Chapter 34
The next day, early in the morning.

When Zhang Yang yawned and returned to the boxing gym slightly tired, Zhou Billy had already started training normally. However, Dalong and the others did not come to the boxing gym today. Obviously, it might be because of what happened to Bo Zai yesterday.

Hey, anyway, he is Brother Min's subordinate, why is he acting like a child.

Zhang Yang didn't mind too much. He asked Chen Yijie to keep an eye on him and went upstairs to catch up on his sleep.

After sleeping until three o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Yang came back to his senses. When he walked down the stairs stretching his waist, Zhou Bili was still sweating profusely in front of the sandbag, while Chen Yijie was already sleeping soundly on the table, almost dripping from his saliva. On the table.

Seeing his appearance, Zhang Yang became more playful, walked to the side in two steps, and shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Go to the water!"

"Ah?! Where's the fire? Yangzi, Billy, come and help put it out..."

Chen Yijie jumped up suddenly, and because he was so violent, his head actually hit the wall, making a muffled "dong" sound.

"Hey, are you alright?"

This time, Zhang Yang was taken aback, so he quickly checked for Chen Yijie.

Fortunately, the blow was not too heavy, Chen Yijie just rubbed his head, and said with a blank expression: "Yangzi, where did you shout?"

"Well, it's about to flow into a waterfall."

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand and pointed at the counter table, Chen Yijie was drooling.

Chen Yijie was startled for a moment, and then he came to his senses, rubbing the big bulge on the back of his head, and said viciously: "I'm holding you, you street boy, you're just making jokes, I'm going to die of pain! "

"I didn't expect you to react so strongly." Zhang Yang explained with a smile. Seeing that Chen Yijie was still angry, he simply accepted his fate and said, "Okay, okay, it's my fault. It's better to do this. I want to eat at night." What's the treat?"

As soon as he heard that Zhang Yang was inviting guests to dinner, Chen Yijie's earlier anger disappeared immediately.

He quickly widened his eyes and grabbed Zhang Yang's hand.

"You can treat me to whatever I want. It's your word. Don't go back on it!"

"Okay, no regrets."

After Zhang Yang finished speaking, he didn't forget to turn around and look at Zhou Billy.

"Billy, let's have dinner together after training tonight. I'll treat you."



In the afternoon, Zhang Yang accompanied Zhou Billy for a while of jiu-jitsu and wrestling training. Until around eight o'clock in the evening, under Chen Yijie's impatient urging, the two of them watched helplessly as he locked the door of the boxing gym and pushed the two of them. People leave.

10 minutes later, on Nathan Road, in a Chaoshan beef hot pot restaurant.

Zhang Yang and others were sitting in the corner of the hall on the first floor. Chen Yijie put a plate of beef into the pot and said excitedly: "You two are really lucky. I come to this shop often. The beef is fresh and delicious, especially the... Hand-made beef balls are even better."

Zhang Yang and Zhou Bili looked at each other and smiled helplessly.

Chen Yijie is good at everything, but when he is awake, he never has time to open his mouth.

Too lazy to chat with him, Zhang Yang waited for a while, saw that the meat was almost done, and was about to stretch out his chopsticks to pick it up, but suddenly there was a commotion in his ears.

He raised his head and followed the prestige, and saw that at the stairway leading to the second floor of the hot pot restaurant, someone rolled down the stairs with a rumble, and hit his head directly on the legs of a table of guests.

"Wow, what the hell are you doing?" Chen Yijie turned around, looked at the person who rolled down from the second floor, and said in astonishment.

"If the sky falls, it has nothing to do with us. Hey, let's eat in peace."

Zhang Yang stretched out his chopsticks, knocked on the hot pot, trying to draw Chen Yijie's attention back, but at this moment, Chen Yijie couldn't hold back his eight-woman strength, and directly reached out to grab the calm-faced guest at the table next to him .

"Dude, what happened?"

"What else could it be like? If the association fails to reach an agreement in negotiations, we can only end up fighting."

Chen Yijie still didn't believe what the guest said.

But in the next second, there was another person upstairs who was covered in blood, and fell down from upstairs in a panic.

"I'm holding his mother in my mouth. How can I be so cruel?"

Chen Yijie was so frightened that other customers in the store also stood up and left.

Based on the principle that more things are worse than less things, Zhang Yang just wanted to get up and tell them to change places, but Zhou Bili frowned as he looked at the bloody man in a mess, and opened his mouth tentatively.

"Big... big dragon?"

"What are you talking about?" Zhang Yang was startled, and turned his head to look at Zhou Bili.

"This man looks a bit like a dragon." Zhou Billy pointed at the bloody man who just rolled down the stairs and said subconsciously.


Zhang Yang was slightly taken aback, then rushed to the side of the injured person.

Wipe off the blood on this man's face and see, who else could it be except Dalong who was called by Bo Zai to train in the boxing gym!
Damn it, is this really a conflagration between the societies? !
Zhang Yang opened his mouth wide in surprise, and Dalong also recognized Zhang Yang at this time, raised his finger weakly and pointed to the second floor.

"Zhang, Mr. Zhang, save, save Bo Zai..."

Bozai is upstairs too?

Damn, I can’t even hide now!

Zhang Yang cursed secretly in his heart, turned his head and said to Chen Yijie and Zhou Bili who were following behind him, "Hurry up and call an ambulance."

After the words fell, Zhang Yang didn't dare to delay, and went straight to the second floor.

After going up the stairs, Zhang Yang saw Bo Tsai at a glance as soon as he reached the corridor on the second floor.

At this time, Bozai was also like the big dragon below, covered in blood, holding a folding stool in his hand, blocking left and right.

Beside Bo Zai, there were six or seven powerful men surrounding him. They were still holding watermelon knives tightly in their hands, and they kept waving them at Bo Zai. Looking at the posture, it was clear that he was going to kill him!
I can only go up.

Zhang Yang glanced around, picked up a wine bottle from the ground, and ran straight in the direction of Bo Zai.

It is true that he has a background in martial arts, but because he is engaged in this industry, Zhang Yang knows better. There is a high wall between unarmed and armed. If it is because of his good skills, he will be arrogant, let alone a world champion , even if he is a world-class boxer with three consecutive championships, he still has to be stabbed into a colander with a knife.

Fortunately, I still have a bottle in my hand.

Zhang Yang took a deep breath, and when the group's attention had just turned to him, the wine bottle in his hand flew out and went straight to the face of the nearest person.


The wine bottle was smashed to pieces on the spot, and the person who was hit head-on also lost sight of it.

Taking advantage of the opponent's stunned position, Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to grab the knife, and at the same time kicked it out, directly knocking the unlucky guy in front of him to the ground. He held the knife in his hand tightly, and his eyes showed the fear of confronting the enemy. The excitement is coupled with the restraint and caution gained from years of experience.

"Yang...Yang boy?"

At this time, Bo Zai, who was struggling to support himself, also saw Zhang Yang who suddenly appeared.

For a moment, a glimmer of hope emerged in the already desperate heart.

"Take his old mother away, and another one will die, and make him!"

Accompanied by the low shout of the other party's leader, Zhang Yang didn't even have time to reply, so he raised his knife and bit the bullet to push it up.

(End of this chapter)

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