Chapter 49
"Ka! It doesn't work here, come again!"

In the studio, Wu Yusen stared at the picture on the monitor, frowning.

At this time, the first scene with more than a dozen scenes has been completed, but the filming progress is stuck on facing Ryuichi Akutagawa.

Perhaps because of the enthusiasm aroused by Zhang Yang's fighting, Wu Yusen, a director who is already extremely keen on composition, has become more picky about the requirements of the scene. The request was met, resulting in successive NG interruptions in shooting.

Just when the props team was restoring the scene and Wu Yusen was sitting in front of the monitor worrying, Zhang Yang came up.

"How about asking him to be a stand-in for action scenes?"

Wu Yusen raised his head, followed the direction of Zhang Yang's finger, and saw Qian Jiale who was waiting with Qian Xiaohao.

"Isn't this still a half-grown child? Can it be done?" Wu Yusen was a little doubtful.

"He has trained in the boxing gym with me, and his skills are good."

Wu Yusen was silent for a moment, and finally nodded with the mentality of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

"Then let him try one, a close-up of his face, and then go back and take another shot."

"Got it."

Zhang Yang nodded, stood up and waved directly to the Qian brothers.

"Xiaohao, take your younger brother to the dressing room, who is currently Akutagawa Ryuichi's stand-in."

Qian Xiaohao, who was named, was stunned, obviously he didn't expect that his younger brother could play earlier than himself.

But after a brief moment of surprise, he nodded immediately, fearing that Zhang Yang would regret it, so he pulled Qian Jiale into the dressing room.

A moment later, when the two of them walked out of the dressing room, Qian Jiale had changed into Akutagawa Ryuichi's Japanese gi.

However, with his current age and height, it is naturally difficult for him to support such a big dress. Fortunately, the makeup artist was smart enough to specially let him put two sponges on his shoulders and put a booster pad in his socks, which was barely enough. Clothes held up.

Standing unsteadily in the arena, Qian Jiale, who was playing for the first time, was obviously a little confused, but at this moment, Zhang Yang had already stood opposite him, and said softly, "Ale, don't worry about the camera, just treat it as if you are in the martial arts hall." , when I take you to practice the tricks."

Since Qian Xiaohao brought him into the boxing gym, they have been together almost every moment for a week, and they have become acquainted with each other. With such a person who took the initiative to comfort him, Qian Jiale's nervousness disappeared immediately. few.

Taking Qian Jiale through the process twice, the cooperation effect was not bad, Zhang Yang extended a thumbs up to Wu Yusen.

Wu Yusen understood, picked up the loudspeaker beside him, and spoke slowly.

"Attention all departments, three, two, one, start shooting!"

As the little red dot under the camera lit up, Qian Jiale's tension that had subsided unexpectedly surged up again.

"Attack here!"

Just when Qian Jiale was a little flustered, suddenly, Zhang Yang whispered in his ear.

At this moment, Qian Jiale suddenly woke up from a dream, took two steps forward, and punched Zhang Yang in front of him.


Fist blowing the wind, in a hurry, perhaps under the pressure of tension, Qian Jiale, in order to ensure the enjoyment of the action, forgot to hold back when making the move, and punched fiercely, directly hitting Zhang Yang's face.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang's reaction was extremely fast. Seeing the fist wind coming, he quickly crossed his left arm to block.


The fist hit Zhang Yang's arm heavily, and there was a muffled sound. Qian Jiale was startled, and wanted to stop in a panic. Zhang Yang's steady voice sounded again.

"It's okay, the movement is complete, continue to fight."

Reassured by Zhang Yang, Qian Jiale's mentality finally stabilized a bit, and he punched with his backhand, which was blocked by Zhang Yang.

After going through the initial stage where the rhythm of the routine is most likely to be chaotic, Qian Jiale's athletic talent began to show.

A series of leg attacks were used in a flowing manner, while Zhang Yang blocked or blocked them all.

Until the last kick, Zhang Yang held his breath and concentrated his attention, and punched the sole of Qian Jiale's kicked foot, causing him to stagger backwards.

"Ka, yes, yes, this one passed!"

Behind the monitor, Wu Yusen nodded with satisfaction.

After all, he has practiced, but he is still different from ordinary actors. His movements look powerful, unlike before, where his hands and feet were weak.

And Zhang Yang also stopped, patted Qian Jiale's head, and said with a smile: "Look, it's not that difficult, take it easy."

Qian Jiale scratched his chin in embarrassment, and said tentatively, "Brother Yang, when I punched you for the first time just now..."

"It's a small thing. If I can't catch this punch, how can I have the nerve to teach you and your brother to box?"

What happened in the arena, Qian Xiaohao, who was sitting below waiting for the arena, saw everything clearly.

When Qian Jiale made a mistake just now, Qian Xiaohao was even more nervous than he was when he made the mistake. It was not until the filming of the fighting scene was successfully completed that he let go of his worries. When he looked up at Zhang Yang, he couldn't help but feel a little thankful.

Fortunately, he was naturally glad that he made the right choice, leaving Shaw Brothers and joining Zhang Yang's crew.

Regardless of whether he and Jia Le will join Hong's class in the end, just because Zhang Yang is willing to give Jia Le a chance to play, and is willing to teach him patiently, these alone are enough to make Qian Xiaohao feel grateful.

It was precisely because of this mood that Qian Xiaohao secretly made up his mind.

No matter what happens in the future, at least for this film, he has to cheer up and work hard to make it well.

Only in this way can he feel worthy of facing Zhang Yang.


With the continuous filming, Qian Jiale, who was acting as a stand-in, found his status more and more.

The fight with Akutagawa Ryuichi was also able to end before dark.

After the piecemeal supplementary shots were completed, Wu Yusen finally picked up the loudspeaker again and called out the word "let's go".

In an instant, the tense atmosphere on the set finally completely relaxed.

The crew and props team joked with each other and cleaned up the shooting location. However, Wu Yusen was not in a hurry to leave. He just sat in front of the monitor and stared at the camera, in a daze.

Seeing that he didn't leave, Chen Jiashang sat beside him and didn't move, but asked curiously: "Director Wu, what's the problem?"

Wu Yusen shook his head, but did not answer.

As for the film, under his strict supervision, there is naturally no problem.

The real problem lies with himself.

Although the box office records he set are all concentrated in comedies, for some reason, he just can't get excited when filming comedies. On the contrary, this time he followed this grassroots team and filmed "Fist of Heroes", which actually made him find a new star. A rare condition.

Weird, so weird.

While Wu Yusen and Chen Jiashang were staring at the monitor in a daze, Zhang Yang, who had removed his make-up and changed his clothes, was blocked by a young and beautiful girl with stars shining in her eyes as she asked excitedly.

"Mr. Zhang, you are so powerful. Is the boxing you practice the same as Mr. Li's?"

Looking at Li Saifeng who looked a little excited in front of him, Zhang Yang smiled.

"Well, why, are you interested too?"

(End of this chapter)

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