Chapter 27 Stunning the audience
In the boxing world of Hong Kong Island in the 80s, Jiang Fude was an unavoidable name.

And to mention Jiang Fude, one has to mention a past event in the fighting world on Hong Kong Island.

Since the overseas Chinese Fang Ye brought Muay Thai to Hong Kong in 66, the martial arts community in Hong Kong has begun a long battle with Muay Thai fighters. During this period, except for the great sage Chen Guantai, who won five consecutive victories In addition to winning the championship, his many battles in the martial arts world ended with a crushing defeat by the Muay Thai boxer.

Since then, the martial arts arena on Hong Kong Island has turned from prosperity to decline, and in order to save the decline, the martial arts circles on Hong Kong Island launched a showdown against Muay Thai fighters.

In this battle, the best of Hong Kong Island's martial art circles showed up, and after two days of hard work, the final record was only three losses and one draw.

And the only draw was won by Jiang Fude, who had already switched to free combat.

The showdown is over, and the martial arts world on Hong Kong Island has suffered an unprecedented impact.

Jiang Fude, who was the only one to win a draw, also took this opportunity to formally establish the Hong Kong Island Kickboxing Association, and established the Fude Club to attract all kinds of experts to come for further training, including those who had studied under Li Peng at Baihe Boxing Gym. Zhou Billy.

However, Zhou Billi's penance at the Funde Club did not last long.

In just three months, Zhou Bili gave up staying at Fude Club to study due to his tragic defeat to Zhang Yang, and instead came to Zhang Yang to seek training and breakthrough.

The departure of a good prospect like Zhou Billy naturally attracted Jiang Fude's attention.

At first, he planned to organize the club's players, and even fight in person, to Zhang Yang's Tiger Boxing Gym to get back the place he had lost because of Zhou Bili, but when he learned that Zhang Yang came with Chen Huimin, he had no choice but to give up.

There is no way, who makes Chen Huimin not only a boxer, but also a famous star in Tsim Sha Tsui, with a double bonus of 14K.

If he mobilizes a large number of people to go to the gym, no matter whether he wins or loses, his life in the future will probably not be easy.

With this in mind, Jiang Fude gave up the idea of ​​coming to the gym because of Chen Huimin's identity.

However, although he gave up playing in the gym, it does not mean that Jiang Fude gave up paying attention to Zhang Yang.

After all, Jiang Fude knows how talented Zhou Billi is.

He really wanted to know what kind of magic power Zhang Yang had that could make Zhou Billy decide to change clubs and leave Fude Club so simply.

But at that time, Zhang Yang and Zhou Bili were already busy filming films. Jiang Fude went to the Tiger Boxing Gym several times, but due to various accidents, he was never able to meet the two of them. Bring back a leaflet.

A flyer dedicated to promoting the movie "Black Fist".

Looking at the names of Zhang Yang and Zhou Bili on the flyer, as well as the five-character catchphrase of actual combat and real kung fu, Jiang Fude made a quick decision and asked someone to book the premiere tickets for the midnight show.

Although not in the boxing ring, he felt that since Zhang Yang dared to focus on actual combat and real kung fu, he would definitely show off his boxing skills on the big screen in the theater.

Facts have proved that Jiang Fude did not expect in vain.

From the beginning of the film to the present several fight scenes, Zhang Yang's crisp and sharp movements immediately impressed Jiang Fude.

Although Zhang Yang on the screen had to use many big moves that were rarely seen in the ring, such as volleys and roundhouse kicks, in order to ensure the viewing pleasure, his flexibility during confrontation, the force exerted between fists and legs, and the control of distance all made him stand out. Jiang Fude was amazed.

Even if he couldn't face off in the boxing ring, Jiang Fude was sure that this Zhang Yang was definitely a master!
And just when Jiang Fude recognized Zhang Yang in his heart, the god's disdainful remarks about Zhang Yang suddenly came into his ears. How could he not be annoyed, so he replied on the spot without even thinking about it.

The god was speechless and his face turned red. He wanted to say a few more words without losing face, but when he saw Jiang Fude clenching his right fist, he looked like he could take him out for a "chat" at any time. , he finally lowered his head wisely.

Although he didn't know whether Jiang Fude, who reported himself as his family, was true or not.

But for the sake of verbal disputes, it would be too uneconomical to be pushed to the ground and beaten violently.

Feeling sulky in his heart, the god shut up and stopped talking. Jiang Fude snorted and turned his attention to the big screen again.

At this time, the plot on the screen has advanced to the point where Zhang Yang succeeded in one-on-three and became the number one superstar in the black boxing world. However, Chen Huimin's rival was not willing to accept it. In order to let Gao Gang, played by Zhang Yang, be defeated miserably, the opponent directly spent a lot of money to invite Zhang Yang to The undefeated Japanese boxing champion Tian Mo Jing came and placed a large amount of bets on Tian Mo Jing.

The competition is still held on a cruise ship on the high seas.

And as Tian Mojing had just appeared, Jiang Fude couldn't help but be startled.

This... isn't this Billy?
Unexpectedly, he even went to film a movie.

Wait, let’s put it this way, isn’t this a fight between Zhang Yang and Zhou Billy?
Thinking of this, Jiang Fude sat up straight and stared at the big screen intently.

In the theater, it is not an exception that Jiang Fude is so concentrated, and so are most of the audience.

Although they don't know the details of Zhou Billy like Jiang Fude, Zhou Billy's naturally serious appearance and tall and mighty figure all exude a strong aura and sense of oppression. Even without any further foreshadowing, just Looking at Zhou Billy's image, the audience present could vaguely feel that this opponent was anything but simple!
As the boxing match kicked off, Zhou Bili's sense of power displayed in the opening and closing made the audience gasp in surprise.

Jiang Fude showed regret. After all, he just watched this good seed leave his club.

But the regret on his face was quickly replaced by shock.

The audience at the scene also forgot to shout loudly for a while. Instead, they all looked at the big screen in shock.

On the screen, the confrontation between Zhang Yang and Zhou Bili has changed from standing to the ground.

Under the close-up shot, the figures of the two people are rolling rapidly, and the various side control, riding position control, wrestling and twisting techniques are skillfully changed. The viewer is overwhelmed by the situation, and even the tense situation makes people forget to breathe for a moment. .

The Hong Kong film scene in early 82.

The kung fu and martial arts movies shown at this time had not even broken away from the framework of kung fu movies in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China.

At this moment, fans of Hong Kong Island movies often see the routine confrontation with a single eye, and even the smooth arena-style confrontation before is a rare action scene, let alone Zhang Yang and Zhou Bili. High-speed dogfights on the ground.

Even including Jiang Fude, after seeing this scene, all the viewers couldn't help but express the emotion that Chen Huimin couldn't help but express at that time...

How can we still fight like this?
On the ground, Zhang Yang and Zhou Bili kicked each other in the stomach and separated from each other.

In the middle of the night, the audience applauded again.

A large part of them are attracted by the content of the leaflets. What they look forward to the most is to see the on-screen martial arts action scenes that are completely different from the current kung fu action movies.

Undoubtedly, the duel between Zhang Yang and Zhou Bili met the expectations of the audience.

Many people even think that this section alone is worth the fare!

(End of this chapter)

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