Hong Kong Entertainment: Kung Fu Superstar 1981

Chapter 6: I will write this script.

Chapter 6: I will write this script.

After a short ten-minute drive, Bozai finally parked the car in front of a small office building.

After getting out of the car, Zhang Yang just looked up and noticed a line of large characters on the sign of the office building.

Eagle Films.

Bo Zai pointed at the sign and introduced with a hint of contentment: "Hey, you see, the whole building here is rented by Brother Min. After signing the actor contract, you will inevitably run here. I will familiarize you with this place later." Environment, let’s go, I’ll take you down to see Brother Min first.”

After finishing speaking, Bo Zai led Zhang Yang to the second floor.

After passing through the slightly messy office area and opening the door of the manager's office, Chen Huimin was sitting behind the spacious desk, leaning back on the large boss chair, drinking tea leisurely.

When he saw Bo Zai leading Zhang Yang in, he immediately sat up happily with a smile in his eyes.

"Yangzi, how are you? Have you read the script?"

Hearing the word script, Zhang Yang couldn't help his eyelids twitching, and hurriedly said, "Brother Min, this play..."

"Isn't it enjoyable? I asked someone to tailor it specifically for you, so you don't have to thank me."

"After all, it was you who asked me to take you to the filming. Of course I want to give you some snacks, lest you stop looking down on me, haha."

After saying this meaningfully, Chen Huimin opened the drawer and threw a stack of contracts on the table.

"This is the actor's contract. Sign your name. I'll ask Bo Zai to bring you to work in two days."

Seeing Zhang Yang frowning slightly and staring at the contract on the table, Chen Huimin raised the corners of her mouth slightly with a smile in her eyes.

Does this kid really think he has no temper?

Anyway, he is also a 14K double bonus red stick, the big brother of Tianzihao in Tsim Sha Tsui.

Previously on Bay Island, I offered an olive branch, but was rejected by this bastard...

Speaking of this matter, he wouldn't be too angry, but he had to get his lost face back, right?

So when Zhang Yang said that he wanted to film with him, Chen Huimin had already thought about it.

Aren’t you unwilling to follow me, but instead want to be on the big screen in the cinema?
Okay, then this time I will not only let you appear on the big screen, but also show you off completely in one go!

Anyway, the Eagle Film Company under him has been making low-budget pornographic films since the failure of the first entrepreneurial film "Hand Button", and this kind of film doesn't care about the acting skills of the actors. Might be able to sell more.

Taking out a cigarette from his pocket, Chen Huimin cheerfully held it in his mouth, waiting to see Zhang Yang's choice.

And what about Zhang Yang?

He is not a fool. Naturally, he will not fail to notice that Chen Huimin is so deliberately making things difficult.

Logically speaking, if he didn't want his first appearance on the screen to be bare buttocks, he should leave now. It can be seen that Chen Huimin's attitude clearly means that he wants to be the leading actor.

He didn't want to give up on being the leading actor in the first movie so easily.

Give it a go.

Having made up his mind, Zhang Yang took a deep breath and raised the script in his hand.

"Brother Min, if you give me face like this, I will definitely film this drama, but I think this script needs to be changed."

"Changing the script?" Chen Huimin raised her eyebrows and sneered, "Who will change it? You?"

"If Brother Min doesn't dislike it, I can change it."

Chen Huimin intended to be sarcastic, but she didn't expect Zhang Yang to respond directly.

After being slightly startled, Chen Huimin stopped laughing, frowned, and stared at Zhang Yang.

"Young boy, if you don't want to make a pornographic film, I won't force you, but if you want to change the script, things will be different."

Having been in the film and television industry for such a long time, running his own company, and supervising movies, Chen Huimin is not a layman who knows nothing about the scripts of low-cost erotic films. Even if Zhang Yang doesn't say it, he knows how bad they are.

But erotic films, especially if they are low-cost, can never lose money as long as they have lots of meaty scenes and good gimmicks. But if Zhang Yang is allowed to change the script, the shooting costs and the profit from the finished film will become completely uncontrollable.

Zhang Yang is not related to him, he doesn't want to lose money by himself and fulfill other people's dreams.

Zhang Yang could also see Chen Huimin's hesitation, raised the script in Yang's hand and said, "I understand what you mean, Brother Min, why don't you give me three days, and I'll show you the script after I've changed it. It's up to you to decide not to shoot."

When Zhang Yang said this, Chen Huimin couldn't help but think a little, and at the same time slowly said: "Now, let me remind you first, I will ask friends to help me read the script you changed. If they all think it is good, then this matter is still We can discuss it, but if they think the script is not good, it would be a waste of my time..."

Before Chen Huimin could finish speaking, Zhang Yang took the initiative to interrupt.

"It's easy to talk about. As long as you let me change the script, no matter whether it succeeds or not, I will help you fight two boxing matches for free. Brother Min, you have seen with your own eyes how strong I am. I believe that with my skills, I should I’m worthy of the three days you wasted on me.”

Seeing that Zhang Yang offered the price on his own initiative, Chen Huimin couldn't help but slanted her brows and smiled.

"Okay, a little courage, then I will give you three days first, let's go."

Chen Huimin waved his hand, Zhang Yang turned around and left with interest, but Bo Zai couldn't help but said: "Brother Min, we didn't teach this bastard a lesson last time, so we can save face for him, but now he is still pushing his feet, why don't I Send someone to beat him first?"

"Need not."

Chen Huimin put the cigarette butt between her fingers in the ashtray, squeezed it out forcefully, and smiled slightly.

"Anyway, didn't he agree to help us fight in the boxing match? You just go and find out which boxer is the most famous in Hong Kong Island these days. At least let him make us enough money first, and then we can consider other things."


After leaving Eagle Film Company, Zhang Yang took a taxi and hurried back to the boxing gym.

As soon as he entered the door, Chen Yijie, who was bored in the whole library, came up to him with gleaming eyes.

"Wow, isn't this the big star Yang Zai? How about it? Brother Min asked you to be the male lead?"

"Bapojie, you're such a jerk, I almost got killed by you this time!"

With a hint of anger in his heart, Zhang Yang glared at Chen Yijie fiercely, then ignored him and went straight to the second floor of the boxing gym, returning to the room assigned to him by Chen Yijie.

In the hall of the boxing gym, only Chen Yijie with an inexplicable expression was left scratching his head and muttering softly.

"What nonsense is this white-eyed wolf talking about? How often have I hurt him? I'm really crazy."

Sitting back at the counter, Chen Yijie continued to yawn while looking at the deserted door, while Zhang Yang in the room on the second floor had already picked up a pen and sat at the desk, looking at the white paper on the table with a slight frown. .

This script that is going to be handed over to Chen Huimin... is not easy to write!
The first is the cost. As far as the scale of the Eagle movie is concerned, any plot with a bit of a blockbuster atmosphere, such as a speeding car blast, is definitely not a problem. Well, with his half-baked acting skills and the actors of Eagle Films who are used to acting in pornographic films, they are just waiting to hit the street.

After thinking about it, the only thing he can choose is a fashion action movie that can highlight his style, and it has to be a small low-cost production.

A script for a low-budget fashion action movie... Hey, there seems to be one!
(End of this chapter)

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