Hong Kong Entertainment: Kung Fu Superstar 1981

Chapter 327 Binny’s retirement game

Chapter 327 Binny’s retirement game

Following the two people into the venue, Zhang Yang looked up.

It has to be said that although Robert himself has inevitably made stupid mistakes in the process of cooperating with Zhang Yang, this does not prove that he is an unqualified businessman. In fact, Robert still has his own way of operating the league.

Of course, if he hadn't had such talent, the people in the United States would not have chosen to follow him out of the original league and join him in establishing the IBF, which had an uncertain future.

Looking around the venue and outside, whether it is the position of the stage or the low-pitched discussions of the referees who have been trained and transferred to the industry, everything looks presentable, without the youthful feeling of a start-up team.

Compared with when Hong Kong Island first established the peak of fighting, the starting point of FPL is undoubtedly several dimensions higher.

Under the leadership of Binny, after passing through the venue area, everyone came to the backstage.

The configuration here is quite similar to Zhang Yang's mixed martial arts training center on Hong Kong Island.

Dressing rooms, broadcast booths, and dedicated live broadcast studios are all available.

The only difference is that due to venue restrictions, Robert has no place to arrange canteens, medical clinics, and accommodation for everyone like those on Hong Kong Island. He can squeeze out some training venues and leave two dedicated spaces. The room was used as a temporary emergency room for orthopedics and surgery, which was the limit of what he could do.

Zhang Yang didn't say much about this.

Anyway, the situation in the United States is different from that in Hong Kong. Basically everyone here has a car, so even if accommodation and canteens are not provided, players can still commute by car, bring their own lunch boxes, or find a nearby restaurant. .

The only difficulty is that when the players from Hong Kong Island arrive, Zhang Yang may have to rent a dormitory nearby for them.

Arriving at the on-site director's room, Robert was standing behind the director's chair, supervising the other party's debugging equipment.

Perhaps he heard the sound of a few people entering the room, so he turned his head. When he saw Zhang Yang, he immediately smiled and stretched out his hand.

"Mr. Zhang, we meet again. Welcome."

It can be seen that perhaps because FPL is about to officially operate, Robert's expression has lost the previous depression. Instead, he looks a lot more excited and very happy. Of course, there may be a high probability in this happiness. Because the tickets for the first game were booked early by the audience, the popularity of FPL far exceeded expectations.

"How's it going? Is everything okay?"

Seeing the director busy testing in front of the console, Zhang Yang asked curiously.

"Don't worry, everything is normal. Now you just need to wait until five o'clock and the audience enters the stadium and give them the most exciting game. By the way, I think there are many people here, all for you. Yes, do you want to say a few words then?"

"There's no need to arrange it for me separately. I'll just go on stage with you. I didn't prepare a manuscript this time, so I can't say anything long." Zhang Yang waved his hand. It's not that he doesn't pay attention to this FPL first operation, it's just that after After his speech at the last King of Fighters competition, Zhang Yang had already said everything he wanted to say most, so he naturally had no desire to go into a lengthy speech at the moment.

Robert raised his eyebrows when he heard this, as if he was a little disappointed, but followed Binny and took a step forward, whispering a few words quietly into Robert's ear, and Robert's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Haha, okay, this is a good idea. Mr. Zhang, if you don't want to host it, how about leaving it to Binny to host the opening ceremony of this competition? Anyway, he will also be one of the important members of FPL in the future. "     Hearing Robert's words, Zhang Yang did not hesitate and nodded simply.

Anyway, the future operation of FPL will definitely be inseparable from Binny, so it would be good for the audience to get familiar with his identity early.

After the matter was settled, the director also confirmed that everything was normal. Robert did not lead everyone to continue crowding in the director's room. Instead, he led Zhang Yang to visit the venue again and met the players who had already arrived. .

After a busy schedule, it was around four o'clock in the afternoon. I had a quick meal in the restaurant opposite the gymnasium. I looked at the queue in front of the main entrance of the gymnasium. There was already a long queue of spectators squeezing in to redeem their tickets. Several people looked at each other, their eyes filled with joy.

After eating, they re-entered the gym through the back door. The nervousness inevitably surfaced on the staff. They watched them busily shuttle back and forth between the front and backstage passages. Everyone stood at the entrance of the passage, looking outside. Take a look.

The 5,000-person auditorium is packed with seats and is basically full. Except for a few people who are still looking for seats, most people are already sitting on chairs, staring at the screen hanging in the center of the stage, watching the countdown on it, and waiting. The game begins.

At five o'clock, the lights in the entire venue dimmed collectively and then came back on.

Under the signal and accompanying of the staff, four people, led by Zhang Yang, including Binny, Lewis, and Robert, stepped out of the aisle and came to the center of the octagonal ring in response to the cheers of the audience.

In the octagonal cage, the host first handed the microphone to Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang was not polite. After taking it, he waved to the audience, then smiled and said: "Long time no see, are you all okay?"

Suddenly, like a roaring mountain and a tsunami, the audience's excited shouts rang out.

The shouts sounded quite chaotic at first, but after careful analysis, we found that there were shouts of "Zhao Weike", "Zhang Yang", "Boxing Champion", etc. among the crowd. Obviously, for the American audience at the scene, Zhang Yang made them What impressed me was not just one thing.

"Thank you all for coming to FPL. Our first game will start soon, but before that, let our FPL American local operations officer, Mr. Binny, give a speech to everyone."

After greeting the audience, Zhang Yang handed the microphone to Binny as agreed.

After Binny took over the microphone, he showed no signs of stage fright. He also enjoyed a wave of cheers from the audience before speaking slowly.

"I think everyone should know that since I left the United States a few years ago, I went to Hong Kong Island and competed in the Hong Kong Island FPL founded by Mr. Zhang. I was lucky enough to win and serve as the champion for several years. Until last year, Mr. Zhang Yang felt the enthusiasm of the American audience and decided to create FPL in the United States to stage exciting events for everyone."

"To be honest, I might have to apologize to those friends who like to watch me compete in the ring, because as the FPL in the United States officially begins operations, I also plan to end my career and focus on my future career. The focus is on operating this powerful league and finding ways to let more people see FPL and let everyone feel the charm of mixed martial arts."

"Of course, before I officially retire, as a fighter, I actually have one more wish that I have not yet fulfilled. When he learned that I planned to retire, Mr. Zhang told me that he would be happy to arrange a retirement match for me. , and I think today is the best time. Here, I hope to solemnly ask the promoter of mixed martial arts, the uncrowned king of FPL."

"Mr. Zhang, I hope to compete with you in this final retirement match. Do you agree?"

(End of this chapter)

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