Chapter 25 Premiere
From New Year's Eve until February 2th, Zhang Yang basically stayed in the boxing gym every day, passing the time by training every day.

As Zhang Yang had said to Zhou Billy earlier, this kind of training does not make him feel depressed, but makes him enjoy it.

However, this kind of lonely enjoyment is obviously difficult to last.

As Chen Yijie and Zhou Billy returned to the boxing gym after celebrating the Lantern Festival at home, and restored the liveliness of the boxing gym to the past, Zhang Yang also ushered in the most important thing for him since he decided to enter the Hong Kong film and television industry. day.

The premiere of his first starring role, Black Fist.

In order to keep his spirits up for the premiere midnight show, Zhang Yang went back to the second floor to catch up on sleep after the day's training.

After sleeping until 10:30 in the evening, Zhang Yang got up and went downstairs under Chen Yijie's call.

After a brief wash, when he returned to the lobby on the first floor, Bo Zai, who came to pick up everyone, had already been waiting for a long time.

Leading everyone into the car, Bo Zai started the engine and went straight to the theater under Golden Harvest.


Five and 10 minutes later, in the Golden Harvest Cinemas in Tsim Sha Tsui.

In addition to Zhang Yang, Chen Yijie, and Zhou Billy, almost all the people who played key roles in the crew, including director Wu Ma, producer Chen Huimin, and heroine Miao Kexiu, were present and took their reserved corner seats.

Here, the reaction of the audience in the entire theater can be seen at a glance.

As for whether the film is a success or failure, with the help of the audience's reaction at this premiere, they can also get a glimpse of the leopard and see the clues.

Time passed by, and a large number of midnight spectators entered the venue and took their seats according to their numbers.

It has to be said that Zhang Yang's previous publicity of touching porcelain has finally achieved some results.

Although the film has not been screened at this moment, there are already bursts of low-pitched exchanges in the crowd.

Obviously, many of these viewers were specially attracted because of the previous flyers.

night, 11:30.

The midnight premiere of "Black Fist" has officially begun.

As the lights dimmed, Zhang Yang, Chen Huimin and Wu Ma all glanced at the audience in unison.

Although you can see a few empty seats from time to time within the line of sight, it is impossible to achieve the effect of a full house. However, considering the poor publicity resources of the film, Zhang Yang’s alternative publicity method can achieve the current effect, which is obviously beyond the limit. expected.

Not a bad start.

Next, let’s watch the audience’s reaction to the main film.

The three of them looked at each other, feeling slightly relieved, and raised their eyes to focus on the big screen.

As the subtitles requested by Zhang Yang lit up, there was another commotion on the set.

It wasn't until the subtitles faded from the screen and the film officially started that the commotion and controversy stopped completely.

On the big screen, Zhang, who plays Gao Gang, is wearing boxer shorts, topless, facing a sandbag, sweating profusely.

Looking at Zhang Yang's muscular but not exaggerated figure, many viewers, especially those who had seen the flyers, secretly smacked their lips.

As mentioned in the previous leaflet, in order to show real kung fu, the lead actor specially found a real combat Sanda champion to act.

Although I don't know if what the leaflet says is true, but just looking at the lead actor's figure, it's definitely not that bad.

On the screen, the movie continues to advance.

As soon as Chen Huimin, who played the boss of Black Boxing, appeared, many viewers who had watched "Master Dragon" recognized him.

However, unlike "Master Dragon", which has a smart and decent image, in "Black Fist", Chen Huimin fully demonstrated her aura as a big brother of the society, and the few words of dialogue that invited Zhang Yang to join showed her as a big brother of the society His domineering nature.

Afterwards, Zhang Yang declined Chen Huimin's invitation to a boxing match, but when he was eating hot pot with Miao Kexiu, he was verbally humiliated by the waiter because he took out the coupon that should have been displayed before the meal afterwards.

Losing face in front of his girlfriend undoubtedly touched Zhang Yang's self-esteem.

For the sake of money, Zhang Yang stepped into the underground boxing match run by Chen Huimin for the first time, and decided to fight.

At this point in the film, Chen Huimin, Wu Ma and Zhang Yang could not help but hold their breath and concentrate.

Because the next scene will be the first fight scene in the entire film.

As a martial arts movie, whether the audience can identify with it or not, the perception of the first fight scene is crucial.

This is also the most important reason why Zhang Yang would rather confront the gods head-on than to resolutely modify the first fight scene.

On the big screen, Gao Gang, played by Zhang Yang, has already stepped into the field.

Facing the opponent's provocation, he fully demonstrated his patience and professionalism. He wanted to give a fist bump, but was ignored by his opponent.

The boxing match officially started, just like the previous shooting, the opponent rushed towards him quickly, showing a real fighting stance, waving his fists and attacking continuously, but Zhang Yang blocked them all perfectly, followed by Zhang Yang raised his legs to sweep high and counterattacked, and then high Leap up and knock your opponent down with an extremely cool volley and roundhouse kick.

"Wow, this action is really sharp..."

"Hey, this Gao Gang's movements are very smooth, and there is no such a rigid, one-stroke-one-style feeling at all."

"I said why I always feel different from the martial arts movies I've seen before. Listening to you, it's really like this."

Zhang Yang and others all had their ears straightened at this time, eavesdropping on the conversation of the audience in the front row.

Judging from the audience's feedback, although the first fight scene did not create too much surprise, it has obviously succeeded in making the audience look forward to the follow-up by relying on the extremely aggressive style of action.

This level of the first game is finally over!
Zhang Yang breathed a sigh of relief, turned to look at Wu Ma and Chen Huimin, and found that they were also relieved on their faces.

The content of the film is still in progress.

However, the discussion in the theater has gradually quieted down.

At first, the audience watched the film patiently because of the aggressive action, but thanks to the excellent script, they are already immersed in the story of the film at this moment, and they are all watching the big screen seriously.

Including Zhang Yang, Chen Huimin, Wu Ma and others, no one noticed.

At the entrance at this time, three more people walked in, and sat in the three empty seats connected together in a low-key manner.

After sitting down, one of the three people lowered his voice and spoke first.

"Hey, god, there are not as few people in this movie as you said."

"It's probably because of Miao Kexiu and Chen Huimin, they are also well-known action stars after all."

"That's true of what you said, but you don't want martial arts movies, so they dare to be shown in theaters. If you want me to tell you, Chen Huimin is really crazy."

"Huang Xia, Chen Huimin is also cooperating with Golden Harvest now, at least he is half a colleague, so you are not afraid of offending people?"

"What are you afraid of? It really doesn't work. At worst, I will go back to our Liu family class. Brother Rong, please remember to protect me when you get there."

Liu Jiarong smiled and did not continue joking with Huang Xia. Instead, he raised his hand and pointed at the screen.

"Shut up, the play is about to start, you and I will help the gods take a good look, how much does this leading actor weigh, and he can drive our god brother away."

(End of this chapter)

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