Chapter 5
"Hey, Yangzi, what are you doing standing still?"

Seeing that Chen Huimin was interested in recruiting, Chen Yijie immediately greeted Zhang Yang in a low voice.

But what surprised both of them was that Zhang Yang shook his head slowly at this moment.

"Let me help with the boxing match, no problem, but if it's not a boxing match, there are some things I can't do."

"Yang Zi, you! Brother Min, Yang Zi just came to Hong Kong Island not long ago, and he is not sober..."

Chen Yijie wanted to explain to Zhang Yang, but was interrupted by a wave of his hand.

Chen Huimin suppressed her smile, and her serious face showed dignity.

"Have you thought about it? I am willing to give you a chance because of your skills. If you don't want to come, I don't lack you."

Speaking of this, Chen Huimin reached out and took out two stacks of Hong Kong papers from the bag next to her, and patted them on the coffee table.

"Hey, don't say I'm treating you badly. Here are two piles, one pile worth 1 yuan. If you follow me from now on, just take one pile and treat it as a meeting gift for you as a big boss. You are not interested in following me. These two Take all the piles and it will be regarded as the appearance fee for inviting you to box this time. How do you choose? You can pick one yourself."

80 Hong Kong dollars in the 2s was not a small amount of money.

Even in Central District, where there are many high-rise buildings and professional white-collar workers, the average salary of everyone is only 500 yuan, and the low-level fighters like Zhang Yang only earn a mere 600 yuan a month.

A total of 2 yuan, just Zhang Yang's current income, even if the expenses of food, clothing, housing and transportation are not counted, he will have to save for a whole year.

If Zhang Yang was really just a little-known boxer, facing the conditions offered by Chen Huimin, maybe he would have been cruel and nodded to hang out with Chen Huimin, but now, Zhang Yang obviously has his own arrangements and plans.

"I'm not interested in money either. In fact, I want to film with you more, Brother Min."

Without unnecessary detours or cover-ups, Zhang Yang went straight to the point and made his request to Chen Huimin.

"You, filming?"

Hearing Zhang Yang's answer, Chen Huimin was startled for a moment, then burst into laughter.

"After working on it for a long time, it turns out that you want to imitate Long Zai and appear on the big screen."

Zhang Yang didn't answer. Now that he had decided on the path he wanted to take, it was not his character to give up halfway easily.

As for Chen Huimin's answer or not, he certainly hoped that Chen Huimin would nod, but there was nothing he could do if he didn't nod.

After all, this is a shortcut, and if the shortcut doesn't work, I have nothing to complain about. Just follow the right path honestly. If it doesn't work, just become a dragon and tiger martial artist and start from the bottom. If it doesn't work, just learn from Zhou Bili and transform from a boxer. The process is a bit longer, but it is a way out.

When Zhang Yang, who had confidence in his heart, spoke, he was neither humble nor overbearing.

But Chen Yijie beside him was completely panicked. He seemed to think that Zhang Yang's request was too much, so he helped to smooth things over.

"Brother Min, young people have many random thoughts now. Don't be surprised..."

"It's not a bad thing to have ideas. Doesn't he just want a chance to film and be on the screen? I'll give it to him."

Unexpectedly, Chen Huimin readily agreed to Zhang Yang's "ignorant" request.

At this time, not only Chen Yijie was surprised, but also Zhang Yang was a little surprised.

What surprised Zhang Yang was not that Chen Huimin would agree to this, but that Chen Huimin would agree so simply.

At first, he thought that he would have to say a few soft words, and even agreed to help Chen Huimin fight a few boxing matches, but now that he agreed so happily, Zhang Yang felt a little uneasy, and always felt that something was wrong.

Before Zhang Yang could come up with a one, two, three, Chen Huimin got up and waved.

"Okay, Ajie, take your little brother back to Hong Kong Island and wait for my news."

"Yes, yes, then I will take Yang Zi's place. Thank you Brother Min first."

Chen Yijie quickly nodded in response, then dragged Zhang Yang and left the room without looking back.

Taking the elevator downstairs and leaving from the main entrance of the hotel, Zhang Yang couldn't help but stop and look back.

Chen Yijie took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, took a deep breath, and exhaled the smoke ring, and he finally relaxed from his tense state, complaining in his tone: "Your mother, this time I was almost scared to death by you, negotiating terms with the club boss, if I had known you were so bold, I shouldn't have brought you here..."

After complaining for a long time but not seeing a reply from Zhang Yang, Chen Yijie turned back, glanced at Zhang Yang who was in a daze, and frowned.

"Hey, Yang Zi, it's time to go, why are you still standing there?"

Zhang Yang rubbed his chin, thoughtfully replied: "He promised so simply, why do I always have a bad feeling."

"I've already promised you, what else do you want? Boss, don't think so much, go, go, go."

Without giving Zhang Yang any chance to think, Chen Yijie pushed Zhang Yang and boarded a taxi on the street.


After returning to Hong Kong Island, after more than half a month, neither of them heard from Chen Huimin again.

Just when Zhang Yang thought that this matter was over, and after finishing his daily training, he began to look for other ways to start his career in the entertainment industry, Chen Huimin's Bo Zai unexpectedly found a boxing gym.

Chen Yijie, who was guarding the door, saw that Bo Zai was coming, and immediately greeted him curiously.

"Brother Bozai, I haven't seen you for a long time. Why do you have time to visit my place today?"

Bo Tsai nodded, but he was not in a hurry to reply. Instead, he glanced around the boxing gym and asked curiously, "Where's Yang Tsai?"

"He just finished training and is probably taking a shower and changing clothes. Why, Brother Min wants to find someone for a boxing match again?"

"No, didn't Yang Zai want to go filming? Brother Min asked me to come over this time to pick him up for filming."

Hearing what Bo Zai said, Chen Yijie's eighth mother-in-law became more thoughtful, and hurriedly put her hands on the counter and sprinted forward.

"Brother Min really has a scene for Yang Zai to shoot. What kind of play, Brother Bo Zai, is there a guest spot for me?"


Bo Zai looked Chen Yijie up and down, then sneered.

"I'm not lucky enough to be so beautiful, and naturally you, a fat-headed person, are even less lucky."

"Blessed? Brother Bo Zai, do you think filming is so enjoyable?"

"I don't know if other scenes are enjoyable or not, but Brother Min's filming this time is absolutely exciting and enjoyable enough."

"Hey, what kind of show is it, Brother Bozai, don't keep me entertained."

Just when Chen Yijie was pestering Bo Zai and wanted to know what scene he was going to shoot, Zhang Yang, who had changed into a flowered shirt and shorts, happened to come out of the dressing room. Seeing this, Bo Zai ignored Chen Yijie and waved to Zhang Yang shouted.

"Yangzai, Brother Min asked me to take you to shoot a movie, so hurry up and leave."

After waiting for so long after returning to Hong Kong, there was finally news, and Zhang Yang naturally did not want to delay.

After a brief explanation with Chen Yijie, he followed Bo Zai out of the boxing gym and got into the car.

When the car merged into the congested traffic on the street, Zhang Yang asked curiously: "Bo Zai, what are you filming this time?"

"I have the script with me, it's in the glove box, look for it."

Zhang Yang curiously opened the glove box and found several pages of rolled-up text.

But as soon as he opened it, he saw a few large characters that immediately made him roll the text together again, his face turned livid.

"Tekken Duck King"

The title of this something wrong? !

(End of this chapter)

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