Hong Kong Entertainment: Kung Fu Superstar 1981

Chapter 39 This is not a competition

Chapter 39 This is not a competition

On the boxing ring, Jiang Fude, who was pressed to the ground by Zhang Yang and kept pounding his fists, was almost on the verge of collapse.

From being unknown to where he is today, Jiang Fude has not experienced failure, and he is not a person who cannot afford to lose.

But like now, being pressed to the ground by his opponent and being beaten violently in embarrassment is absolutely unacceptable to Jiang Fude.

After all, he is also the current boxing champion. Even if he loses, he can't just lose like this!

Jiang Fude tightly covered his cheeks with his arms, and while struggling hard, he kept thinking about countermeasures.

If I continue to be suppressed on the ground, I definitely have no chance, I must find a way to break free...

But, how to break free? !
Although he knew that he had no chance of being beaten by Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang's terrifying ground pressure was not at the same level as him, not to mention that he had to beware of Zhang Yang's heavy punches. , even just a simple ground wrestling, Jiang Fude didn't see the slightest chance of winning.

It turned out that in the "Black Fist" movie, the ground combat that this kid showed was really not a show.

At this moment, the current Hong Kong boxing champion felt bitter in his heart because he had no hope of winning.

He could finally vaguely understand why Zhou Billy left Fude Club and why Zhang Yang was so confident.

Regardless of the punches and kicks in standing fighting, just this wrestling plus ground fighting, no one among the fighters in Hong Kong can be his opponent.

No, maybe not only the whole of Hong Kong, but maybe even the boxers in Southeast Asia...

Jiang Fude's spirit was already in a trance due to the wild thoughts in his head.

But at this moment, the pressure on him suddenly lightened.

Like a person who has been drowning, he finally grasps the straw that saves his life.

Jiang Fude quickly twisted his body, trying to escape Zhang Yang's terrifying suppression.

But even he didn't expect that Zhang Yang's suppression on the ground was like an iron cage with no gaps, but at this moment, he just instinctively broke away, and he actually found a loophole and escaped from Zhang Yang's cage. control.

With lingering fear, Jiang Fude hurriedly climbed up with his hands on the ground. Jiang Fude raised his head and looked at Zhang Yang who was getting up on the opposite side, full of doubts in his heart.

what happened?

Isn't Zhang Yang very skilled in ground combat? How could he suddenly make a mistake and let himself escape so easily?
Is it difficult? !

Jiang Fude's chest bulged due to his rapid breathing, and his eyes were filled with anger, staring closely at Zhang Yang's expression.

There was a smile on Zhang Yang's face, the fore hand hanging on the jaw line to maintain the frame, the index finger suddenly stretched out slightly, from Jiang Fude's angle, it happened that the index finger just blocked Zhang Yang's lips, as if doing "" Shhh" gesture.

He threw his mother into the street, this bastard is really letting water? !

The anger in his chest made Jiang Fude's eyes a little red.

He rushed forward two steps, punched some irrationally, and went straight to Zhang Yang's face.

But even when he was in good shape, he couldn't bear to show off, not to mention that he had no reason at this moment and only used anger to make moves.

The ferocious blow he swung out in a hurry, not only failed to hurt Zhang Yang at all, but was dodged by Zhang Yang again.

Jiang Fude wanted to attack again, but Zhang Yang did not retreat but advanced, and his left hand directly grabbed the back of his neck.

Another Muay Thai choker strategy? !

Although Jiang Fude is unfamiliar with jujitsu and wrestling, he has been the main force against Muay Thai in the Hong Kong Island arena these years. He is familiar with Muay Thai moves, so when he feels the back of his neck being pressed down, he has already Arms folded in front, ready to resist the onslaught of Zhang Yang's iron knees.

But what Jiang Fude never expected was that Zhang Yang not only did not raise his knees to attack, but actually whispered to him quietly while the two of them were close to each other.

"Mr. Jiang, you are so angry, but you can't punch well."

"You idiot actually cheated in the boxing match. Do you want to humiliate me?!"

Jiang Fude gritted his teeth, trying to push Zhang Yang away and get out of control, but Zhang Yang's arm around his neck was like an iron gate, firmly clamping him in place, no matter how he walked and twisted, he couldn't break free .

"Fake it? Mr. Jiang, you seem to have misunderstood me. I have always been very religious about the game, and I will not cheat."

"Then you just..."

"Do you really think that you are fighting me in this boxing ring?"

Jiang Fude couldn't help but feel lost at Zhang Yang's words.

This, isn't it a game?

It seemed that he had seen through Jiang Fude's thoughts, and Zhang Yang's voice was like the whisper of a devil.

"Although your standing skills are pretty good, Mr. Jiang, how much do you know about ground combat and wrestling?"

"If I'm not wrong, I'm afraid that apart from what I showed in "Black Fist", there is only a blank."

"In this case, do you think there may be a fair competition and competition between the two of us?"

Zhang Yang's words were like a heavy hammer hitting Jiang Fude's heart, and his head was really buzzing.

And just when Jiang Fude was in a daze, Zhang Yang also came to a conclusion about this time in the arena.

"Although the truth is hard to hear, Mr. Jiang, maybe in your eyes, this is a game that needs to go all out, but to me, it's just a show."

A... show?

Before Jiang Fude could recover from his daze, Zhang Yang announced softly with a slightly regretful tone.

"And now, this show, it's time to end."

After the words fell, Zhang Yang exerted force on his feet and turned around violently.

Jiang Fude was grabbed by the back of the neck by Zhang Yang, and now that Zhang Yang moved, he was naturally driven to move sideways.

Before Jiang Fude could stand still, Zhang Yang took the initiative to let go of the hand clasping the back of his neck, turned into a fierce elbow knife, and slammed it hard on Jiang Fude's cheek!

Jiang Fude, who was caught off guard, was hit by this ferocious elbow knife on the spot, and gold stars burst out in front of his eyes.

He was stunned for a moment, and when his vision became clear again, he was already running toward his chest with a flamboyant step and side kick!


Like a wooden stake striking a big clock in the morning, he stepped forward and kicked Jiang Fude out on the spot.

The entire spectator seats were all boiling immediately. After all, compared to some "awkward" ground fights, such clean and powerful moves like stepping and side kicking, which looked fierce, undoubtedly stimulated their adrenaline more.

It's not over yet!

Looking at Jiang Fude who staggered to the side rope, Zhang Yang had already rushed up while silently apologizing in his heart.

Although Jiang Fude was beaten into a panic, he did not completely lose consciousness at this time. Seeing Zhang Yang rushing forward, he hurriedly wanted to use a straight punch to meet him, but at the same time as the straight punch was thrown, Zhang Yang had already raised his front hand to grab Jiang Fude Wrist, followed by twisting body.

Throw over the shoulder!

He turned around neatly and fell over his shoulder, bringing Jiang Fude down. Zhang Yang didn't show mercy this time, and directly used the naked twist.

Under the watchful eyes of more than 6000 spectators, Jiang Fude's face gradually turned red, and ten seconds later, he fainted completely.

(End of this chapter)

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