Chapter 40 New Film Announcement
"I held it in my mouth, and Jiang Fude actually passed out..."

"It's true, it's all about pressing and fighting. This is the current boxing champion."

"I thought Gao Gang's performance in "Black Fist" was exaggerated enough, but now that I see it, I'm afraid it's true."

"It's no wonder that Zhang Yang proposed the concept of mixed martial arts. After there are no rules and restrictions, they are so vulnerable..."

In Nuoda's spectator seats, boiling discussions filled the entire stadium.

And Jiang Fude quickly recovered after fainting due to lack of oxygen.

However, when he recovered from his stupor and looked at the thousands of spectators in the hall, he had never felt that the boxing ring under his butt was so hot that he didn't want to spend more than a minute on it. treat.

With the support of the medical staff, Jiang Fude left the ring with a heavy heart and a gloomy face.

As for Zhang Yang, who had won the boxing match, he did not leave. Instead, he rushed to the stage and waved.

The pre-arranged staff came immediately and handed a microphone to Zhang Yang.

"Hello? Hello?"

The two auditions sounded through the loudspeakers in the gymnasium, resounding through the audience, and also suppressed the audience's discussion.

Wu Ma, Hong Jinbao and others who were planning to leave, saw that Zhang Yang still had something to say, and they all sat back on their chairs and looked at the ring curiously.

"Let's talk."

Zhang Yang put his arms on the side ropes, leaned loosely on the side of the corner post, and looked towards the auditorium.

"I think everyone may be here today for various reasons, but no matter what the reason is, you should have seen the results now. As I said in an interview before, most of the fighting competitions now have There are too many unnecessary restrictions, which actually makes us fighters and martial artists lose too many tactics that we should be able to use."

"I know that some viewers may not understand what I said, and I can give a few examples."

"Muay Thai is very popular recently. I believe you have all heard of it, but I think you don't know that in the Muay Thai rules, although wrestling is not completely prohibited, there are no points for wrestling. Can you imagine that when I When you lift an opponent up and hit him hard on the ring, in the eyes of the referee who abides by the rules of Muay Thai, he will act like nothing happened. Hey, referee, can you see me?"

As Zhang Yang raised his hand and shook it in front of his face, the audience burst into laughter.

"Of course, it's not just muay thai and free fighting. I believe that in the eyes of many people, this kind of fighting should be the most open rule nowadays, but if I tell you, in the rules of free fighting, when receiving the opponent's attacking kick How do you feel when the side that catches the leg can only hit once, and consecutive hits will be called a foul?"

"I'm just glad that my fighting skills are not limited to Wing Chun."

With Zhang Yang shrugging his shoulders, the audience burst into laughter again.

"It's funny, isn't it? Seriously, I can continue to list many inexplicable rules like this, even if it's just free fighting. Elbows are used, split palms, shoulders and thumbs are not allowed, attacks on fallen opponents are not allowed..."

Zhang Yang paused, observing the expressions of the audience, and at the same time giving the audience time to digest.

After the audience murmured for a while, Zhang Yang brought the microphone to his mouth again.

"Mr. Li Xiaolong once said that the highest state of kung fu is self-expression and the pursuit of one's own limits."

"I hope everyone can tell me, under the restrictions of these rules, can people reach their limits and express themselves truthfully?"

Zhang Yang raised Mike, faced the audience, and walked along the ring.

Thanks to his previous introductory speech, the audience was already excited, so when faced with Zhang Yang's question, they shouted in unison without hesitation: "No! No! No!"

No sound, it was like a raging and converging wave, almost lifting the ceiling of the gymnasium.

And Zhang Yang also walked around the ring, and then stood in the corner of the ring again, with his back against the corner post.

"I, like you, feel the same way I can't."

"So I started looking for a way, until I was inspired by Li Xiaolong and drew up the rules of mixed martial arts."

"I assure you that apart from ensuring the safety of the players, mixed martial arts will not restrict any techniques. Do you want to prove yourself with your fists? Yes! You want to use your kicks to finish off gorgeously? OK! You want to use hug wrestling to seriously injure Opponent? Perfect! Do you want to imitate what I showed in "Black Fist", pressing the opponent to the ground, and using the lock technique to kill him neatly? I agree with both hands!"

“But when you think about solving your opponent, you also have to think clearly that your opponent is no longer just a Muay Thai fighter, no longer just a boxer, no longer just a traditional martial artist. You have to face It will be an all-round monster that only masters boxing, kicking, wrestling, and ground...

"If you can win the championship in such an arena, tell me, are you willing to believe that this person is the strongest!"

Zhang Yang handed the microphone to the auditorium again.

In the next second, the shout of "the strongest" resounded through the audience.

Zhang Yang smiled contentedly, and only took the microphone back after the audience had vented their excitement.

This time, he came to the very center of the boxing gym.

In front of countless spectators, he raised his hand and pointed to the top of his head.

In mid-air, there was a banner that had been rolled up before the boxing match started.

"Actually, there are many things I want to say and can say about the significance of mixed martial arts, but I believe that everyone's time is as precious as mine, and not everyone has the opportunity to come to the scene and is willing to listen to my boring words. Tell the story."

"The "Black Fist" at the beginning of this year made everyone know Gao Gang and me Zhang Yang. I believe that for everyone, a good movie will let you understand a thing better than my lackluster words. So, since I decided to fight today, I've been planning my next movie."

"Although my new film has not yet started shooting, I think this film should also allow everyone to understand the existence of mixed martial arts. enjoy to the full."

"Remember what I mentioned earlier?"

"I was inspired by Mr. Li Xiaolong to draw up the rules of mixed martial arts, so..."

Zhang Yang turned around and nodded to the staff.

The staff understood and pressed the button.

In an instant, the banners hanging in the air stretched out along with countless falling ribbons.

In the middle of the banner, there are four big characters like flying dragons and phoenixes.

"Jing Wu Hero!"

Accompanied by the roar of the audience, Zhang Yang picked up the microphone for the last time.

"Salute to Mr. Li Xiaolong, thank you again for coming to the scene to watch the game, thank you!"

(End of this chapter)

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