Chapter 29 Crew Invitation

"Hey, that's amazing, Yang Zi, you're in the magazine!"

Four days later.

Inside the Tiger Boxing Gym.

Chen Yijie was sitting at the counter, flipping through the "Film Biweekly" in his hand, and suddenly exclaimed.

Zhang Yang stopped punching the sandbags, and was about to lean over to have a look, when Dalong and others beside him were already one step ahead of him.

"Coach Zhang is in the magazine? Where, where, let me see."

As Dalong and others gathered around, Chen Yijie triumphantly raised the publication in his hand and pointed to the paragraph above.

"Hey, just this paragraph, did you see that people say that Yang Tsai's action and fighting scenes in the film are an epoch-making innovation, opening up a modern fashion arena style, and the film is not only fun to play, the script is also rich in depth, It is said that Yang Tsai will be a rising star in kung fu action movies in the future."

"Is it true or false? Hey, show me."

Standing on tiptoe, Dalong snatched the weekly magazine from Chen Yijie's hand, followed the content just now, and continued to read.

"The star of this film, Zhang Yang, is rumored to be a mainland Sanda champion, but this weekly has not collected relevant information. In order to prove whether he has real kung fu, this weekly specially invited the founder of the Hong Kong Island Kickboxing Association and an active boxer. Mr. Wang Jiangfude conducted the interview, and the following are excerpts of the interview.”

"Jiang Fude commented that although there are a few exaggerated big moves for the camera in the film, the overall fighting style is very similar to the performance of the ring fight, especially the confrontation and temptation before the ring fight in the film, it can be seen that the leading actor Zhang Yang has He has strong fighting skills, and although his identity as a Sanda champion is still in doubt, his strength cannot be underestimated."

"This guy named Jiang Fude has a bit of vision, and he can actually see the extraordinary strength of our coach Zhang."

After reading the interview content, Dalong nodded with satisfaction and quite agreed with Jiang Fude's vision.

Maybe it was because Zhang Yang and Zhou Bili had beaten him so badly back then, but now in Dalong's mind, Zhang Yang is simply the best in the world, as for himself... let's just reluctantly rank third in the world.

"You guys, have you finished today's training? Why do you still have the time to brag about it?"

Seeing this group of people chatting more and more animatedly, Zhang Yang couldn't help but step forward and glare at these guys.

Dalong shrank his neck, and suddenly lost the pride of the third master in the world. He threw the magazine to his companions, laughed and scratched his head and said: "Oh, I just remembered after Coach Zhang said this, I still have three sets of straight punches left." There’s no fight yet, you guys can chat, I’ll go practice first.”

As soon as Dalong, the leader, retreated, the others immediately dispersed and returned to their respective sandbags to practice hard.

And the "Movie Fortnightly" was hastily thrown on the counter.

Zhang Yang chuckled and shook his head, picked up the magazine and glanced at the follow-up.

In the following interview, Jiang Fude praised Zhang Yang again, and even made Zhang Yang feel that the performance of the active boxing champion was a bit too dog-like. It wasn't until the end that he frowned. Somewhat interested.

"If Mr. Zhang is determined to prove his strength in front of the public, Fude Club is willing to organize a boxing match and send its best boxers to compete with Mr. Zhang Yang in the ring to satisfy the curiosity of movie fans and kung fu enthusiasts."

Is this... challenging yourself?

Zhang Yang touched his chin.

Years of UFC experience in his previous life told him that this matter seemed suitable for hype.

Before Zhang Yang could figure it out whether he wanted to make a fuss about this matter, there was a sudden inquiry from the gate of the boxing gym.

"Excuse me, Mr. Zhang Yang, are you in this boxing gym?"

Zhang Yang, who was reading the weekly magazine at the counter, was startled and turned his head curiously.

At this time, in front of the gate of the boxing gym, a man with a beard on his upper lip and a slightly gloomy appearance stood in front of the gate.

When their eyes met, the man smiled and spoke proactively.

"Mr. Zhang, as expected, you are really here. Let me introduce myself. My name is Chen Xunqi. I was introduced by Brother Min. I would like to invite you to make a cameo appearance in my video."

Chen Xunqi?
Zhang Yang was somewhat familiar with the name, but he couldn't recall the specific deeds.

The visitor is the guest.

Since the other party was introduced by Chen Huimin, and he was invited to guest star in the film, Zhang Yang would naturally not treat him coldly.

"Mr. Chen, please come in."

Just as he was thinking of inviting the other party into the boxing gym for a good chat, Chen Xunqi had already stepped forward and cut straight to the point.

"I won't bother you anymore, let's get straight to the point. Mr. Hong Jinbao Hong and I are currently filming a fashion action movie. We watched your wonderful performance in "Black Fist" earlier and were very interested in your skills. , so I specially want to invite you to play a guest role, I hope Mr. Zhang can appreciate it when he is free."

Chen Xunqi spoke very politely, but Zhang Yang could still feel a trace of arrogance in the other party's heart from his tone.

But this is normal.

He is a person who cooperates with Hong Jinbao, but what kind of coffee is Hong Jinbao in 82?
That is one of the two pillars of Jiahe!

Not to mention a rookie like Zhang Yang who made his debut on the big screen, even the hottest city dragon at the moment, he has to be respectful.

Although Chenglong's respect is not only the fear of senior brothers from childhood, but more importantly, today's Chenglong can only be regarded as the face of Jiahe, and Hong Jinbao and the Hong family class under his leadership are the real Jiahe. Core.

So being able to cooperate with Hong Jinbao, even if it's just a guest appearance, is a rare opportunity for Zhang Yang.

After thinking for a while, although Zhang Yang didn't agree directly on the spot, he still told Chen Xunqi that he would go to the shooting scene tomorrow.

After receiving Zhang Yang's reply, Chen Xunqi did not stay long, declined Zhang Yang's kindness, and left the boxing gym.

In the boxing gym, after watching Chen Xunqi leave, Zhang Yang was planning to continue training, but Chen Yijie behind the counter suddenly approached with excitement in his eyes, and said in disbelief, "Hey, Yang Zi, I heard you right, this People told you to act with Hong Jinbao!"

"It's just a cameo, what's the matter, maybe it's a small character who doesn't even have lines."

Zhang Yang was not as enthusiastic as Chen Yijie.

His goal is to become a kung fu superstar on the same level as Hong Jinbao and Cheng Long, or even surpass them.

Now, although he is starring on the same screen, it is only a small cameo role, so there is really nothing to be excited about.

But if he could think so, how could Chen Yijie be as calm as him.

That's Hong Jinbao, besides Cheng Long, the biggest martial arts star in Hong Kong now!
If this guest appearance is really popular, Zhang Yang will definitely become a household name in Hong Kong!

I don't know if I will be able to shine when the time comes...

Chen Yijie thought wildly for a long time, and finally couldn't help but said to Zhang Yang: "Yangzi, from now on, why don't I just be your manager."

"You? Be a broker?"

Zhang Yang glanced at it, sneered and waved his hand.

"I'll think about it later when you sew your mouth shut."

(End of this chapter)

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