Chapter 24

Half an hour later, Eagle Films.

Zhang Yang walked through the already empty office area, and pushed open the door of the manager's office.

At this time, Chen Huimin was chatting with Bo Zai in the house, and when Zhang Yang came in, she immediately gave Bo Zai a wink to stop the conversation.

Zhang Yang was not curious about the conversation between the two, he just pulled away the chair opposite Chen Huimin and sat down, speaking in a deep voice.

"Brother Min, can you ask the editor to spare some time to work overtime and type an extra paragraph of subtitles at the beginning of the film?"

"One more subtitle? What do you want to type?"

Chen Huimin was startled.

He was still waiting for Zhang Yang's hype plan, but he didn't expect that when Zhang Yang opened his mouth, he actually talked about subtitles.

"The content of subtitles is very simple."

Zhang Yang took a deep breath, his eyes brightened.

"In the interior, martial arts has been split into two forms, one is routine performance and the other is actual Sanda. Learning routines and performances can lead to great success on the screen, but the actual Sanda series seems to be in trouble. , even the former champion had to come to Hong Kong Island to find his own future..."

After hearing what Zhang Yang said in the subtitles, Chen Huimin was startled at first, and then suddenly understood what Zhang Yang meant.

"You did this to meet Li Lianjie from "Shaolin Temple"?!"

Because of the film "Black Fist", Chen Huimin has paid a lot of attention to the Hong Kong film industry during this period.

"Shaolin Temple" was a great success, and he naturally also noticed it, especially the discussion about the lead actor Jet Li and his martial arts champion, not only in the film industry, but also among countless fans in Hong Kong Island, there were countless reactions and controversies.

In particular, the recent news that Golden Harvest is about to release "Master Dragon" has aroused many kung fu movie lovers. As for whether Li Lianjie is real kung fu, and how different it is from Cheng Long's kung fu performance, it has created a lot of controversy.

If it is true as Zhang Yang said, as long as this subtitle is released, then even if you think about it with your feet, you will know what kind of waves and sparks it will set off among movie fans, especially those who love kung fu.

At any rate, she is a club leader. Chen Huimin didn't have any psychological barriers to Pengci's marketing. On the contrary, her eyes lit up, and she asked Zhang Yang: "This subtitle is just the first step, right? What do you plan to do next? If not Get the heat up before the release, even if you have this controversial subtitle that sparks discussion, it will be difficult to get the first batch of people to watch it.”

"Of course it's not that simple, bro, I'm not allergic, this may require your brothers to come out for more activities in the near future, right now it's a big Chinese New Year..."

"Those brothers below, as long as they make money, they don't care whether they live the New Year or not. It's the same."

With Chen Huimin's guarantee, Zhang Yang felt relieved, lowered his voice, and explained his plan again.

After listening from beginning to end, Chen Huimin rubbed her chin and hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded helplessly.

"There is really no better way right now, so let's try your way first."


February 1th, Chinese New Year.

Accompanied by the continuous sound of firecrackers, Zhang Yang locked the gate of the boxing gym, found a taxi on the street, and rushed to the cinema.

Two 10 minutes later.

The car was parked on the side of the road, Zhang Yang got out of the car and looked up at the theater across the street.

It can be seen that due to the consecutive hits of "The Best Partner" and "Shaolin Temple", the movie-watching wave during the 82 Spring Festival has reached its peak with the approach of New Year's Eve. Not only is the traffic in front of the theater extremely congested, There was also a long queue of people.

However, although Zhang Yang came to the theater, he did not wait in line to enter. Instead, he hugged his shoulders and waited quietly.

After waiting for nearly 10 minutes, the last wave of people watching the movie "Shaolin Temple" dispersed and started talking about walking out of the crowded theater. Only then did Zhang Yang cheer up and look at the crowd attentively.

I saw in the crowd, at some point, there were a few more idle men holding leaflets. They handed the leaflets to the hands of those who walked out of the theater, and they kept chanting, which was quite eye-catching.

And these people who suddenly appeared and distributed leaflets were naturally the short mules invited by Chen Huimin to do the work.

After glancing at them hastily and confirming that these people were doing their jobs honestly, Zhang Yang turned his attention to the crowd of moviegoers and observed their reactions after receiving the flyers. Most of them were men in groups of three or five, especially young people. The men couldn't help but point to the contents of the flyers and have heated discussions, while the women, especially those with families, were not interested in the flyers.

Sure enough, even if you rely on touching porcelain to attract attention, the audience you can attract is still limited after all.

Zhang Yang sighed helplessly, with confidence in his mind, and when he was about to leave, he found two young men with leaflets walking across the street.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Yang stood up silently, followed behind the two of them, and pricked up his ears.

"Lezai, look, this flyer says that Li Lianjie's shows are all fake kung fu showmanship, and they are just routine performances."

"So what about the routine performance? When you watched the video just now, didn't you also enjoy it?"

"When I watched it, I didn't know he was a fake. Also, didn't those people who distributed the leaflets just say that the movie they are going to release is about the actual combat of Sanda champions. What is shown in the movie is real kung fu. Don't you wonder what this real kung fu looks like?"

"It's okay to watch it when you have time, but I'm worried about whether it will be a bad movie."

"If it doesn't look good, go away. Besides, there is Miao Kexiu here. She is the heroine of Li Xiaolong's movie. She hasn't made a movie for so long. She probably won't make a bad movie..."

Zhang Yang slowly slowed down his pace, allowing the two young people who were still discussing to walk further and further away, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Obviously, although relying on Pengci's publicity strategy, most movie fans have mixed reviews, but at least it has successfully aroused controversy, and with the help of this controversy, it has aroused the curiosity of many people.

And it can arouse the curiosity of movie fans, which is obviously enough for the early announcement.

During the period of time waiting for the film to be released, as more and more leaflets are distributed, and more and more attention and controversy, the film should also attract a lot of attention, at least at midnight screenings, at least there should be no The predicament that no one pays attention to.

Raising his hand to stop a taxi, Zhang Yang got into the car and returned to the boxing gym.

He has done everything he needs to do and can do.

Next, whether I can become an instant success and officially enter the Hong Kong film industry depends on the performance of the film "Black Fist", whether it can win the recognition of the public, the recognition of the industry, and most importantly, the box office. The market recognized it.

(End of this chapter)

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