Chapter 26
Liu Jiarong, yellow shrimp, fairy.

These three martial arts masters from the Liu family class did not affect the audience at all.

The audience at this time has been driven by the plot, and everyone has their eyes and attention on the big screen.

As the plot of the film progresses, Gao Gang, played by Zhang Yang, has won consecutive battles in the black boxing world, berating Fang Qiu.

However, precisely because of the strength he showed, Chen Huimin, the archrival of the black boxing dealer, realized that it would be difficult to win in front of Gao Gang relying on one-on-one, so he directly proposed to Chen Huimin that they want a three-on-three round battle.

Chen Huimin didn't want to lose to her arch-rival. Although she couldn't find a player of the same level under her command, she forced Gao Gang to play, and even increased the prize money for winning the match to as much as 60 in one go.

Under the temptation of huge bonuses, Tian Li, played by Miao Kexiu, took the initiative to take over the competition for Gao Gang.

Game start.

As expected, Gao Gang's two teammates all made up the numbers. They were defeated by their opponents in less than 1 minute after the start.

In desperation, Gao Gang could only play and face the three opponents sent by the opponent alone.

In this one-on-three wheel battle, facing a tall opponent who also secretly smeared oil on his body, he constantly used various throwing techniques in Sanda to smash his opponent's huge body to the ground again and again. .

Finally, taking advantage of the gap where the opponent was unable to get up, he suddenly flew up and stomped hard, finishing him completely.

The next opponent, in order to win Gao Gang, actually inserted steel nails into the soles of his shoes and gloves, and the forward kick at the beginning of the game directly let the nails penetrate Gao Gang's chest.

Gao Gang stepped forward with a fist, but his opponent actually slapped his palms randomly. The nails on his gloves quickly drew bright red and clear blood marks on Gao Gang's body. As the blood continued to drip, the audience at the scene of the film also couldn't help it. Consciously tighten your heart.

The story has advanced to this point, and they have long been full of affection for Gao Gang's frankness and purity.

But such an upright warrior who filled their hearts with goodwill and was honored as a champion was forced to face off against these opponents who were full of dirty tricks one after another, in such an unfair game.

Sympathy and resentment are accumulated in the chests of the audience, and everyone is looking forward to a catharsis and explosion.

In the film, Gao Gang, played by Zhang Yang, seems to have heard the needs of the audience.

He roared angrily and grabbed the other person's hands.

Seeing the steel nails dripping with blood on the opponent's glove, Gao Gang's wide-open eyes burst out with a light like a beast.

Then, he actually used the opponent's hands as weapons, and kept waving towards the opponent's body.

The splashed blood fell on his body, mixed with the blood on his body, and completely stained the pure white sportswear.

Just as Gao Gang knocked the opponent over with a fierce side kick, the opponent's last master finally jumped off the platform and officially entered the battle.

The sharp kicks were like raindrops, constantly kicking on the exhausted Gao Gang.

The originally neat and white clothes, in addition to the blood stains just stained, were stained with countless dirty shoe prints, and became tattered.

This scene, as if Gao Gang's original pure heart, was finally completely discredited by the dark boxing match!

Like a wild beast dying, amidst the shrill roar, Gao Gang erupted completely.

His movements are no longer restricted to the arena movements, but become more violent and dangerous.

Embracing the opponent's sweeping kick, Gao Gang didn't use the kick in Sanda again. Instead, he supported the opponent's ankle with both hands, and suddenly turned around and sat astride. With a crisp "click", the opponent's leg was directly crushed. Gao Gang sat down on the spot!

The opponent whose leg was broken still refused to admit defeat. He raised his other leg and kicked Gao Gang forward. When Gao Gang turned around again, the opponent had already supported him Touching the ground, stand up slowly.

Gao Gang, who was soaked in the quagmire of the black boxing match, did not hold back. He rushed forward, using the wooden platform scattered on the ground, jumped up suddenly, used Muay Thai's flying knee, and hit his opponent's chest hard. above.


There was another crackling sound.

The opponent was crushed under Gao Gang's iron knee, his chest was completely sunken, and his eyes gradually lost their light.

This hearty ending made the audience gasp, and at the same time, many people couldn't help raising their hands and applauding.

In the 80s, the midnight shows in Hong Kong theaters had such an atmosphere.

No one thinks other people are noisy, if the movie is enjoyable enough, some people will applaud, but if the movie is boring, some people will boo without hesitation.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this unique atmosphere that the midnight shows of Hong Kong Island theaters in the 80s became the first step for countless directors to verify the success of their films, and even made directors participate in the premiere of their films, which became a kind of Tradition.

The ebullient voices at the scene comforted Zhang Yang, Chen Huimin and others, but at the same time made the gods look ugly.

Although he was indeed suspected of being passive and sabotage when he was on the set, this does not mean that as a martial artist, his professional level is lacking. After all, the Liu family class in the 80s has no skills, but it is not so easy to advance.

The yellow shrimp who came with him did not notice the ugly face of the god. On the contrary, he watched it with gusto. Especially when the close-up shot of the last scene showed Gao Gang with red eyes and panting like a beast after finishing the opponent, he was even more unbearable. He couldn't help but admire him.

"Wow, Brother Rong, this leading role is really impressive. Not only are his actions sharp, but his performance is also impactful."

Although Liu Jiarong noticed the expression of the deity, he was Liu Jialiang's biological brother. There was no need to worry about the deity's thoughts. He said directly and frankly: "No wonder people have the confidence not to use martial arts. This guy has obviously practiced and his level is very high." .”

Seeing that the fellow apprentices started to speak for Zhang Yang, the already depressed god was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

He stared at Zhang Yang on the big screen and snorted coldly: "I don't think he is that sharp. At this level, as long as the martial arts masters have arranged it in advance, this kind of action will be the same if it is performed by other martial arts masters." .”

After the words fell, before Liu Jialiang and Huang Xia could speak, an audience sitting next to the fairy suddenly spoke.

"The same goes for other people? Haha, you don't understand anything, but you still dare to blow water randomly, aren't you afraid of having your teeth knocked out?"

"I'm going to kill you, it's none of your business for us to chat with brothers and sisters! If I don't understand, who are you?"

The god, who was so angry, turned his head without thinking, and glared at the audience beside him.


The audience froze for a moment, then laughed.

"My name is Jiang Fude, founder of the Hong Kong Island Kickboxing Association and current boxing champion."

(End of this chapter)

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