Chapter 41 Planning
"Brother Wu, do you see what he wants to do in the next movie?"

Amidst the cheers in the boxing gym, Hong Jinbao asked the horse beside him.

Wu Ma touched the beard on his chin, and said with a smile: "This kid has already revealed the answer to the mystery, so it's hard to guess. His movie is probably going to be a remake of Li Xiaolong's "Fist of Fury."

Hong Jinbao smiled when he heard this and once again focused his attention on the banner spread out in the center of the venue.

Yes, the theme of Zhang Yang's movie is not difficult to guess, even the word "Jing Wu" on the banner is enough to prove it.

But although the subject matter is known, how Zhang Yang will shoot it and how he will arrange it is really a big question mark.

"Brother Wu, do you think Chen Huimin will come to you to direct this time?"

"Then I don't know."

Wu Ma stood up, looked at Zhang Yang who had already walked off the ring and was walking towards the locker room, and added quietly.

"But if they asked me, I guess I would be happy to direct such a movie."


On the night after the boxing match between Zhang Yang and Jiang Fude, the word "mixed martial arts" became popular in the Hong Kong fighting community.

Not to mention simple fighting enthusiasts, even those who have never practiced at all, but are quite fond of action movies, can't help but follow the trend and discuss how much the so-called rule restrictions affect the performance of the players.

But no matter how others argue, supporters of mixed martial arts will always come up with irresistible evidence for conservatives.

That was the battle with the current kickboxing champion Jiang Fude. Zhang Yang won, and he won simply and beautifully.

In the ground battle, Jiang Fude had no power to fight back. Everyone saw it. This could not be faked. As for the standing confrontation, Zhang Yang did not say that he had the advantage, but at least he was not weaker than the current boxing champion. .

The strong comprehensiveness is obvious.

But just as the fighting fans were all excited and running to tell each other, all the boxing gyms felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Among these boxing gyms, the one that has been most affected by the impact is the muay thai boxing gym headed by the Yamato Fighting Club.

No wonder.

Since Muay Thai entered Hong Kong in 66, the popularity it has gained from nothing has been slowly accumulated through the victory of each Muay Thai fighter in the ring competition. Even in the most popular field of free fighting nowadays, Saw a lot of Muay Thai fighters out in action.

And Zhang Yang questioned the rules of the previous ring boxing match, which restricted the performance of the players, and undoubtedly dug the roots of all Muay Thai fighters.

How could they swallow this breath?

So just three days after the boxing match, the owners of the Muay Thai gym headed by Su Long, the president of the Yamato Fighting Club, started a five-hour meeting. Fighting style... Zhang Yang.

Of course, Zhang Yang was unaware of the internal meeting between Muay Thai fighters.

Even if he really knows, he probably doesn't have enough energy to focus on these people.

Because now he is sitting in the manager's office of Eagle Film Company, having a heated discussion with Chen Huimin about the selection of actors.

The script of the hero of Jingwu is perfect enough, and Zhang Yang does not need to make any changes.

Just the choice of actors in the script needs to be carefully considered.

The first two people to be decided are naturally the protagonist Chen Zhen and the villain Go Fujita.

After the cooperation in "Black Boxing" last time, coupled with the usual training, the last wonderful fighting scene of the Jingwu hero, Zhang Yang has absolute confidence that he can completely reproduce it, and add some moves that are more beyond the times.

But the problem is that in this movie, the important fight scene is not the only one.

The importance of these two battle scenes, against Huo Ting'en and against Funakoshi Fumio, is not at all inferior to the protagonist Chen Zhen's final battle with Fujita Tsuyoshi. Therefore, the actors of these two roles, facing the candidates provided by Chen Huimin, Zhang Yang did not even think about it. , Pass directly on the spot.

"Do you really want to find the actors Funakoshi Fumio and Huo Tingen yourself?"

Seeing Zhang Yang's determined attitude, Chen Huimin was filled with doubts.

The Jingwu hero, Eagle's estimated investment will be around 350 million.

Perhaps in the eyes of Golden Harvest, making a movie with this little money is not even a fart.

But for a small company like Xiongying, the production cost of 350 million is simply a gamble of sacrificing the company's entire wealth. If it weren't for the success of "Black Fist" and Zhang Yang's rescue of Bo Tsai once, Chen Huimin might not have Dare to promise.

And now, Zhang Yang actually proposed to look for actors in person. How can Chen Huimin feel relieved?

But don’t forget that Zhang Yang was able to enter the film and television industry only because of Chen Huimin’s promotion. He has a lot of connections in the film and television industry. Now he wants to find an actor by himself. Who knows what kind of talent he can find? Come.

"Brother Min, since you believe me, you might as well believe it to the end. You are betting this time, and I am the same. If the movie fails, I won't get a dime. Plus, I was in the boxing ring a few days ago. Speech, this movie is screwed up, I'm afraid I will be scolded worse."

Hearing what Zhang Yang said, Chen Huimin suddenly ran out of words.

Indeed, with the launch of the Jing Wu Hero Project, he and Zhang Yang have become grasshoppers tied to the same rope.

The two of them are both hurt and prosperous, if Zhang Yang really has the confidence, there is nothing wrong with trying the actors he finds.

It's really not a big deal. If the audition fails and the candidate is replaced, at least Zhang Yang won't be dissatisfied with himself.

"You will be responsible for the candidates for these two roles. As for the candidates for Akutagawa Ryuichi and Yamada Mitsuko, I will look for them."

After a pause, Chen Huimin asked tentatively: "Where is the director, is he still called Wu Malai?"

Zhang Yang hesitated, but finally shook his head.

To be honest, Zhang Yang really doesn't know anything about photography, directing, and editing these days. The importance of the movie "Jing Wu Hero" to him is self-evident. When filming "Black Fist", he didn't arrange for the director. The right to speak, and now that Chen Huimin took the initiative to ask him what he wanted from the director, he didn't want to hide it.

"I also have goals for the director and Wu Zhi, but I'm not sure if I can succeed."

"Go and try boldly, I will be with you to check it."

One sheep was being driven, and two sheep were being herded. Chen Huimin simply nodded and pointed at Bo Zai next to her.

"Who do you want to invite at that time? I'll ask Bozai to go with you. He is my man. Anyone who knows me in the circle knows that people who can be moved by my face should see Bozai. I understand what I mean."

Chen Huimin, who recognized the current situation of the two of them, finally showed his gangster spirit.

Employing people without suspicion and using people without suspicion, mother-in-law and mother-in-law are really not in line with Chen Huimin's character.

Feeling Chen Huimin's support, Zhang Yang took a deep breath.

This time, the Jingwu heroes, he and Chen Huimin, had already placed their chips on the table.

Now, just wait for the filming to see how much Hong Kong money they can win with these chips!

(End of this chapter)

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