Hong Kong Entertainment: Kung Fu Superstar 1981

Chapter 42 The Qian Family Brothers

Chapter 42 The Qian Family Brothers
Jordan Road, 19 Pak Hoi Street.

In the most prosperous period of the Shaw Brothers studio in the past, every morning, at least a hundred martial artists would gather here, waiting in line to take the shuttle bus to the Shaw Brothers Studio in Clear Water Bay to start work.

Over time, this place has become a meeting place for many martial arts masters.

However, with the successive rise of Golden Harvest and New Art City, the Shaw Brothers also gradually declined, and No. 19 Beihai Street gradually withered and fell into desolation. Now only the martial artists who gather here on weekdays are left. People who work for Shaw Brothers.

Bo Zai parked the car on the side of the road, looked at the more than 30 people waiting for the shuttle bus, and turned to look at Zhang Yang.

"Hey, Yangzi, we're here."

Zhang Yang didn't speak, just followed the car window, his eyes swept over the faces of the 30 or so martial artists one by one.

Seeing that Zhang Yang didn't say a word, Bo Zai could only continue on his own: "I really don't understand why you have to come here to pick actors, let's not mention that these people are martial arts stuntmen, are they capable of acting? Just because he is an employee of Shaw Brothers, how could he take the risk of being fired from his superiors to cooperate with us? Although he earns less, he still has a solid job."

"found it."

While Bo Zai was chatting to himself, Zhang Yang's eyes suddenly lit up, and he opened the door and got out of the car.

Seeing this, Bo Zai had no choice but to turn off the car and hurriedly followed Zhang Yang.

Today's Zhang Yang is no longer the silent and unknown person he was back then.

Especially in the martial arts circle, with the sensational response caused by "Black Fist" earlier, coupled with the sensation caused in the Hong Kong Island Gymnasium a few days ago, these martial artists present are not well-known, but soon Someone also recognized Zhang Yang's identity.

Seeing Zhang Yang walking towards them, some of the bold and daring ones, whether to recommend themselves or to stir up trouble and seek publicity, stood up one after another and tried to push their way to the front. Zhang Yang raised his hand and pushed him away gently, covering his chest, shocked by Zhang Yang's amazing strength.

Zhang Yang, who had squeezed through the crowd, finally saw his target.

Looking at the two brothers who looked very similar in front of him, Zhang Yang smiled and spoke.

"Qian Xiaohao, right? Are you free to chat with me?"

Looking at Zhang Yang, Qian Xiaohao frowned, slightly raised his arms to block his younger brother, and asked, "What are you talking about?"

"You will be interested in making movies."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yang directly pointed to a tea restaurant across the street.

"We'll talk here, it won't take you long."

Since he was in a familiar place, Qian Xiaohao's guard was somewhat relaxed.

He raised his wrist, glanced at his watch and said, "I only have 15 minutes."

"That's enough, let's go."

After Zhang Yang finished speaking, he reached out and made a gesture of invitation.

Seeing this, Qian Xiaohao couldn't refuse anymore, so he had to lead his younger brother and follow Zhang Yang to the tea restaurant across the street.

After the two of them walked into the tea restaurant, the arrogant martial artist wanted to follow them and eavesdrop on what they were saying. However, Bo Zai, who followed Zhang Yang, strode forward and blocked the door of the tea restaurant. , pulled up his sleeves slightly, revealing the tattoo on his arm, and glared at these people.

Feeling the unkind Jianghu aura in him, the martial artists immediately suppressed their curiosity back to the bottom of their hearts and stopped saying anything.

In the restaurant, after entering the door, Zhang Yang snapped his fingers at the waiter at the counter.

"A bottle of frozen lemonade. Just tell us what you want to drink. I'll treat you."

"Just two bottles of plain water will do."

Perhaps out of cautiousness in his character, Qian Xiaohao did not accept Zhang Yang's kindness. Instead, he sat down opposite Zhang Yang with a serious expression, and said with a straight face, "What do you want to talk about? Just talk about it."

Zhang Yang folded his hands and put them on the table. Instead of mentioning his own affairs, he first charged Xiaohao and said, "I heard that you are now a member of Zhang's class. How about it? How many plays can you make in a year?" Start work?"

The Zhang family class that Zhang Yang mentioned here is a team under the great director Zhang Che.

In the 70s and [-]s, when Shaw Brothers Films was in full swing, Zhang Che's status in Hong Kong movies was absolutely undeniable.

But now, with the overall decline of Shaw Brothers, and the more sought-after team of Liu Jiaban inside, Zhang Che and even Zhang Jiaban's life is naturally not as good as it is day by day.

Just like today's Qian Xiaohao, two years ago in 80, he was still able to play the leading role in a Shaw Brothers movie, but now with Zhang Che's loss of power, he can only disappear from the screen and be seen by others. The Shaw Brothers frequently dispatched to support TVB's TV series.

For Qian Xiaohao in this situation, although food and clothing are guaranteed, the future is gloomy.

Although Zhang Yang didn't understand the details, he could vaguely guess based on the memory of the decline of Shaw Brothers and Qian Xiaohao's failure to become popular in Shaw Brothers for a long time.

The feeling of being poked into the pain in the bottom of my heart is naturally not so comfortable. Qian Xiaohao said a little dissatisfied: "What do you want to talk about? If it's okay, I still have to catch the bus, Jiale, let's go."

Just as Qian Xiaohao wanted to drag his younger brother away, Zhang Yang suddenly took out 3 yuan from his pocket and patted it on the table.

Compared with the numbers on credit cards and checks, the impact of a thick stack of banknotes in front of you is self-evident.

Shaw Brothers pays wages on a monthly basis, and the salary is not high among the same level in the industry.

Now that Zhang Yang directly slapped 3 yuan on the table, he couldn't help but stop.

"What do you mean?"

"You're an actor, martial artist, what else can I ask you for, of course it's filming."

"Shaw Brothers doesn't allow actors to accept films privately."

Although 3 yuan in cash is tempting, it is obviously not enough to make Qian Xiaohao lose his mind.

But what Zhang Yang said next made his heart skip a beat.

"3 yuan, it's just a deposit. I want you to play the second male lead in my new film. The salary is 10 yuan. You don't have to rush to reject me. I haven't finished talking yet. I know that taking pictures privately means leaving Shao." Shi, so after the filming of this film is completed, I have two options for you. One is that you continue to follow me and I guarantee that there will be scenes for you. The other is that I can recommend you to go to the Hong Family Class."

Although the remuneration of 10 yuan is generous, it is not enough to make Qian Xiaohao give up the Shaw Brothers ship. He even guarantees that Zhang Yang will film the film, which is just a lie on the scene. Only the last sentence, Qian Xiaohao was completely moved.

Nowadays, all martial arts practitioners in Hong Kong know that the best and most profitable one in this industry is Hong Jinbao’s Hung Family Class.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the three words "Hong Jia Ban" are the golden name in the martial arts industry.

Seeing that although Qian Xiaohao was moved, he was still hesitant and hesitant, Zhang Yang further strengthened his offensive.

He looked at Qian Jiale, who was still looking young, and said softly: "Your brother is following you, and he should also want to be a martial artist, right? Has Shaw Brothers signed him? If not, I can let him come to me first. He trains here, and like you in the future, I can let him choose whether to stay with me or go to the Hong Family Class to develop."

(End of this chapter)

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