Chapter 52

In a dimly lit studio.

After Zhang Yang finished talking about his confusion about filming, Hong Jinbao couldn't help but smile.

To be honest, he felt a little bit about Zhang Yang's immature acting skills the last time he watched "Black Fist".

But immature acting skills do not mean that Zhang Yang has no talent for acting.

For example, in the movie "Black Boxing", Gao Gang finally faced off against his opponent in a fake boxing match.

In that fighting scene, Zhang Yang's violent and cruel movements, as well as his roar of victory, undoubtedly made the character of Gao Gang break away from the shackles of the black fist and the heroine Tian Li, and vent his anger and dissatisfaction vividly. .

Originally, Hong Jinbao thought that these were plots specially designed by Zhang Yang.

But now looking at Zhang Yang's confused expression, he realized that this kid's actions and judgments were mostly made subconsciously.

"Have you ever thought about not treating literary dramas as fighting dramas?"

Facing the question raised by Hong Jinbao, Zhang Yang was startled and still a little confused.

How can literary play and play play be regarded as the same thing?

Seeing that Zhang Yang still had some thoughts, Hong Jinbao was hesitating how to explain, but he accidentally raised his head and saw the screen.

"By the way, you first look at this part we filmed."

Zhang Yang then raised his head, only to find that the thug played by Zhang Yang happened to be on the big screen at the moment, confronting Hong Jinbao.

When watching the premiere of "Black Fist" last time, Zhang Yang focused all his attention on the audience's reaction, but now, for the first time, he focused all his attention on the character he played.

On the screen, Hong Jinbao rushed forward and punched Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang raised his hand to block, then hit his knees.

There seems to be no problem?

It’s not much different from the shots they originally shot.

Just when Zhang Yang tilted his head in confusion, Hong Jinbao reminded him in a low voice.

"Pay more attention to the details of your own movements."


Zhang Yang raised his head again in confusion, carefully observing his every move.

To be honest, this kind of opportunity to stand on the sidelines and seriously examine yourself on the big screen is really rare and very strange.

Suppressing the weird feeling in his heart, Zhang Yang tried his best to strip his attention from the movements, and just focus on himself...

Hong Jinbao, what exactly did he want him to see?
Just as Zhang Yang was becoming more and more confused, the fight scene had reached its climax near the end.

Zhang Yang clamped Hong Jinbao's head under his arm and grabbed Hong Jinbao's waistband with his hands.

At this moment, the camera is facing Zhang Yang's face.

On the screen, Zhang Yang's eyes flashed fierce and fierce. Accompanied by the violent drinking, he suddenly hugged Hong Jinbao, and the audience couldn't help but gasp following this scene.

Crane style flip!

The sky was filled with smoke and dust, wood chips were flying, and the proud face on the screen showed joy.

These expressions...are they made by me?
Zhang Yang lowered his head and carefully recalled the shooting process. He did not remember that he had made these expressions deliberately.

While Zhang Yang was meditating, the audience couldn't help but gasp in amazement.

"Wow, it's true or not, even Hong Jinbao can mention it, whoever came here, it's really vicious and evil."

"Don't you know him? Zhang Yang! The one who played Gao Gang in "Black Fist"!"

"It turned out to be him! I'm pissed, I remember that he is not a very innocent person, why does he look so fierce now..."

"Nonsense, the villain is played in this film, of course it has to be vicious enough to be applauded."

The whispered comments from the audience did not bring Zhang Yang back to his senses, but Hong Jinbao began to explain to Zhang Yang with a smile.

"Actually, it's not that you don't have acting skills. You will perform very well when you are very involved in acting. So the problem you are encountering now is not that you can't do it, but that you don't have confidence. So I want to do it on purpose.”

Hong Jinbao paused, turned to look at Zhang Yang, and patted him on the shoulder.

"So the solution I'll give you is to perform the literary drama as if it were a play, don't deliberately pursue the effect, just immerse yourself in the role wholeheartedly, in this way, you can perform it naturally."


Zhang Yang raised his head half-understanding, and in his mind, he recalled the time when Miao Kexiu taught him acting.

At that time, Miao Kexiu always told him to stand in the position of the characters in the film and use his true feelings to enrich the emotions of the characters, but Wu Yusen said that his performance was too single and deliberate, was it because During this period of time, I was always pursuing the effect of Wu Yusen's acting, instead of showing my emotions?
"I, probably understand."

Although it wasn't enough to have an epiphany on the spot, Hong Jinbao's pointing words gave Zhang Yang a little clue.

Hong Jinbao didn't say much, he just turned his head and continued to observe the reactions of the movie fans in the theater.

Judging from the excited eyes of the audience, it is obvious that the scene where he invited Zhang Yang to make a cameo has indeed enriched the film's fighting content. Although this is not the theme of "Beware of Little Hands", there is no such thing as icing on the cake. People will dislike it.

Turning his head to look at Zhang Yang, who was still deep in thought beside him, Hong Jinbao had a smile on his face.

Work harder, kid.

If you can really become the second city dragon, then Jiahe can take a breather under the fierce offensive of Xinyi City.


The premiere of "Beware of Small Hands" ended, Zhang Yang and Hong Jinbao said goodbye to Chen Xunqi and returned to the boxing gym.

Lying on the bed, tossing and turning all night, Zhang Yang finally fell asleep just before morning.

But he only slept for less than three or four hours, and he suddenly woke up with the publicity of the film in mind.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Zhang Yang simply washed up and tidied up, went out, took a car and went straight to the filming set.

Arriving at the studio again, looking at the set that had not been restored after filming yesterday, Zhang Yang stepped into the set.

Treat literary drama as a fighting drama. When filming a fighting drama, when thinking about action choreography, what will you do?

The most important thing is to feel the protagonist's current situation, right?

Only after understanding the situation and current situation can we use various technologies according to local conditions.

Zhang Yang closed his eyes slightly and tried to empty his mind, silently going through the experience that Chen Zhen experienced from beginning to end in his heart, and digesting it silently in his heart.

Unconsciously, his fist began to clenched unconsciously.

The grievance of Master being killed has not yet been washed away.

He and Guangzi were obviously wishful thinking, but the intimacy between the brothers of the same school turned into gossip and malicious slander behind the scenes, and even the junior brother who had always had the best relationship was forced to fight him...

Anger, grievance, helplessness, my heart is filled with all kinds of negative emotions, but I have to put them all in a shell called strength, because the master's injustice is still waiting for me to wash away, and the tragic situation of my family and country , also urging him not to let all his hard training go to waste!
Open your eyes.

Zhang Yang's expression seemed calm, but in his heart, there was a surge, and his clenched fists began to tremble uncontrollably.

"Yes, this is the state!"

Suddenly, a voice made Zhang Yang step out of his role.

Looking along the sound, Wu Yusen was walking towards him with a happy face and clapping his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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