Chapter 57 Begin to Fudge

"Someone, come and clean up this place. Brother Yang, don't take off your makeup yet. You still have to touch up two close-ups."

Noon a week later.

With the final filming of the final battle scene with Fujita Takeshi, the filming of "Jing Wu Heroes" was basically officially announced.

Although because of Chen Jiashang's idea, the crew had to shoot a lot of additional shots, but fortunately, in the last duel between Chen Zhen and Fujita Takeshi, Zhang Yangzao and Zhou Bili had rehearsed many times in the martial arts hall, so the shooting went very smoothly .

Just as Chen Jia Shang was sitting behind the monitor, greeting Zhang Yang and the crew, and completing the final reshoots, Chen Huimin, who had not been seen for several days, led Bo Zai to the set.

Wu Yusen, who was idle, was the first to go up and say hello.

"Brother Min, why are you so free today?"

"I heard from Bo Zai that the film will be finished today, so I made a special trip to see it."

After Chen Huimin finished speaking, she glanced at Zhang Yang who was still present, and couldn't help asking Wu Yusen in a low voice.

"Hey, tell me the truth, can this film sell at the box office?"

Wu Yusen did not expect Chen Huimin to ask such a question.

But even as a director, Wu Yusen naturally didn't dare to make any predictions about the box office.

With a cautious heart in his heart, he said softly: "Brother Min, the script of this film is good, and the early popularity is also high, so there shouldn't be any problems, but you know whether the box office is good or bad, it doesn't matter. That’s easy to talk about.”

In fact, what Wu Yusen said, Chen Huimin has been in the film industry for so many years, how can she not understand.

Asking a question at this moment is actually more about asking for psychological comfort.

After all, 350 million is not a small amount.

Although Chen Huimin's worth is definitely more than this, but if she really wants to lose everything, it will inevitably be painful for a while.

But after the filming is over, it doesn't seem to make much sense to continue to struggle with these things.

Exhaling a foul breath, Chen Huimin no longer kept a straight face, but patted Wu Yusen on the shoulder.

"After the finale is complete, tell everyone not to leave in a hurry. My Fuyuan Restaurant has set up a table for the finale banquet. You will call everyone up later, and we will go there together."

"Okay, I see." Wu Yusen nodded, called the field manager, and started to inform everyone.

Two hours later, all the shots were shot, and "Jing Wu Heroes" was completely finished.

Under the leadership of Bo Tsai, a group of actors got on the bus and went straight to Fuyuan Restaurant.

But Zhang Yang, the lead actor, didn't take the bus like everyone else, but instead came to Chen Huimin's car.

Just as Chen Huimin was about to get in the car, she saw Zhang Yang standing beside her, and she couldn't help being curious, so she asked a question.

"What's the matter?"

"There are some things I want to discuss with Brother Min in advance, let's talk on the way?"

"Okay, get in the car."

Chen Huimin hesitated for a while, but finally did not refuse Zhang Yang, and asked him to sit in the car together.

Bo Zai started the car engine and opened the way in front of the bus. On the back seat, Zhang Yang spoke slowly.

"Hong Jinbao from Jiahe came to me two days ago and said that Jiahe wanted me to sign a contract."

As soon as the words came out, Chen Huimin frowned.

However, he was not in a hurry to ask back. He just held a cigarette in his mouth, waiting for Zhang Yang to continue.

"I told Hong Jinbao that I'm really not interested in signing an actor contract, but he told me that Golden Harvest can help me set up a satellite company. Brother Min, you helped me lead the way for me to step into the film industry. I want to give you [-]% of the shares when the company opens, as a thank you for your care during this time."

Zhang Yang's words were extremely precise.

Although getting along with Chen Huimin was quite pleasant for him, but he never forgot his identity after all.

Previously, Hong Jinbao made it very clear that without Huimin Chan's Eagle movie, Golden Harvest was not optimistic about Zhang Yang's independent production capabilities, and the matter of funding Zhang Yang to establish a satellite company naturally became nonsense.

But if you are really stupid, you can go directly to Chen Huimin to talk about cooperation, and you know it with your ass, Chen Huimin will definitely find a way to win more shares for herself, and even this satellite company may be turned by Chen Huimin. .

In this regard, Zhang Yang's way is to retreat.

Giving [-]% of the company's shares to Chen Huimin for no reason seemed like a loss-making business.

But as long as Chen Huimin has this layer of tiger skin, firstly, he can get investment from Jiahe, giving the company a foundation for operation. Secondly, Chen Huimin's shareholding can also save the company from trouble caused by certain groups.

After all, with the end of the negotiations in 82, a large number of traditional societies on Hong Kong Island will soon begin to seek whitewashing and transformation, and they will plunge into the Hong Kong Island film industry.

Zhang Yang didn't want to be filming and filming, and suddenly someone pointed a gun at his head.

For this reason, Chen Huimin's tiger skin, at least in the short term, he cannot do without.

And what about Chen Huimin?
Of course, he didn't know that there were so many dramas in Zhang Yang's heart. When he heard that Zhang Yang was willing to give him [-]% of his shares for free, the first instinctive reaction in his heart was to feel relieved.

He didn't rush to agree to Zhang Yang, instead he said to Bozai with emotion on his face: "Look at Yangzai, he knows that he will give me [-]% of the shares when he is well-off. I took out some money and asked them to come over to support me and refused to support the scene, and a group of people with his mother in their hands rushed to the street, what a white-eyed wolf!"

Bo Zai was rescued once by Zhang Yang, so he naturally followed Chen Huimin's words and praised him.

"Yeah, Yang Zai has always been very loyal. If it weren't for him last time, Dalong and I would have been chopped into mud by others. Now the younger boys in our club are not enough to beat Yang Zai, and they are all beaten. They are dragged to death every day, it is time to educate and educate."

Tongbo sighed for a moment, then Chen Huimin looked away and patted Zhang Yang's shoulder hard.

"You can get Golden Harvest's approval to start a company. Brother Min will definitely support you. If there is a shortage of manpower, tell Brother Min."

"How can I bother you with this..."

"What the hell, although you didn't give me a red envelope, but according to the rules of the film industry, I am also your guide. You are half a master. If there is any trouble between the master and the apprentice, don't worry about it. Just talk about something."

With Chen Huimin being so up-to-date, Zhang Yang felt that it was time for him to "express" and completely tied Chen Huimin to his company's chariot. Taking a deep breath, Zhang Yang used all the acting skills he had learned during this period, showing Grateful and excited.

"Brother Min, actually I have something to hide from you. I originally wanted to give you a surprise, but now that I've talked about it, I won't hide it. The name of this new company, I plan to call it Yingyang The film industry can be regarded as always reminding me to make Zhang Yang, it is thanks to Brother Min that you are able to get what I am today, if I didn't tell you in advance, you won't blame me, will you?"

"What do I blame you for?"

Chen Huimin's eyes widened.

"If you are serious about it, just call it Yingyang. This name is majestic enough. I like it!"

(End of this chapter)

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