Hong Kong Entertainment: Kung Fu Superstar 1981

Chapter 329 Who was saved by the ringtone?

Chapter 329 Who was saved by the ringtone?

Are you attacking so fiercely to forcefully break through the defense?

Withstanding Binny's all-out fierce attack, Zhang Yang raised his brows.

But soon, Zhang Yang understood Binny’s intention.

It's physical strength.

In fact, from Binny's perspective, he first fought in the arena for many years, and then switched to mixed martial arts and fought hard for several years. If we just talk about fighting experience, Binny has absolute confidence and can beat Zhang Yang.

Although Binny thinks there is a gap between him and Zhang Yang in terms of mixed martial arts skills, if they don't drag the game to the ground and grapple with each other, and just maintain a standing posture, then the gap between them will not be there. Very big.

This is why, since the beginning of the game, Binny has frequently taken the initiative to attack, trying to establish dominance. When Zhang Yang turned around, he also kept a close eye on Zhang Yang's leg movements to prevent Zhang Yang from using techniques such as surprise hugs and throws.

And if he just prevents falls and keeps both sides standing to attack, will Binny definitely win the game?

The answer is obviously no.

Because Zhang Yang's standing fighting skills are not bad, even if Binny thinks he has an advantage, this advantage is not big.

The difference is not big, which means that even if Binny has achieved perfect anti-fall, if he continues to play according to the conventional fighting style, it will be destined to be a long and fierce battle, and for a long and fierce battle, he really does not have the physical strength. Already...

He was born in 1952 and is now 88 years old.

A person's most golden physical peak period is 33 years old. After this peak period, a person's body will inevitably go downhill. This is something that even people who pay attention to maintenance cannot avoid.

Binnie is obviously not the exception.

He is already 35 this year. In addition, fighting, especially mixed martial arts, is inherently demanding on physical energy. At the same time, there are inevitable injuries, overloaded fighting and many other factors that affect the body's functions.

To be honest, at Binny's age, he has already put in a lot of effort not to mention that his level has reached a higher level, but he has not regressed. However, in a long-term battle, Zhang Yang is still in his early twenties and has not yet reached 30. For young people, this is no problem at all, but for Binny, it is really a threshold that cannot be passed.

There is no choice.

In order to find a chance of winning, no matter how unwise the choice was, Binny had to bite the bullet.

Even if there was only one chance and only a small chance of winning, he had to go for it!

If you are embarrassed, be embarrassed. If you are KO, be KO.

In the last battle of his career, facing this opponent who had defeated him just like Prayut and opened a new door for himself, Binny just wanted to do his best to pump his fist and prove himself!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The muffled sounds of heavy fists sounded one after another.

With each punch attack, Binny gasped for air.

In a daze, he seemed to be back on the ring a few years ago, and his flamboyant appearance gradually blurred, as if he had turned into the Thai who shattered all Binny's pride and self-esteem... Prayuth Chan-ocha.

Although Binny had already overcome this inner demon, Zhang Yang gave him the same feeling as when he met Prayuth Chan-ocha.

It was a tall, smooth and extremely hard wall.

No gaps to grip, no exposed weak spots…

Every time his fist struck, only the force of the shock would ripple his pain nerves. Other than that, his opponent had no reaction at all, as if his attack was just an itch.

Gritting his teeth, Binny continued his attack. This is not the first time he has faced such a natural disaster, and it is not the first time he has endured this feeling of despair.

If you can win, you are different from before, and you will definitely win!

With the roar in his heart, Binny squeezed out the last bit of strength, and once again punched Zhang Yang behind his arms...

"Jingle Bell!"

The ringing of the end of the round made Binny wake up from the dream he had spun.

The blasted fist left a red mark on Zhang Yang's arm, but after Zhang Yang resisted, he had already raised his fist. However, before his fist could be thrown out, he was locked by the ringing bell. Got there.

The referee stepped forward to separate the two. After Zhang Yang returned to his seat, he calmly took the bottle and sipped it to regain his strength, while Binny sat in a daze on the other side, in a daze.

At the scene, the audience whispered to each other, reaching their ears through the cage net.

"What a pity, Binny had a chance to KO Zhang Yang!"

"Yes, if this round is longer and Zhang Yang continues to be bombarded by Binny like this, he will definitely not be able to withstand it!"

"It is indeed a pity, but it doesn't matter. In the second half of the first round, Binny completely suppressed Zhang Yang. If the momentum continues, he will be able to KO Zhang Yang in the second round."

"Well said, Binny is the pride of our American martial arts. He can definitely do it. Although Zhang Yang is also very good, he is making movies and is involved in the league. His training progress is definitely not as high as Binny. This game has Chance!"

"Well, let's wait and see Binny's show next round!"

Listening to the audience's optimistic predictions and praising tone, Binny smiled bitterly.

No, he knew very well that the real situation was not at all what the audience said.

Indeed, Zhang Yang has always been forced to defend, but the problem is that he has not been able to completely limit Zhang Yang's space, nor has he gained any advantage or advantage from the continuous attacks, and the more critical point is...

That last punch.

That Zhang Yang had already raised his hand, but he didn't even land a punch.

Binny was completely unaware!

If the ringing of the bell hadn't woken him up, Binny, who was completely immersed in the rhythm of his own attack, would have taken that heavy blow without reservation, a long-planned and shockingly powerful blow!

Will he be KO'd on the spot?

Binny couldn't confirm it in his heart, but even if he wasn't knocked out with one punch, if that heavy blow really hit his face, the feeling would definitely make him uncomfortable, and he might even be suppressed by subsequent attacks. , resulting in losing the game.

Who did the ringtone save?

Binny smiled bitterly, trying not to think about the answer, and as the break ended, the bell rang again.

The second round between the two sides is about to begin.

After the staff withdrew from the octagonal cage, Zhang Yang and Binny once again raised their arms and looked at each other in the air.

Regardless of who won or lost at the end of the last round, this second round will all be decided.

Binny's physical strength is still a big problem. If he wants to end the game, he can only rely on this round. Once he cannot win Zhang Yang in this round, the outcome of the victory will be determined.

(End of this chapter)

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