Chapter 56: Drawing again
The content of the night scenes was compensated, and the shooting went smoothly.

Although for some reason, Li Saifeng, who had never been in trouble before, suddenly had frequent problems, Wu Yusen was very satisfied with Li Saifeng's loving eyes and kept praising him in his heart.

At a young age, he was able to incorporate his acting skills into his eyes, expressing Guangzi's full love for Chen Zhen.

This girl is really a talent.

After more than four hours, the night scene was finally filmed. After the crew on the set packed up their things, everyone got on the bus again and left Jinshan shrouded in night.

When the car drove back to Tsim Sha Tsui, it was around one o'clock in the morning.

As soon as the Qian brothers got out of the car, they heard Chen Jia Shang behind him saying to Zhang Yang: "Mr. Zhang, do you want to have supper together? I happen to have something and I want to hear your opinion."

Chen Jiashang took the initiative to invite, Zhang Yang naturally had no reason to refuse, and simply nodded.

"Okay, I just happened to eat dinner in a hurry and didn't feel full."

Speaking of Zhang Yang, he paused for a moment and happened to see Qian Jiale in front of him with a look of longing in his eyes, so he invited him along the way.

"Xiaohao Jiale, do you want to come together? I treat you."

Qian Xiaohao originally wanted to be courteous, but the young Qian Jiale's eyes lit up and he nodded repeatedly.

"Okay, okay, Brother Yang, please have a midnight snack. Of course I will go..."

"Supper? I want to go too!"

Before Qian Jiale could finish speaking, Li Saifeng's voice sounded from behind him.

She smiled and stretched out her hand, put it on Zhang Yang's shoulder, and said in a playful tone: "Brother Yang, you won't leave me alone, will you?"

One sheep was being driven, and two sheep were being herded. Zhang Yang nodded simply.

"Okay, let's all go together if you want to go."

Let Chen Jiashang lead the way, and everyone headed directly to a nearby food stall.

At this time, it was the beginning of April, and the weather gradually showed signs of sweltering heat.

Among the five people in the group, four were young men who couldn't sit still in the house.

After ordering two steamed fish and several plates of brine, the crowd formed a circle and sat under the booths on the street.

After simply eating two mouthfuls of food, Chen Jiashang lowered his voice and chatted with Zhang Yang about serious matters.

"Mr. Zhang, I have some ideas for the follow-up play scenes. The purpose is to make the play scenes more realistic..."

He roughly repeated with Zhang Yang what he had said to Wu Yusen earlier, and Chen Jiashang waited nervously for a reply.

After hearing Chen Jiashang's words, Zhang Yang's eyes were filled with brilliance.

Previously, he strongly invited Chen Jiashang to be the director of this film just for this moment. Now it seems that his preparation was not in vain.

"You have a good idea. How can I cooperate with Zhiguan to talk about it? Do you need to reshoot the previous fight scene?"

"Then there's no need to reshoot everything so exaggeratedly."

Seeing that Zhang Yang appreciated his idea, Chen Jiashang's face showed the joy of meeting a close friend over wine, and he quickly said: "For the previous fighting scenes, I may need to reshoot a few scenes, and then find a martial artist to reshoot some close-ups."

"It's easy to say that if the quality of the film can be improved, this matter will be a minor problem."

Zhang Yang readily agreed, and was about to discuss the details with Chen Jiashang, but his nose twitched involuntarily.

The strong smell of smoke, accompanied by the approach of several drunkards, made Zhang Yang frown slightly.

Before Zhang Yang could speak, someone among the drunks blew a provocative whistle at Li Saifeng. What Zhang Yang didn't expect was that the leader of these drunks seemed to recognize him. he.

"Hey, am I reading that right? Is this the one...the one named Gao Gang? Is it him?"

"It seems true, boss, wow, no wonder he hooked up such a beautiful girl, from a big star."

"I'm holding you, please be more polite. I haven't seen the video, what is this bad boy's kung fu? Hey, hey, hey!"

A drunk man exaggeratedly imitated Zhang Yang's movements in "Black Fist", his expression full of ridicule.

"Shut up, all of you who are on the street!"

At the age when he was still full of energy, and after practicing martial arts for a few years, Qian Xiaohao was the first to lose his temper and slapped the table.

Unexpectedly, these drunks didn't mean to be afraid at all, but one of them pointed at Qian Xiaohao and said with a smile: "Nah, I told you not to mess with others, but now this poor boy has lost his temper, big brother ,What should I do?"

"Did your old mother go all over the street, and you'd ask me about everything, is there any use in taking you?"

The leader, who was called the boss, snorted and then slammed his big hand on the table, causing the table to shake.

Then he stared at Qian Xiaohao with wide eyes and said, "Tell me to shut up? Believe it or not, I'll tell someone to cut you to death!"

When it comes to talking about this, everyone can hear the charlatanism in his mouth.

Although Qian Xiaohao is not afraid of a fight, he is really worried about offending the bad guys in the club.

After all, if these club boys really talk about fighting, only a handful of them are good. Most of them will always do some messy things to disgust people, just like dog skin plaster, annoying people.

Chen Jiashang, Qian Xiaohao and others were all in a dilemma at this time, and Li Saifeng was even more frightened.

And publicity.

He was not in a hurry to take action, but slowly stood up and followed the leader of the drunkards, making eye contact.

"What are you looking at? If you don't want to cause trouble, just sit down for me!"

The drunk man was aggressive, but Zhang Yang asked calmly.

"Brother, which prefix is ​​it, what position?"

"Hey, what, you also have mixed prefixes?" The drunk man was a little surprised.

"I'm not in a club. I just don't believe that you can be bigger than Vivian Chan in Tsim Sha Tsui."

After the words fell, Zhang Yang raised his hand and punched out, hitting the drunk man's face.


Without holding back anything, Zhang Yang's heavy punch directly knocked out the leader's front teeth.

Taking two unsteady steps back, the leader fell down on the spot, obviously passed out.

This sudden blow immediately woke up most of these drunkards.

They rushed to help their boss, and when they looked at Zhang Yang again, their eyes were full of panic.

Zhang Yang, on the other hand, moved his wrists calmly and spoke slowly.

"You know I'm starring in "Black Fist", but you still want to pick a fight with me. Didn't you see who helped me play a supporting role? Even if you are blind, remember to buy a few more newspapers when you go out to hang out in the future, and ask the boss to read it to you. Peng Street , I dare to beat up club members with knives, but why am I afraid of you rotten fish and shrimps? Get out of here!"

Amid Zhang Yang's angry shouts, the drunks hurriedly supported their bosses and retreated in a panic.

With a cold snort, Zhang Yang sat down again and greeted some people beside him who hadn't recovered.

"Okay, don't bother with them, these bastards are just drinking too much and have nothing to do, let's continue to eat ours."

After saying that, Zhang Yang took the initiative to pick up a chopstick and continued eating while looking at everyone's expressions.

Chen Jiashang pretended to be calm. As for the Qian brothers, Qian Xiaohao obviously hadn't vented his anger yet. He complained about the trend and was still a little aggrieved in his heart. Qian Jiale turned his head and secretly glanced at the drunken man fleeing. laugh.

As for the little girl Li Saifeng...

Why are your eyes getting stringy again?

(End of this chapter)

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