Chapter 7 Opponents
"Gao Gang, the national martial arts champion, came to Hong Kong from the mainland to seek development, but was unexpectedly favored by the boss of an underground boxing match..."

Accompanied by the vague memories in his mind, Zhang Yang gently wrote down the outline of the plot in his mind on a piece of paper.

Yes, the movie he finally chose was the action film "Black Fist" in which Wu Jing played the male lead for the first time in a Hong Kong film after filming "Slay the Wolf". It is also called "The Fist of Life and Death" in the mainland. .

Although the overall atmosphere of this movie is too depressing and gloomy, resulting in unsatisfactory commercial results, if you only consider it from the perspective of the script, both the depth of the film and the character arcs are extremely full, and it is definitely a good script.

And more importantly, there are not many scenes and characters involved in this film, and the highlights of all the content are concentrated on the action scenes of the protagonist Gao Gang, so in terms of cost, it seems to be easy to control.

After sorting out the plot outlines of all the films, Zhang Yang stopped writing when he was about to write the end.

The original ending of the film "Black Fist" was written very depressingly in order to maintain the heavy and dark tone of the story.

Although Zhang Yang is not a professional screenwriter, he also knows that this overly boring story style obviously does not conform to the basic logic of commercial films. If he really wants to make more money for this film, the ending must be changed!
As for whether the changes will make the film better, Zhang Yang actually has no idea, but it's better to try than nothing.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang stopped hesitating and started writing again.

In the original film, Gao Gang, who has a straightforward and simple personality, is deceived and used by his girlfriend Tian Li from the beginning to the end. After several difficult boxing matches, he even broke his leg because his girlfriend Tian Li was forced to perform fake punches. Disability.

Afterwards, his girlfriend Tian Li couldn't stand the condemnation of his conscience and chose to commit suicide by jumping off the building. Gao Gang, who didn't know the truth, thought it was the black boxing boss who forced his girlfriend Tian Li, and took revenge all the way, but when he was about to kill the black boxing boss, he learned that The true face of girlfriend Tian Li.

In the end, Gao Gang shouted "I don't believe that Xiao Tian is such a person, you lied to me!", Gao Gang failed to complete his revenge on the boss of Black Boxing, but was shot dead by the rushing policeman, and the film ended. The curtain fell.

After Zhang Yang's modification, Gao Gang was reminded by the captain of the supporting actor because Tian Li agreed to make fake punches, and he discovered Tian Li's true face, and learned that she had partnered with the black boxing boss to deceive him. During the match, Gao Gang not only didn't continue to play fake matches, but he went all out, beating his opponent hard and pouring out all his anger.

In the end, the black boxing boss lost all his money due to this game and was chased by his creditors. The regretful Tian Li looked for Gao Gang, but Gao Gang had already followed the supporting actor captain and left Hong Kong Island by boat, and met the same man on the boat. Tian Li’s best friend left Hong Kong Island.

After some modifications by Zhang Yang, although the depth and heaviness of the film have declined, there is no doubt that the open ending of this standard revenge film will undoubtedly increase the sensory comfort of the moviegoers.

After writing the outline to determine the overall idea of ​​the script, Zhang Yang began to formally write according to the scene.


During the three days that Zhang Yang was busy writing the script, Chen Huimin was not idle either.

In order to choose a good opponent for Zhang Yang, Bo Zai watched almost all the boxing matches in Hong Kong Island and finally settled on the target.

Eagle Film Company, manager's room.

Bo Zai spread the collected information on his desk and said to Chen Huimin: "Brother Min, what do you think of this person?"

"Let me see...he just came back from studying in Canada? Hey, is this person reliable?"

"Absolutely reliable, Brother Min, don't think he doesn't have any champions in his current resume, but I have inquired all over Hong Kong's boxing gyms, and this guy is recognized as the sharpest fighter in the Hong Kong boxing world. He was given the nickname" Robot 'Billy Zhou!"

"It sounds very powerful, how is the handicap now?"

"For the same weight, it is usually 1:1.5. Yang Zai is one weight lighter than him, and the handicap is as high as 1:2."

Two for one?

In the field of fighting, this can be regarded as a high handicap with huge odds.

I just don’t know if Zhang Yang can win it...

Chen Huimin tapped on the table with her fingers, thought for a moment, and asked again: "This week Billy, is there any game today?"

"There was one, but it was at a boxing gym in Mong Kok."

"Okay, then I'll pick up Yang Zai next time, and take him directly to Zhou Billy's boxing gym. I'll wait for you there."



that evening.

Just as Zhang Yang put the finished script into a bag and was about to go downstairs for activities, Chen Yijie suddenly pushed open the door.

"Yangzi, Brother Bozai is here to look for you."

"So soon? Didn't we agree for three days? Are you coming tonight?"

Zhang Yang was slightly startled. Although the script had been written, he was still a little surprised that Bo Zai showed up early.

"How do I know what these club boys do?" Chen Yijie lowered his voice as he muttered complainingly, "Hey, Yang boy, what did you and Brother Min talk about last time? Didn't you talk about filming? No way. What an accident?"

Seeing Chen Yijie's worried look, Zhang Yang was angry and funny.

"Babajie, now you know that getting in trouble with the club is not a good thing, right? Don't think about it, I'll take care of it."

"Fuck you, I'm doing it for you!"

Leaving the complaining Chen Yijie behind, Zhang Yang carried the script downstairs. As expected, Bo Zai was standing at the gate of the boxing gym with a cigarette in his mouth, fiddling with the lighter in his hand. He didn't smile until he saw Zhang Yang. , waving.

"Yangzai, Brother Min asked me to pick you up."

"Brother Min has a fortune teller under his command. I have just finished writing the script, and you are here so soon."

"It's not about the script, it's about inviting you to watch a boxing match, but it's just in time for you to finish writing, so I'll show Brother Min to read it then."

Bo Zai didn't explain much, took Zhang Yang into the car, and went straight to Mong Kok.

Ten minutes later, the car stopped outside a boxing gym named Fude Club in Mong Kok.

Stepping in, Zhang Yang looked around.

Compared with Chen Yijie's old broken boxing gym in Tsim Sha Tsui, this boxing gym is undoubtedly much more formal.

This formality not only refers to the size of the venue space, but also to the complete range of equipment. There is even a specially erected fighting ring in the center of the boxing gym, as well as spectator seats set up around the ring.

And what about Chen Huimin?
He happened to be sitting in the front row of the spectator seats at this time, admiring the fierce fight between the two boxers in the boxing ring.

Under the guidance of Bo Zai, Zhang Yang came close and handed over the script on his own initiative.

"Brother Min, I've finished writing the script."

"Oh, you write pretty fast."

Chen Huimin took the script but didn't even look at it. Instead, she patted the seat next to her.

"We'll talk about the script later. Sit down first and watch this boxing match with me."

Zhang Yang nodded, sat down, and looked towards the ring.

But when the first sight fell on the two sides fighting in the boxing ring, Zhang Yang couldn't help but slanted his brows.

Could this familiar figure and appearance be... Zhou Bili?

(End of this chapter)

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