Chapter 50 Stuck
Unlike his delicate and sweet appearance, Li Saifeng is essentially an active child.

If not, she would not have turned to martial arts master Xu Ziming as her teacher after being spotted by TVB's Xiao Xianhui and filming "The Love of the Earth", and then resolutely chose to embark on the journey of beating women. route.

You know, her looks are not bad.

Especially the stunning appearance in "Mr. Zombie" proves that she has the capital to be a "vase".

But even so, the acting path that Li Saifeng finally chose was the more difficult route of playing women.

If she didn't really like it, why would she do this?
At this time, facing Zhang Yang's rhetorical question, Li Saifeng naturally nodded without hesitation.

"I like it very much, but some of the moves are really difficult to do. I can't do them as neatly as you."

"Practicing martial arts requires time. If you practice a lot, you can do it."

By saying this, I'm not trying to comfort Li Saifeng, but it's just the way it is.

Even someone with excellent athletic talent like Qian Jiale would not be able to catch up with the rhythm of Zhang Yang's arrangements so quickly if he hadn't had a year's experience of hacking doors as a foundation. Continuous practice allows the muscles and body to adapt to this intensity.

Li Saifeng nodded half-understood, but was obviously not very satisfied with Zhang Yang's answer.

After all, for such a simple truth, her master must have told her more than once.

After hesitation, Li Saifeng spoke in a low voice.

"Mr. Zhang, can I learn boxing from you while I'm filming?"

Seeing the hopeful look in Li Saifeng's eyes, Zhang Yang naturally had no reason to refuse, and nodded with a smile.

"Okay, if you have time, I will teach you."


Li Saifeng cheered excitedly, then jumped away and ran away.

Halfway through, she couldn't help but turn back and shouted to Zhang Yang.

"Mr. Zhang, I will come to see you tomorrow, don't forget!"

"it is good."

Zhang Yang nodded with a smile, and watched Li Saifeng leave.


In the next few days, the filming of "Jing Wu Heroes" went relatively smoothly.

In terms of literature and drama, thanks to the guidance of Miao Kexiu and the experience accumulated during the filming of the previous film "Black Fist", although Zhang Yang's acting skills are still not lifelike, he has Wu Yusen, a dedicated director, who can tell him the drama and emotions. It won't be a drag.

Among the remaining people, Qian Xiaohao and Li Saifeng, although they are young, they have both played leading roles. Cangtian Yaozhao is an experienced actor. Among them, he is the most known as Wu Yusen. , the several literary scenes in which his face is shown are basically all in one shot.

When he was not filming offline, Chen Jia Shang pestered Wu Yu Sen to learn directing skills. The Qian brothers and Li Sai Feng took turns asking Zhang Yang for advice on kung fu and boxing. I wonder if this enthusiasm for learning on the set infected the atmosphere. Even Zhou Billy, who has always been serious and dull, took the initiative to learn acting skills from Cangtian Yasuaki.

If the atmosphere on the set is good, the filming will go more smoothly.

Even Zhang Yang, who gets stuck the most in literary dramas on weekdays, completed his literary dramas in a rare scene.

The atmosphere on the entire crew was getting better and better until the second important fight scene of the film started.

Chen Zhen confronts Huo Tingen.

This fight scene is not just as simple as sparring.

It is an exaggeration to say that the core idea of ​​the entire "Jing Wu Heroes" was established in this battle between the old and the new.

Therefore, the literary drama interspersed in this period of fighting drama is no less important than the content of fighting drama.

Inside the set.

Wu Yusen sat behind the monitor and stared at the screen.

In the front yard of Jingwumen carefully arranged by the props team, a large number of extra performers playing the roles of Jingwumen disciples stood by and watched.

In the arena, Zhang Yang and Qian Xiaohao fought fiercely.

Qian Jiale's athletic talent can be described as amazing. In this regard, Qian Xiaohao is only slightly inferior to Qian Jiale. In addition, Qian Jiale has little experience now, so he really cooperates. On the other hand, it was Qian Xiaohao who made Zhang Yang feel more relaxed and at ease.

According to the traditional Huojiaquan method, Qian Xiaohao's movements are extremely standard, while Zhang Yang, in order to highlight that MMA integrates the characteristics of various schools, deliberately makes the moves of each school more in line with the "stereotype" of movie fans. impression".

For example, in boxing and Muay Thai, when Zhang Yang uses related moves, he will deliberately change his arms in advance so that the audience can realize the change in fighting style. In addition to these foreign fighting techniques, Zhang Yang will also intersperse some more practical traditions. Martial arts routines.

Among them are Wing Chun's three-hand spread and Baji's shoulder and headbutts to enrich the movements. In the original fighting scene, Jet Li used a move that was very similar to the hummingbird kick in Brazilian war dance, and Zhang Yang even switched to the hummingbird kick. Later, it was connected to the half-moon compass to further enhance the tension of the fight.

Under Zhang Yang's offensive of constantly changing rhythms, routines, and fighting styles, Huo Ting'en, played by Qian Xiaohao, quickly retreated.

Finally, after repeatedly stopping, looking at Huo Ting'en who still kept fighting, Chen Zhen, played by Zhang Yang, kicked Huo Ting'en out with a side kick that was very characteristic of Li Xiaolong, and hit the fence hard.

Huo Ting'en fell down and failed to stand up after climbing up twice. The extras immediately gathered around and asked with concern.

The camera moves to Zhang Yang's face.

Zhang Yang stepped forward, as if he wanted to support Huo Tingen like everyone else, but stopped hesitantly.

Photon played by Li Saifeng walked into the screen, asked a thoughtful question, and Zhang Yang shook his head slowly.

"I lost. From now on, you are the owner!"

Qian Xiaohao read out his lines, and Zhang Yang responded accordingly.

"I don't want to be the owner, let alone leave Photon. If you want me to choose, I have to leave Jingwu..."


Before Zhang Yang could finish his last lines, Wu Yusen behind the monitor yelled in dissatisfaction.

Everyone on the set froze in place, and Wu Yusen, who shouted repeatedly, said angrily: "The mood is not right, everyone takes a break for a while, the props team, the scenery does not need to be restored, the shooting will start from the scene of Huo Ting'en falling later, Zhang Yang, come here."

Under everyone's worried eyes, Zhang Yang came to the monitor with a wry smile.

"Director Wu..."

Before Zhang Yang could finish saying hello, Wu Yusen had already raised his head and looked at Zhang Yang.

"You are too proud."

Zhang Yang was startled and didn't understand what Wu Yusen meant.

Wu Yusen lowered his head, stared at the screen on the monitor, and spoke slowly.

"I know you are very confident in your fighting scenes, and you are worthy of confidence, but the question is, what is Chen Zhen's current state? His relationship with Guangzi is not accepted by Jingwumen, and the brothers who were once close have to fight for it , Although he won the decisive battle, in order to maintain the peace of Jingwu Sect, Chen Zhen chose to leave Jingwu Sect and leave this place that is extremely important to him."

"You have to be wronged in your heart, but you can't show it, and you should take your innovation and understanding of kung fu as your reward for the teaching and nurturing of Fist of Fury, and show and repay to Fist of Fury, not simply I'm showing off."

"This is a lot of complicated emotions. Your current performance is too simple. Think carefully about how to act."

(End of this chapter)

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