Chapter 32 Box Office Results
It was three o'clock in the afternoon.

Zhang Yang, who joined the group in the morning, had already finished filming in the movie "Beware of Little Hands".

For a cameo role that doesn't even have lines, if Hong Jinbao hadn't taken a lot of close-up shots in order to keep improving, maybe he wouldn't even be able to use the morning effort, and Zhang Yang could call it a day.

After filming all the scenes, Hong Jinbao personally greeted Zhang Yang and sent him off the set.

In front of the studio door, Hong Jinbao took out a kraft paper bag from his pocket and handed it to Zhang Yang.

"This is your salary. The main reason for this role is that there are few roles, so I don't want to spend too much money. Don't mind."

Zhang Yang took it casually, but didn't get too entangled in the issue of salary.

Waving his hands, he was about to turn around and leave, but Hong Jinbao spoke again.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Zhang, let me ask you a question, have you considered coming to Hong's class?"

Hong Jinbao's sudden invitation made Zhang Yang stunned.

To be honest, joining the Hong family class is indeed a big temptation for Zhang Yang who aspires to become an action star.

After all, the Hong family class is different from Chenglong's Cheng family class. Hong Jinbao is a big boss who is very good at flattering his subordinates.

Just look at the brothers in the Hong family class: Lin Zhengying, Yuan Biao, Yuan Hua, Yuan Kui, Zou Zhaolong, and Qian Xiaohao.

Except for being martial artists and stand-ins in Hong's class, none of them played outstanding and impressive roles.

It can be said that Hong Jinbao's action movies have always been the most group-like, rather than the protagonist's one-man show.

If he really joins the Hong family class, with Zhang Yang's qualifications and level, it shouldn't be a problem to become popular.

But after a moment of silence, Zhang Yang finally shook his head.

"Mr. Hong, I may have to reconsider joining the Hong family class."

He said that he would consider it, but the meaning of this polite refusal could not be more obvious.

In fact, Zhang Yang doesn't want to join Hong Jia Ban, not because he has no confidence in Hong Jinbao or Hong Jia Ban, but because of the boxing gym.

Fighting is something Zhang Yang loves deeply.

If he joined the Hong family class, he would have to follow other people's arrangements. At that time, he would not have the final say on many things.

Compared to staying in someone's mature team and being an obedient leader, Zhang Yang would rather start from scratch.

Seeing the firmness in Zhang Yang's eyes, a trace of regret flashed in Hong Jinbao's eyes.

After hesitating for a moment, Hong Jinbao took out a business card from his arms and handed it to Zhang Yang.

"Then you should think about it more when you go back. Once you have thought clearly, call me anytime. If you have a chance to cooperate in the future, please contact me again."

"Okay, let's take the first step."

With a free and easy wave of his hand, Zhang Yang left straight away, leaving only Hong Jinbao sighing and returning to the set.

As soon as he entered the studio, Chen Xunqi came up to him curiously, looked behind Hong Jinbao, and asked casually: "Brother Hong, how are you? Has that young boy agreed?"

"No answer."

"No promise? Wow, true or false, has this poor boy never heard of the Hong family class?"

Chen Xunqi couldn't believe it.

In his eyes, among the action newcomers in the film and television industry these days, no one can refuse the invitation of the Hong family class except for fools.

And this guy named Zhang Yang doesn't look stupid, but why would he do such a stupid thing?

"Be careful, this young man is ambitious. In the future action movie market, there must be a good show to watch."

Hong Jinbao sighed, sat behind the monitor, and clapped his hands together.

"Tell the brothers to continue working!"

No matter what kind of influence the appearance of publicity can have on action movies, Hong Jinbao at this time is calm and breezy.

Because when filming "Beware of Little Hands" this time, he already had a new inspiration.

He believes that when his new film comes out, it will definitely set off a new trend in the Hong Kong Island film industry.

Isn't it just a fashion action movie, he can also shoot it!

On the way back to the boxing gym, Zhang Yang opened the brown paper seal that Hong Jinbao handed him.

A total of 10 yuan was quietly lying in a kraft paper bag.

Recalling the filming of "Black Fist" before, he wrote the script, acted as the martial arts director and the starring role, arranged and practiced from morning to night every day, but the final film salary was only a mere [-].

On the contrary, now, a temporary small role, and not even a single line, can earn one hundred thousand...

not at all!
Zhang Yang's mind was clear.

He knew that if it weren't for the opportunity of 5000 yuan, he would never have been able to earn 10 yuan so easily.

But this is not enough.

Only 10 yuan can't satisfy Zhang Yang's appetite.

If you want to hold a boxing match, even if this money is used as a bonus, it is just barely enough.

There is still a long way to go.

Folding the kraft paper bag again, carrying it in his arms, he looked out of the car window with Zhang Yang's eyes, silently planning the future in his heart.

After returning to the boxing gym, Zhang Yang did not make any waves in his life just because he appeared in Hong Jinbao's movie.

In the next few days, he will still teach boxing when it is time to teach, and train when it is time to train.

The reason why he is so calm is not because Zhang Yang has given up on developing in the film and television industry, but because he is waiting.

He is waiting for the box office dust of "Black Fist" to settle. At the same time, he also wants to use this film of his own to give himself a clear position in the film and television industry, so that he can know where and how he should go next. .

After another ten days of waiting, finally, Chen Huimin took the initiative to call the boxing gym and asked Zhang Yang to go to the company.

After realizing that the box office of "Black Boxing" might have finally paid off, Zhang Yang asked Zhou Billy to stay in the boxing gym to teach, and he immediately took a taxi and went straight to Eagle Movies.

The taxi stopped at the entrance of the company. Zhang Yang quickly went upstairs, walked through the office area, and opened the door to the manager's office.

At this time, Chen Huimin was leaning on the boss's chair with a cigar in his mouth with a happy face, while Bo Tsai was beside him, also talking and laughing.

Seeing Zhang Yang entering the door, Chen Huimin made a rare joke.

"Wow, our great hero from Eagle Movie is here, Bo Zai, why don't you hurry up and bring the chairs over."

Naturally, it is impossible for Zhang Yang to ask Bo Zai to move a chair for him. After stopping Bo Zai who was about to move, Zhang Yang took the initiative to move a chair from the wall and sat opposite Chen Huimin. He couldn't suppress his curiosity and said, "Brother Min , Has the box office come out?"

"Your boy is indeed eye-catching, yes, it has come out."

Chen Huimin leaned forward slightly, and at the same time raised her right hand and stretched out five fingers.

"Fifteen days of release, box office revenue, 530 million!"

530 million!
When he heard the numbers reported by Chen Huimin, Zhang Yang let out a heavy breath.

Although this box office performance is not comparable to top blockbusters such as "The Best Partner" and "The Young Master", compared with the film's cost of less than 150 million, Chen Huimin's Eagle Company has already made a lot of money. !
(End of this chapter)

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