Chapter 31 Pain and happiness
ten minutes later.

Changing into a black suit, Zhang Yang walked out of the dressing room.

Hong Jinbao, who had also changed his clothes, came up to him happily and raised his hand to say hello.

"How about it? Are you familiar with the actions arranged in the script? Is there any problem?"

"It's all according to the script, it's really no problem, but..."

Zhang Yang hesitated for a while, and didn't know whether he should continue talking.

Hong Jinbao, who originally wanted to test Zhang Yang's martial arts skills and athletic ability, naturally hoped that Zhang Yang could perform more.

So seeing Zhang Yang's hesitation, he took the initiative to say: "If you have any ideas, just tell them, I will cooperate with you."

With Hong Jinbao's words foreshadowing, Zhang Yang was not hypocritical, took out the script, and pointed to the passage of the play.

"Here I want to change it. Compared with simple fists and kicks, the use of wrestling with broken props here can better show the strength and power of the villain, and then there are the tricks here. If possible, I also hope that I can change the way."

Hearing Zhang Yang said to change the routine, Hong Jinbao had no objection, but hearing Zhang Yang said to use wrestling, Hong Jinbao suddenly felt bitter.

They are all action actors, punching and kicking, everyone knows how to hold back and hit, but only this throwing method, in order to make the picture look good, in the end it always hits down firmly, Hong Jinbao has a physique, if he falls, then But it really hurts.

Not to mention, although Zhang Yang's figure looks quite strong, can he really fall and move himself?

Hong Jinbao was still hesitating, but Zhang Yang had already finished explaining all the moves he wanted to change, and then he said to Hong Jinbao: "If the moves I changed are okay, let's try shooting one now?"

"Huh? Ah, okay, no problem."

Zhang Yang didn't even think that he would be unable to carry him, and Hong Jinbao naturally couldn't take the initiative to question others, so he had to smile bitterly and nod for the time being.

The two of them came to the field and stood still according to the positions in the script. They followed Hong Jinbao towards Chen Xunqi behind the monitor and gave him a thumbs up, indicating that he could start at any time.

"The camera crew is in place, try shooting the first scene, let's start!"

Following Chen Xunqi's shout, Hong Jinbao rushed forward in two steps and threw a heavy punch at Zhang Yang.


The fist brings the sound of wind.

Don't look at Hong Jinbao's wide body and fat body, but now he is vigorous and flexible when performing martial arts.

Zhang Yang raised his left hand, slapped Hong Jinbao's fist away with a little force, followed by raising his legs to push his knees, and went straight to Hong Jinbao's abdomen.

For the first cooperation, Zhang Yang was also afraid that he would hurt someone by mistake, but in order to give the picture a sense of power, he deliberately stored his energy for half a second, which not only gave Hong Jinbao time to react, but also made his actions look powerful.

Like a tacit understanding, Hong Jinbao took advantage of this short gap, slightly retracted his stomach and bowed, and when Zhang Yang's knee hit him, his strength was already at the end of his strength, but Hong Jinbao staggered back a few steps in embarrassment, rubbing his stomach in horror.

After all, he has become a famous action superstar. His acting skills are really good.

Zhang Yang admired in his heart, but his movements were not slow either.

I saw him use the crossed butterfly step of boxing, and the whole person rushed forward as if teleporting.

Its speed was so fast that even Hong Jinbao, who knew Zhang Yang would come in advance, couldn't help being a little dazed.

Zhang Yang also paid attention to Hong Jinbao's expression. Seeing that Hong Jinbao was a little absent-minded at the moment, he directly changed the head-on heavy punch in the original script action into a feint with the front hand, followed by a straight punch with the back hand.

With this brief reminder of the feint, Hong Jinbao also returned to his senses, crossed his arms to block in front of him, and resisted the straight punch.

It was so risky that I almost made a mistake...

But Zhang Yang's reaction was astute, he actually knew to temporarily change his tactics to give me time to deal with it.

This kid was born to be a martial artist!
Hong Jinbao was amazed from the bottom of his heart, but the movements of his hands didn't stop.

The two continued to follow the pre-designed movements and exchanged fierce moves.

At this moment, everyone in the studio suddenly stopped and looked at the two people blankly.

They are also old people in the crew. It's not like they haven't seen Hong Jinbao's previous action scenes.

But it was the first time they had seen such a fast-paced fight and such a powerful sparring.

Director Hong Da, where did he find such a sharp young man?

While the staff on the set were all looking at him curiously, Zhang Yang suddenly roared angrily.

This was the code I had set with Hong Jinbao during the previous arrangement.

As soon as he finishes yelling, the next step is the hug and wrestling scene.

In this way, both of them are prepared in their hearts, and the cooperation will naturally be smoother.

After seeing the roar, Zhang Yang, who was already very close to Hong Jinbao, suddenly put his hand around the back of Hong Jinbao's neck, pressed down hard, and directly clamped Hong Jinbao's head under his armpit.

Then, with Zhang Yang's other hand, he grabbed Hong Jinbao's waistband on the back of his trousers, and shouted in a low voice.


Hong Jinbao understood the idea and pushed hard with his feet. Zhang Yang lifted Hong Jinbao up and fell backwards with his whole body!
Crane style flip!

Hong Jinbao smashed it on the wooden floor set, stirring up a cloud of smoke and dust.

The soreness all over his body surged up, but thinking that the camera was still on at this time, Hong Jinbao didn't dare to stop at all. Enduring the pain, he just struggled to get up, and a carp stood up on Zhang Yang's side. Without looking back, he kicked Hong Jinbao backwards, staggered back a few steps, and fell to the ground.

Zhang Yang wanted to attack again, but Hong Jinbao had already picked up the prop gun that had been placed on the ground. He raised his hand and pointed the gun at Zhang Yang. Hong Jinbao pulled the trigger hard, and with a "bang", Zhang Yang's feet He kicked off the ground, flew out and fell to the ground.

When Hong Jinbao took another breath and stood up with the gun, Chen Xunqi behind the monitor shouted "click".

Hearing this "click", Zhang Yang put his hands on the ground, stood up, and turned to look at Hong Jinbao. Although he was panting for a long time, he still supported his waist with his hands, obviously the pain in his body hadn't passed.

Zhang Yang hurriedly took two steps forward, supported Hong Jinbao, and said in a low voice: "It's no problem, Mr. Hong."

"What questions can I have? Let's see how the movie goes first."

Hong Jinbao talked bravely, but the slow movements of his feet betrayed him.

Enduring the pain, Hong Jinbao came to the monitor, raised his chin at Chen Xunqi and asked, "How is it?"

Chen Xunqi was still excitedly looking at the screen just now, and when he heard Hong Jinbao's question, he hurriedly gave up his seat, pointed at Hong Jinbao who was hoisted by Zhang Yang in the screen, rubbed his hands and said, "Look here, I promise, when it's released, midnight When the audience sees this, they will definitely shout out on the spot!"

Hong Jinbao didn't answer, but stared intently at the screen on the monitor.

Seeing his heavy body crashing to the ground, causing bursts of smoke and dust, his heart was mixed with sadness and joy.

Fortunately, as Chen Xunqi said, the impact of this scene is absolutely top-notch.

The sad thing is that if I want to pursue this effect again in the future, I'm afraid I will have to suffer like today again.


Sighing in his heart, Hong Jinbao turned his head and looked at Zhang Yang who was also watching the monitor screen beside him.

No matter what, at least after this episode, he could really confirm that the young boy in front of him was definitely a malleable talent!
(End of this chapter)

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