Chapter 328 Full Firepower

Do you want to have a retirement match with yourself?

Hearing Binny's sudden request, Zhang Yang was slightly startled, and then suddenly laughed.

It seems that losing to him last time was indeed an unforgettable experience for Binny.

But that’s fine, since Binny wants to challenge himself again and give his career a perfect ending, Zhang Yang will naturally not refuse him. He also wants to see how Binny adapts to mixed martial arts after several years of training in the league. How much is understood.

Raising his hand to take the microphone from Binny, Zhang Yang slowly spoke in front of the five thousand expectant audience.

"Okay, when do you want to play this game?"

"Today, now!"

Binnie's eyes were filled with fighting spirit.

The audience immediately burst into cheers, and everyone seemed extremely excited.

"Okay, then today, now!" Without any hesitation, Zhang Yang agreed directly.

And with Zhang Yang's agreement, the atmosphere at the scene instantly reached its climax.

In the opening match of FPL's first operation, Zhang Yang had no intention of deliberately making anything explosive. After all, after CBS's previous broadcast of FPL on Hong Kong Island, as well as the previous winning of the IBF boxing championship and the King of Fighters competition, this was From Zhang Yang's perspective, that was enough.

The five thousand spectators who filled the venue are also the best proof that Zhang Yang has completed the preparation perfectly.

But not deliberately making highlights does not mean that Zhang Yang will refuse to add icing on the cake to the opening game.

Since Binny wants a retirement match, and wants this match to be staged in the opening match, Zhang Yang will definitely happily agree. Although there is no pre-match publicity, the surprise showdown between the two of them afterwards will also It will definitely become a hot topic of discussion about FPL and let more people know that FPL has officially landed in the United States.

As Zhang Yang nodded in agreement, Binny also had a smile on his face.

What Zhang Yang was thinking was actually exactly what Binnie was thinking.

Just yesterday evening, Binny received a call from Zhang Yang. After considering his plan to retire, Binny didn't even hesitate for too long before he thought of challenging Zhang Yang in person today as his plan for retirement.

As for making this slightly impulsive decision, the reason is simple.

As one of the main people in charge of the American FPL in the future, he wants to do a good job in FPL, and since returning to his homeland of the United States, Binny does not want to leave again. Hong Kong Island is not bad, but it is not his hometown after all. .

After being away from home for so many years, he also wanted to stay in his hometown.

The most desired opponent is in front of us, and the most suitable time has matured. Using the last battle of his career to light up the American FPL and start a glorious first battle is undoubtedly quite romantic, so he finally made this decision, which is very important to Binny. I neither find it difficult nor find it hard to let go. Amid the roaring cheers of the audience, Binny and Zhang Yang went backstage, put on sports shorts, mouth guards and boxing gloves, and entered the Octagon again. Lewis, who served as the special referee for this game, , looked at the two people facing each other face to face in the field again, and also took a deep breath.

"Gentlemen and ladies, what is going to be staged for you next is not only Mr. Binny's retirement battle, but also the culmination of the start of a new era for FPL. Let us count down together with the warmest voice... 3, 2, 1 ……Game start!"

Amidst the enthusiastic cheers from the host and the audience, the competition bell rang immediately.

As soon as the bell rang, Binny rushed forward with a burst of energy, and his front hand jab went straight to Zhang Yang's face.

Through this extremely proactive and active attack, Zhang Yang has keenly captured the signal sent by Binny.

He wanted to fight with all his strength without leaving any regrets. Such a fierce attack also warned Zhang Yang not to underestimate him. It was best to show his full strength immediately to deal with his attack!

Do you want me to try my best and fight this last battle without any regrets?

OK, you’re satisfied!

A bright light flashed in Zhang Yang's eyes. He tilted his head back slightly and dodged Binney's jab. At the same time, he raised his left leg and kicked directly towards Binney's chest.

Caught off guard, Binny was kicked back two steps. However, due to the distance, Zhang Yang's forward kick did not have much impact on Binny. Therefore, after resisting the forward kick, Binny just He simply adjusted his steps and pressed forward again.

This time, his attack was no longer as eager as at the beginning, but instead was mainly based on testing.

Although it looks far less intimidating than the surprise attack just now, in fact, this kind of virtual and real probing attack is the most common and safest style of fighting in mixed martial arts. The two are separated by two arms' length. , you constantly advance and I retreat, I retreat and advance to test each other, each other feints with jabs, and continuously sweeps and kicks with their feet, all trying to attract each other's attention.

After about thirty seconds, Zhang Yang took advantage of the gap between Binny's kick and took the lead to attack. His front fist hit Binny's cheek. While Binny blocked it, he used the corner of his eye to tighten his fist. He stared at Zhang Yang's legs, trying to use the direction of Zhang Yang's legs to judge Zhang Yang's next attack route.

Seeing Zhang Yang's right leg raised, Binny instinctively thought that Zhang Yang would kick, and hurriedly wanted to sidestep, but what he didn't expect was that after Zhang Yang raised his right leg, he did not kick it out, but volleyed into the air. Stomping, and at the same time, he punched with his back hand, and while leaping forward, he blasted out boldly!

Superman flying punch!

Such a sudden and violent blow instantly destroyed Binny's slightly conservative defensive strategy. In a hurry, Binny could only use his other hand to protect his head and resist the blow.


The fist grazed Binny's arm and hit Binny's cheek. Fortunately, with his arm as a buffer, the force of this superman's flying punch was weakened a lot. Binny didn't even shake much, and he stood firmly on his feet. , and after standing firm, it’s time to fight back!

The Superman Flying Fist, an unexpected cold move, is very powerful, but it needs to stay in the air, so it is slow to retract. When Zhang Yang retracts his fist, Binny's fist has already followed the trajectory of Zhang Yang's fist, bombarding him. Come.

Zhang Yang had no other choice but to resist, but compared to Binny's unexpected embarrassment just now, Zhang Yang undoubtedly had psychological expectations for Binny's counterattack, so it was not difficult to resist Binny's fist.

And Binny didn't seem to expect to break Zhang Yang's defensive embrace with this punch. He even seemed to have expected that this punch would not be effective, so after the punch was finished, Binny continued to use all his firepower. Continuous bombardment.

Punch after punch, like a raging storm, Binny seemed to be going crazy, with all his firepower!

 There's been a lot going on lately, so it may take a few days to update



(End of this chapter)

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