Chapter 48 Zhang Yang’s talent

Sure enough, it was Guan Gong again...

On the day of the opening ceremony, looking at the familiar statue of Guan Erye in front of him, Zhang Yang took a deep breath and stepped forward to offer incense.

Recalling the first opening ceremony to pay homage to the second master, I still feel weird in my heart.

But now, this kind of familiarity actually made Zhang Yang feel that it should be taken for granted.

May the Holy Emperor Guan bless you, may the movie start smoothly, and may the movie be rainbow-colored!

After offering the incense, he bowed silently, Zhang Yang turned sideways, and behind him, a woman's fragrance hit his face.

Also respectfully inserted the incense into the incense burner, the woman closed her eyes and bowed her head, her slightly immature and delicate face was full of piety.

Li Saifeng...

Although this future female fighting star in the Hong Kong film industry had already studied martial arts under Xu Ziming, she did not show her fierce side in the future because of her youth and immaturity at the age of 17. On the contrary, it was more like her first appearance in "" When he appeared in "Mr. Zombie", he was sweet and pleasant. Although he was not a perfect fit, in the role of Photon, at least he would not make the audience laugh.

And this is enough.

After the opening ceremony, the crew quickly began to get busy.

Chen Jiashang, who was chosen by Zhang Yang to be the director, was very clear about his position and did not interfere with Wu Yusen's command on the set. Instead, he followed Wu Yusen humbly and silently learned how to manage the scene. Dressing room to prepare for the upcoming shoot.

Just like the experience accumulated during the previous filming of "Black Fist".

Martial arts films naturally focus on fighting scenes. The sooner you become familiar with the shooting process of fighting scenes, the easier it will be for the team to get along well.

Although Wu Yusen is not a professional martial arts film director, he obviously knows this simple truth.

Therefore, the first scene of the filming of "Fist of Heroes" was shortly after the start of the film. In order to avenge his master Huo Yuanjia, Chen Zhen came to the Hongkou Dojo to kick the gym and avenge Akutagawa Ryuichi.

Soon, under Wu Yusen's arrangement, the martial arts gym scene was completed.

A large number of hired temporary martial artists put on Japanese Taoist uniforms and stood in groups in the gym.

The lens of the main camera was aimed at the gate of the gymnasium. Zhang Yang clenched his fists, stood behind the door, and took a deep breath.

"Start shooting!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Yang had a straight face, filling his heart with anger, but he forcibly restrained it. He walked out of the door and stood in front of the Hongkou Dojo, scanning the gym members with cold eyes.

The martial artist who had been selected in advance stepped forward and asked questions in deliberately awkward Chinese.

"Who are you and how can you come here!"

"Jingwu Sect, Chen Zhen, I want to find your master, Akutagawa Ryuichi."

"China pigs are not allowed to enter the Hongkou Dojo, get out quickly!"

"This is our land, of course I can come!"


The martial artist standing in front of Zhang Yang made the first move and put his hand on Zhang Yang's shoulder, but Zhang Yang came first and raised his hand to press directly on the martial artist's cheek. His movements were as clean and concise as ever, and he raised his hand and pressed down hard.


The martial artist fell to the ground on the spot, then propped himself on all fours and fled backwards in embarrassment.

The rest of the hired temporary martial artists immediately swarmed up and rushed towards Zhang Yang.

"Click, main camera, change the angle. The martial artists will remember to stand separately later. They will go up one by one according to the previously set rhythm as previously requested. Don't forget to shout before going up to remind the protagonists where you are coming up..."

Perhaps because of their first cooperation, Wu Yusen gave very detailed explanations to the martial artists.

Chen Jiashang, who was sitting next to Wu Yusen, was holding a notebook and carefully recorded it.

After the main camera switched to the side, Wu Yusen checked the monitor composition and then nodded with satisfaction.

"Okay, go ahead, start shooting!"

The filming of the film started again. Facing the crowds at the Hongkou Dojo, Zhang Yang began to tilt his fighting style towards Jeet Kune Do style.

As a martial art school founded by Li Xiaolong himself, Jeet Kune Do's style is just like Li Xiaolong's, fierce and direct.

In such a scene of more than a dozen, the protagonist is allowed to deal with his opponents very quickly and simply, and often uses side kicks on the knees and low-handed beatings on the crotch, which look fierce, which makes the martial arts scenes more realistic. At the same time, it also reflects the sense of brutality.

Master was killed, his family and country were discriminated against, and he was eager to seek revenge from Akutagawa Ryuichi.

At this moment, facing this group of bastards who are helping others to do evil, Chen Zhen must be thinking of the fastest and most ruthless way to deal with his opponent.

And Jeet Kune Do is the most suitable kung fu!
In terms of acting, Zhang Yang may not be as good as many actors.

But when it comes to fighting scenes, Zhang Yang’s intuition cultivated through years of fighting experience can always find the most suitable fighting method.

Perhaps Zhang Yang himself was not aware of this somewhat peculiar potential, and simply thought that the filming scene was smooth, but Wu Yusen behind the monitor could see it clearly, and the light in his eyes made him become more serious unknowingly.

In fact, when he knew that he was going to film "Fist of Heroes", Wu Yusen didn't feel very happy.

Although he has had some bad luck in Jiahe in recent years, he is not an unknown person in the film and television industry.

After all, his master was one of Shaw Brothers' four major directors, Zhang Che, who was in full swing in the field of new martial arts!

When he was still at Shaw Brothers, several martial arts films directed by him were released one after another. Among them, "The Princess" had already reached a box office of more than 75 million in 300, and even more in 77. With a box office of 500 million Hong Kong dollars, it won the annual box office runner-up.

In the past, he would never have condescended to a half-dead independent production company like Eagle Film.

And he didn't think that a grassroots team like this could make the movie he wanted, until...this moment!
On the monitor screen, Zhang Yang's movements are open and closed, but not lacking in flexibility.

The martial arts masters rushed forward quickly according to the rhythm set in advance, but Zhang Yang raised his hand and punched directly, hitting his throat. His face turned red from suppressing the pain. He hurriedly covered his choked throat with his hands, but soon after, Zhang Yang kicked With a side kick, he was sent flying on the spot.


Apart from these two words, Wu Yusen could not think of any other adjectives at this moment.

Looking at Zhang Yang's ferocious and ferocious movements, Wu Yusen was like a sudden rain after a long drought. For this person who loves the aesthetics of violence to the point of being integrated into his bones, the comical action scenes in comedies simply cannot make his blood boil. But the current fight scene in Zhang Yang allowed him to find a trace of happiness.

"Move harder! Especially martial arts masters like you, your hands and feet are all limp, don't you have enough to eat?!"

"Jiashang, help me remember here, I will take a close-up shot later."

"Click, here, take another shot!"

On the set, Wu Yusen's voice came to his ears more and more.

Zhang Yang, who had just finished a series of fighting scenes, wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked at Wu Yusen behind the monitor, and smiled helplessly.

At this time, Wu Yusen was really depressed, and he entered the state faster than himself.

(End of this chapter)

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