not difficult..."

"Forget it, I'd rather be quiet. You can leave first and don't worry about me." Zhang Yang came back to his senses, smiled and waved his hand.

Seeing Zhang Yang's insistence, Chen Yijie stopped talking and took out the key to the boxing gym door from his arms.

"Then I will be in charge of the boxing gym these days. Just keep an eye on the counter during the day. If Sister Miao calls you, you can just use the newly installed phone on the table. Speaking of which, if you didn't ask Bo Zai to bring Dalong Batch students, our boxing gym will not have such things."

Zhang Yang couldn't help but feel happy when Chen Yijie mentioned Dalong and the others.

Counting with your fingers, this group of people has been here for more than a month and a half. Although under my guidance, their growth is quite fast, but the undisciplined personality of the gangsters still find it difficult to adapt to the long-term penance practice.

With the Spring Festival still seven days away, they used the excuse that relatives from all walks of life wanted to help and suspended training in advance.

Zhang Yang didn't bother to argue with them when it was Chinese New Year's Eve.

Anyway, the money has been paid, they don't want to learn, and they are happy to save the trouble.

He stood up and helped Chen Yijie carry two pieces of luggage and sent him to the bus stop. When Zhang Yang returned to the boxing gym, there was only silence in the Nuo Da venue. He took a deep breath. Zhang Yang was planning to train alone to kill time. The counter The phone on the phone suddenly rang.

"Tiger Boxing Gym, who is it?"

"Ayan? It's me, Billy. I want to ask you whether the boxing gym will open tomorrow."

"Hey, true or false, you, tomorrow is the Lunar New Year, and you still have to start work?"

Seeing Zhou Bili in stark contrast to Dalong and others, even Zhang Yang couldn't help but click his tongue at his hard work.

"Anyway, I don't have anything to do during the day, so I just want to train more. After all, I'm just starting out in jujitsu and wrestling. If I don't practice hard, I don't know when I will catch up with you. I don't expect you to hold a competition. I didn't get any rankings."

Perhaps as the contact lasted longer, Zhou Billy gradually started talking more and more when chatting with Zhang Yang, and even occasionally joked.

"If you want to catch up with me, you have to practice for at least a few more years. There is no need to rush for a day. Rest is also a part of adjusting yourself. Just concentrate on enjoying it. Otherwise, if you want to rest after the New Year and start work, I won't allow it. , that's it."

After Zhou Bili's thoughts of practicing more during the Chinese New Year, Zhang Yang hung up the phone.

But before he had time to take a sip of water to moisten his throat, the phone that he had just put down rang again.

what happened?Isn't it the Spring Festival tomorrow?Why are they all gathering together to make phone calls to the boxing gym?
With curiosity in his heart, Zhang Yang reluctantly picked up the phone again.

"Tiger Boxing Gym, who is it?"

"It's me, Yangzi."

From the other end of the receiver, came Chen Huimin's slightly tired voice.

"Brother Min? Wow, I still want to pay New Year's greetings to you the day after tomorrow. Why do you suddenly have time to call me?"

Faced with the flamboyant and polite greetings, the tired Chen Huimin didn't answer, but went straight to the point: "The film is finished, I discussed it with the people from Golden Harvest, and they have now agreed to show "Black Fist" in Golden Harvest's theaters, but Golden Harvest 2 On the 1st of the month, Cheng Long and I's "Master Dragon" will be screened first, and our film will not premiere until half a month after "Master Dragon" is released."

Half a month after "Master Dragon" was released.

February 2th...

The release date and theaters were finally confirmed, and Zhang Yang felt relieved.

But before he could relax completely, Chen Huimin told another bad news.

"Yang Tsai, although the date of this movie has been set, I'm afraid you and I should not have too high expectations."

Zhang Yang heard that Chen Huimin seemed to have something to say, and couldn't help but said, "Brother Min, what do you mean by that?"

Chen Huimin said helplessly: "The publicity people told me that Jiahe's publicity resources during this period will all be concentrated on Chenglong's "Master Dragon". We can only get the posters on the day of the premiere. As for the other Yes, there’s no need to think about it.”

Hearing from Chen Huimin that the announcement was in trouble, Zhang Yang also felt helpless.

These days, no matter how good a movie company is, they can't match the iron gate of the theater chain.

City Dragon is the pillar of Golden Harvest, and "Master Dragon" was created by Golden Harvest with a huge investment. During this period, Golden Harvest poured all kinds of resources into "Master Dragon", which is obviously not negotiable, otherwise Chen Huimin He shouldn't be so haggard.

It seems that they can't rely on Jiahe for the burden of publicity, and they can only put it on themselves in the end.

But there is no such thing as Internet running water these days, how can we bypass the theaters and solve the problem of publicity and distribution by ourselves?
Holding the phone, Zhang Yang felt a headache just like Chen Huimin.

Chen Huimin obviously didn't expect this kind of problem to be solved by Zhang Yang.

Seeing that the matter had been discussed clearly, Chen Huimin said in relief: "At least it's a good thing that the film can be released in theaters, so you don't have to think too much about it, Yang Zi."

After finishing speaking, Chen Huimin was about to hang up the phone when Zhang Yang suddenly spoke.

"Brother Min, wait a minute, I have an idea about the announcement."

"what idea?"

"I can't speak clearly on the phone. I'm going to the company now. Wait for me."

(End of this chapter)

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