Chapter 33 Talk about conditions

In Hong Kong Island cinemas, the release time of general movies will be maintained for about a month.

Of course, in this month, except for the first half of the month where there are more films scheduled, the number of films scheduled in the second half of the month will gradually decrease.

In other words, in most cases, the box office revenue of the first half of the film will basically account for 7% of the total box office.

Judging from the box office revenue of "Black Fist" in the first half of the month, the Hong Kong box office of "Black Fist" will eventually be fixed at around 680 million.

However, the box office of 680 million does not mean that Chen Huimin can earn so much.

In fact, for small independent production companies like Eagle Films, theaters often account for 6% of the box office revenue, and on top of that, theaters also charge 10% of the box office as miscellaneous expenses such as distribution, publicity, and copying. , so in fact, the total box office of about 680 million can really go to Chen Huimin, but only a mere 200 million.

And the 200 million, after deducting the 150 million production cost of the film, the real net profit is only a mere 50.

But why do both Zhang Yang and Chen Huimin think that Eagle Movie will make a lot of money this time?
That's because in addition to the local box office, theater chains are generally responsible for showing and distributing the film overseas. In addition to this part of the overseas box office, Eagle Films can also burn "Black Fist" into a video tape and release it on Hong Kong Island. sell.

Although the income from overseas distribution and video tapes cannot be accurately determined, it is foreseeable that the income generated by these will definitely not be less than the final box office results of Hong Kong Island.

In other words, even after deducting the follow-up share, Eagle Movie can at least earn more than 300 million from the movie "Black Fist", and these are all pure profits!
The income of nearly 80 million in 400 is not a small amount.

So looking at Zhang Yang in front of her, Chen Huimin no longer regarded him as just a little unknown boxer, but as a money tree that could lead the eagle and lead them all to make a fortune together!
"Yang Zai, the filming of "Black Fist" has been completed. What are your plans next? Do you want to continue filming?"

Chen Huimin stared directly at Zhang Yang. Even though he didn't say it clearly, Zhang Yang couldn't understand what he meant.

"Of course I am willing to continue filming, Brother Min, but there are some things that I want to make clear in advance."


Hearing Zhang Yang's words, Chen Huimin already realized that this kid wanted to re-condition with herself.

But Chen Huimin is not disgusted either.

When filming the last "Black Fist", Chen Huimin gave Zhang Yang a total of [-] including the performance fee and the screenwriter's remuneration.

At that time, Zhang Yang was unknown, so the price given by Chen Huimin was considered a fair price.

But now relying on the film "Black Fist", Zhang Yang has proved his ability.

It is obviously impossible to use a mere 5000 yuan to get Zhang Yang to work and contribute.

Therefore, Chen Huimin is actually very curious. He wants to know what kind of price Zhang Yang will offer himself this time after hearing the box office results of "Black Fist".

Under Chen Huimin's gaze, Zhang Yang spoke slowly.

"For the next film, I can still be responsible for the script and starring at the same time, but in terms of remuneration, I will decide based on your investment in the next film, Brother Min."

After a pause, Zhang Yang raised two fingers.

"If your budget for the next film, Brother Min, does not exceed 300 million, then I will ask for 80 in remuneration and royalties."

"If brother Min is willing to increase the budget, I don't have to pay, but when the film is released, I will take [-]% of the total box office."

After listening to Zhang Yang's words, Chen Huimin couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

This kid is not only forcing himself to gamble, but also tying himself to gamble with him.

The investment of 300 million is not a small amount, plus the [-]% allocated to this kid.

In other words, the next film's box office in Hong Kong must reach at least 1000 million, then they can make a profit.

1000 million domestic box office...

This year's Shaw Brothers Spring Festival show's flagship work, "Eighteen Kinds of Martial Arts" shot by Liu Jialiang, was only 980 million.

Where did he get his confidence?
The matter was so important that Chen Huimin did not agree immediately. Instead, she tapped her index finger on the table and pondered.

Bo Zai watched from the side, thinking that Chen Huimin was dissatisfied with Zhang Yang's conditions, so he immediately took a step forward, took out a pistol from his arms and slapped it on the table, his eyes wide open and angry.

They have never been good men and women.

"Yangzi, don't forget, it was Brother Min who made you famous. Now that you are opening your mouth like a lion, do you think we are easy to bully?"

Zhang Yang looked at Bozai's gun on the table, then raised his head to look at Bozai again.

"Everyone is asking for money. Even if you use this thing to force me to act, you can guarantee that I will perform well so that everyone can make money? Besides, you use a gun to force me to do things I don't want. I can cooperate with you temporarily, but I'm telling you clearly, I will definitely not be reconciled in the end, and I will find a way to get this field back, and the final result will only be that everyone dies."

"You have to use your brain when you are eating in the world, Brother Bo Zai. If you can't think about this clearly, Brother Min will explain it to you."

After finishing speaking on his own, Zhang Yang took out a tissue from the paper on the desk and covered the gun, then looked up at Chen Huimin again, as if nothing had happened, and said cheerfully: "Min Brother, it's nothing, I'll go back first, after you make a decision, just call me anytime."

Chen Huimin raised her head and glanced at Zhang Yang.

Seeing that Zhang Yang was still smiling cheerfully, he didn't say anything more, just waved his hands indifferently.

Zhang Yang nodded and stood up to leave. Before leaving, he gently closed the door.

And the moment the door was just closed, there was a clear and loud slap in the room.

"I didn't even open my mouth, who told you to use the gun? Do you think that you have a gun and you are so majestic?!"

"Damn your mother, you idiot, did you tell you to stay with me for a long time, and you even forgot that it was called Zunba!"

Outside the door, Zhang Yang shook his head and left the company straight away.


After leaving Eagle Company, just as Zhang Yang was about to return to the boxing gym, the BP machine in his pocket rang.

Seeing Miao Kexiu's message above and feeling his abundant physical strength, Zhang Yang hailed a taxi and headed straight to Mong Kok.

Half an hour later, the taxi stopped at Mong Kok.

Zhang Yang bought a bouquet of flowers downstairs, brought a bottle of red wine, and went straight to the door of Miao Kexiu's apartment.

With a few clicks of his fingers, the door quickly opened.

Miao Kexiu was wearing a black silk suspender dress, half of her body was hidden in the doorway, and her beautiful curves were exposed against the silk nightdress, like a delicious pudding, touching the heartstrings.

"Wow, you're so thoughtful, Yang Zi, and you even brought wine."

Looking at the flowers and red wine in Zhang Yang's hands, Miao Kexiu's eyes flashed with surprise.

"I specially bought it to get drunk with Sister Miao before we got off. You wouldn't drive me away halfway, right?" Zhang Yang smiled and shrugged.

"Stay as long as you want."

Miao Kexiu's winking eyes were like silk, and he said with a smile: "After all, you are so strong, and I can't stop you."

"You can't stop it, you'll know later."

Zhang Yang smiled and stepped into the room.

(End of this chapter)

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