Hong Kong Entertainment: Kung Fu Superstar 1981

Chapter 28 The perfect curtain call

Chapter 28 The perfect curtain call
"Wow, this is the first time I've seen such an action, it's really sharp!"

"It turns out that you can play so many tricks on the ground, this time it's really insightful."

"I don't think the ground play is that good-looking, but the last strangulation from behind is really shocking."

On the big screen, the fierce fight between Zhang Yang and Zhou Billy came to an end with a naked choke.

However, at this moment, the audience in the theater was still immersed in the fight between the two, and they did not come back to their senses for a long time.


It's wonderful!

But all audiences who come for the action and martial arts scenes are very satisfied at this moment.

The wonderful fight between Zhang Yang and Zhou Billy was like opening the door to a new world for them.

And just when the audience was still excited by the exciting fight scene just now, the picture on the screen had switched again.

This time, Chen Huimin asked Zhang Yang to fight the last boxing match, and gave a very high appearance fee for this.

When Zhang Yang asked about his opponent, Chen Huimin pointed at the extremely weak and thin boxer next to him.

"Your opponent is him."

Looking at this frail and thin boxer, all the audience realized that the matter was not simple.

Some people couldn't help but speculate: "Could this opponent want Gao Gang to fake the match?"

This result is indeed easy to guess, but to the audience's relief, Gao Gang, who was struggling in the quagmire of black fists, although his shots became more and more violent and lost the bearing that a champion should have, he still maintained the final a dignity.

Faced with the request for a fake match, Gao Gang chose to refuse without hesitation.

"I haven't lost a game until now, and I won't lose in the future!"

After saying a few words, Gao Gang got up and wanted to leave, but at this moment Chen Huimin snapped his fingers.

In the shadow of the corner of the underground boxing ring, Gao Gang's girlfriend Tian Li was trembling in fear with a gun pointed at her head.

Chen Huimin picked up the wine glass with cold eyes.

"You have no choice. Either go on stage and fight, or wait to collect your girlfriend's body."

"Old mother, this street rush is really bad, Gao Gang has made so much money for him, yet he still has to play dirty tricks!"

On the screen, Gao Gang's dilemma suddenly made many viewers' hearts tugged.

However, this heart-wrenching feeling was soon replaced by complete anger.

After Gao Gang agreed to the fake boxing request, the gangster captain who used to accompany him in training before the boxing match could no longer bear to see Gao Gang continue to be deceived, and finally told Gao Gang all the truth.

It turns out that the reason why girlfriend Tian Li was coerced by Chen Huimin was entirely of her own free will.

The purpose, of course, is to force Gao Gang to agree to play fake punches.

Everything started when Gao Gang first received an invitation from Chen Huimin for a black boxing match.

When Chen Huimin offered Gao Gang [-] yuan to fight black boxing that day, although Gao Gang refused, his girlfriend Tian Li took the initiative to approach Chen Huimin, a black boxing dealer, and proposed that she would find a way as long as the other party gave her a share of the profits. Let Gao Gang participate in the black boxing match.

Chen Huimin agreed, and then the beginning of the film began. Tian Li deliberately took out the coupons that should be used before the meal, so that the waiter could humiliate the two of them and touch Gao Gang's self-esteem.

Afterwards, in every black boxing match, Tian Li would share Gao Gang's hard-earned rewards, and she even betrayed Gao Gang, and took the initiative to climb into the bed of Chen Huimin, the black boxing dealer, just for the benefit of the two. The binding is stronger.

Gao Gang was unwilling to believe it at first, until he saw Tian Li and Chen Huimin walking out of the most expensive hotel in Hong Kong, talking and laughing, under the leadership of the captain. His eyes were red, like a crazy beast, and he almost I just wanted to rush out and kill the two of them.

The captain said that the two are rich and powerful now, and the bodyguards carry guns with them. It is impossible for Gao Gang to take revenge. What's more, even if Gao Gang really killed the two by chance, the police on Hong Kong Island will never let him go. I want Gao Gang to take the money, leave Hong Kong Island, and leave this place of right and wrong.

But Gao Gang did not agree in the end, instead he left the scene silently.

On the day of the fake boxing match, Chen Huimin came to the cruise ship in good spirits, holding Tian Li in her arms, bragging to her that she deliberately borrowed a lot of money this time to increase the principal, and also increased Gao Gang's handicap, which really attracted her attention. A large number of people come to bet on Gao Gang.

Later, as long as Gao Gang loses, his assets will be multiplied by at least five times.

In the entire arena of the cruise ship, Gao Gang was standing silently in the center, looking at the opponent in front of him.

At the beginning of the boxing match, facing a weak and thin opponent, Gao Gang did not resist at all.

Just when the audience was worried about whether Gao Gang was licking his head, and even felt depressed to the point of being a little angry, Gao Gang broke out!

Violent, ferocious movements, as if every blow will completely smash the opponent to pieces!
The previously pent-up emotions of the audience finally ushered in venting. In the midnight arena, even many audience members whistled and shouted loudly when Gao Gang beat his opponent.

"Great! Give me a hard beat to kill this punk!"

"It's just that you have to be so strong, so you can enjoy it!"

Amidst the audience's cheers, Zhang Yang pointed his finger at Chen Huimin, who was furious, and said that line.

"I, Gao Gang, will not lose to anyone, and it will be the same today!"

Then, with a sharp turn and a sharp fall on his spine, his opponent was completely destroyed under the flying sawdust.

At this moment, Gao Gang seemed to have found the glory and confidence of the former champion.

He raised his right fist high, faced the cheers of countless spectators and the money flying into the field, and strode out of the ring, leaving only Chen Huimin, who was completely crazy, and Tian Li, whose beauty was pale. , left with head held high.

The screen switches again.

Chen Huimin, who lost all her net worth due to a fake boxing match, fled on the street in a panic, avoiding debt collectors.

Tian Li frantically searched for traces of Zhang Yang, trying to rely on Zhang Yang again to save her festering life.

Under the clear blue sky, Gao Gang followed the gangster captain and boarded the cruise ship leaving Hong Kong.

In the seat, while the captain was still bragging about his current status as a millionaire and his ability to shine wherever he goes, suddenly a beautiful figure sat down next to Gao Gang. It was the appearance of Tian Li that had appeared many times in the film before. Beautiful bestie.

This best friend is not lost in the bustling Hong Kong because of money like Tian Li.

Wearing a dress that symbolizes purity, she looks as green and lovely as when she first came to Hong Kong.

"I'll help you."

Gao Gang stretched out his hand, taking the initiative to help. The two people's hands touched each other on the handle of the suitcase, and the scene was frozen at the same time.

At this point, "Black Fist" ends.

As rows of names of participating actors and production staff appeared on the big screen, there was another round of applause in the midnight venue.

The martial arts drama far exceeds expectations, the plot is ups and downs and orderly, the characters are full and mellow, the ending is happy and reverie, and in terms of depth, there are also thoughts on the corruption of people's hearts by the prosperous material desires of Hong Kong Island. Although it is not particularly profound, it is enough to be worth watching. Aftertaste.

Although I don’t know how it will be evaluated in front of professional filmmakers, at least in this midnight show, it seems that except for one audience member named Shenxian who was not very satisfied, the rest of the audience who came to watch the movie were all satisfied with this film. The film received rave reviews.

(End of this chapter)

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