Hong Kong Entertainment: Kung Fu Superstar 1981

Chapter 51 Boss Zou's Attention

Chapter 51 Boss Zou's Attention

My performance, too monotonous?

Until Zhang Yang left the set, Wu Yusen's frowning and head-shaking sighs kept ringing in Zhang Yang's head.

During the two hours of repeated shooting, Zhang Yang failed to meet the requirements, and Wu Yusen was so angry that he directly announced the suspension of shooting.

On the way back to the boxing gym, the Qian family brothers and Zhou Bili looked at Zhang Yang who was frowning and lost in thought, and they didn't know how to enlighten and comfort them, so they could only follow silently.

After everyone got out of the car and just entered the door of the boxing gym, Chen Yijie, who was staying at the counter, immediately greeted them.

"Yang Zi, you are finally back, the big star called to see you."

Chen Yijie's noisy but friendly voice finally brought Zhang Yang back to his senses, waking him up from his contemplation.

He said angrily and funny: "Boss, forget about your verbosity. Please speak more clearly. What a big star you are?"

"Who else could it be, Hong Jinbao?"

As Chen Yijie said this, he took out the note he had written down earlier from under the counter and handed it to Zhang Yang.

"Well, they say that you are going to attend the midnight premiere, so at [-] o'clock in the evening, go to Hall [-] of this theater to find him."

Taking the note from Chen Yijie, Zhang Yang slapped his head suddenly, and then he remembered that when he revealed his connections to the Qian brothers, he used this excuse to contact Hong Jinbao. As a result, he was busy filming "Fist of Heroes" during this period. Almost forgot.

Hong Jinbao was considered one of the top half of Jiahe, so he couldn't let others take advantage of him.

Chen Yijie was urged to remember to remind himself, and Zhang Yang called on everyone to continue their daily training.


The entire evening training was okay at the beginning, but after the practice, Zhang Yang unconsciously lost his mind because of filming.

Fortunately, years of fighting in the arena have already turned these basic fighting training into his muscle memory.

Although his mind was already wandering, after the training, nothing unexpected happened.

It wasn't until the sky was completely dark and he said goodbye to Zhou Billy and the Qian brothers that Zhang Yang changed his clothes and went out, heading straight to Jiahe Cinema.

When he arrived at the theater, the timing was just right. After entering the theater, Zhang Yang went to the corner of the edge of the set according to the seat number on the sticky note. Sure enough, he found Chen Xunqi and Hong Jinbao who had been dressed in disguise.

Sitting next to the two of them, Hong Jinbao glanced at him and joked with a smile: "I thought you wouldn't show up tonight."

"How come? It's my first time to work with a big star like Mr. Hong. Of course I don't want to miss it."

"Big star, hey, you've seen that the hundreds of seats in the movie theater are not full. It's so majestic that you are in the Hong Kong Island Stadium. There are more than 6000 seats full? I really underestimated you before. I didn't expect that even Jiang Fude was not. Your opponent is strong enough."

Hong Jinbao lowered his voice and gave Zhang Yang a thumbs up.

Zhang Yang also didn't expect that Hong Jinbao would actually pay attention to the previous battle between him and Jiang Fude, and he couldn't help but be startled.

Hong Jinbao hugged his shoulders, looked at the big screen, and said casually: "You don't have to be surprised. In fact, if it's just a boxing match, I'm just watching it for entertainment. There's no need to tell you anymore, but now , because the move you played after the boxing match was really pretty, so not only did I want to take a high look at you, but even Mr. Zou has become very interested in you recently."

Mr. Zou?
Hearing this name, Zhang Yang was startled at first, but he quickly realized it.

There should be only one person in Hong Kong who can be called so respectfully by Sammo Hung.

And this person is probably the founder of Jiahe and now the chairman of Jiahe Pictures, Zou Wenhuai.

Hong Jinbao's talk at this moment should not be aimless, Zhang Yang didn't rush to answer and express his position, but just kept silent.

Although Zhang Yang's silence was a bit slippery, Hong Jinbao didn't dislike it. He just continued calmly: "Mr. Zou knew that I invited you to make a guest appearance in the film, so he asked me to bring you a message, asking if you are interested. I will work with you in the future." Golden Harvest signed."

Signed with Jiahe!

I really have to say that every time I meet with Hong Jinbao, the other party always brings surprises beyond Zhang Yang's imagination.

The first time, he invited himself to join the Hong Family Class he founded.

But this second time, it was the boss of Jiahe who directly invited him to sign a contract with Jiahe.

Slowly exhaling a foul breath, Zhang Yang was not overwhelmed by joy, but instead asked Hong Jinbao a question.

"Brother Hong, tell me, if I don't want to just be an actor under Golden Harvest, but want to cooperate with you and your junior brother Cheng Long in the name of the company and form my own team, will Mr. Zou agree? "

This time, the stunned person became Hong Jinbao.

After a brief moment of astonishment, Hong Jinbao looked away from the big screen for the first time and focused his attention on Zhang Yang.

His eyes were more serious than ever before, as if he wanted to see Zhang Yang thoroughly at once.

"Looking at your eyes earlier, I knew you were ambitious, but I didn't expect that you were so ambitious."

Hong Jinbao paused and lowered his voice a bit.

"However, based on your current grades, it's impossible. Let's not say that the grades of "Black Fist" are not so good. If there is only one movie, "Black Fist", no one can tell whether it came by accident or not. If you really want to take the route of a cooperative company, you must pay more attention to this "Jing Wu Heroes."

The ambiguous answer is obviously not enough to satisfy Zhang Yang.

He then asked curiously: "Then what achievement can be counted as hard work?"

"At least 500 million or more."

Hong Jinbao didn't hide it, but after making this request, he added another sentence.

"Of course, if you only have the box office as a bargaining chip, although you can talk about it, the chance of success is not very high. You have to prove that you can still make independent films after leaving Eagle Movie, or..."

"Or take Xiong Yingying and board the boat together." Zhang Yang stroked his chin and took the initiative to complete the second half of Hong Jinbao's sentence.

Hong Jinbao smiled, stopped talking, and turned to look at the big screen.

"Let's not talk about that, let's watch the movie."

Zhang Yang came back to his senses, and looked up at the screen.

In the screen, the rice vat played by Hong Jinbao is being threatened by the film's villain Zhou Wensheng, asking him to hand over the stolen diamonds. Facing Zhou Wensheng's pressing every step of the way, the rice vat pretends to be crazy and does not reveal anything, which makes Zhou Wensheng Panic.

Seeing Hong Jinbao's wonderful acting skills, Zhang Yang couldn't help feeling emotional.

If discussing the martial arts scene alone, he is confident that he will not lose to Hong Jinbao. It can be said that it is a thesis scene. I am really behind in this point, and I don't know how he practiced...

Isn’t it true that people are right next to me, so why don’t you just ask yourself how you practice?
Zhang Yang, who had come back to his senses, was not polite, touched Hong Jinbao with his elbow, and spoke in a low voice.

"Brother Hong, there is one more thing I want to ask you."

(End of this chapter)

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