Chapter 58
Fuyuan Restaurant, in the box on the third floor.

I don’t know whether it was the [-]% of the shares that she got for free or the act of showing loyalty that made Chen Huimin particularly happy today.

At the banquet, he even took the initiative to pull Wu Yusen, chatted and toasted frequently.

But Zhang Yang looked at the two of them, looking a little absent-minded.

For the time being, the establishment of the company has been settled, but he still needs to work harder for the company's staff.

The first candidates to be settled are naturally the Qian family brothers.

Especially the young man Qian Jiale.

Zhang Yang has been envious of his athletic talent for a long time.

If the company can sign such a gold medal martial artist as a stand-in, then Zhang Yang can completely let go of his hands and feet in terms of action design and play freely.

With the idea of ​​stabilizing the two of them first, Zhang Yang held the wine glass and sat next to the two brothers who were burying their heads in eating.

"Have a drink with me?"

Zhang Yang came over to sit down with the two of them in person, and the Qian family brothers naturally did not refuse, they quickly picked up their wine glasses and touched Zhang Yang lightly.

After drinking, Zhang Yang put down his glass, lowered his voice, and said to Qian Xiaohao: "The next editing and post-production will take about half a month. These days, I will go to Jiahe with Brother Min to discuss the release. What are your plans?"

Qian Jiale stole a glance at his brother, but did not speak.

Qian Xiaohao frowned and said, "Didn't you promise us to introduce us to Hong's class..."

"Don't worry."

Zhang Yang raised his hand and interrupted Qian Xiaohao's words.

"I promise you, I will definitely count, but before introducing you two brothers to Hong's class, I want you to choose more than one."

"What choice?" Qian Xiaohao frowned slightly.

"Actually, Jiahe wants to cooperate with me to open a company."

Zhang Yang played with the empty wine glass, and continued softly: "To be honest, if I send you two to Hong's class now, you must start from the lowest stage. It's still hard to tell."

"But if you are willing to stay and help me, you will be the first batch of martial artists and actors signed by the company. I guarantee that there will be a place for the two of you in every film, and if one day, the company cannot continue, I promise you two It still counts, I can still recommend the two of you to Hong Jinbao to join the Hong family class at any time."

The way of retreat is given, and the way of advance is paved in front of us.

Zhang Yang felt that if this could not impress the two of them, then there was nothing he could do.

Qian Xiaohao hesitated for a moment, then turned to look at his younger brother.

If he really went to Hong's class, based on his performance experience in Shaw Brothers, he didn't think he would not be able to get a role.

But just like before at Shaw Brothers.

He has a role to play, what should Jiale do?

And if you stay in Zhangyang, the advantages are obvious.

There is no need to wait for the next film. For the film "Jing Wu Heroes" alone, Zhang Yang assigned Qian Jiale many stand-in roles.

For a newcomer to the film industry, such an opportunity is really rare.

"When will the film be released?"

After hesitating for a long time, Qian Xiaohao finally spoke slowly.

"The slowest is a month later, the fastest, maybe the film will be released just after editing."

Zhang Yang knows that Qian Xiaohao asked this question because he wanted to wait for the box office results of "Jing Wu Heroes" to determine the future of the company. If "Jing Wu Heroes" hit the box office, then he Naturally, there is no need to stay.

And if "Jing Wu Heroes" hits the box office, there's nothing wrong with Zhang Yang's subordinates fighting for a future.

"Okay, I'll give you an answer after the results of the film come out."

"no problem."

Regarding Qian Xiaohao's conditions, Zhang Yang agreed on the spot without even thinking about it.

For the film "Jing Wu Heroes", he has absolute confidence.

After the Qian family brothers were settled, Zhang Yang's next attention was on Chen Jiashang and Wu Yusen.

Especially Chen Jiashang, his understanding of the actual shooting is in line with Zhang Yang's fighting style. The cooperation of the two of them can definitely make the film show the effect that one plus one is greater than two. As for Wu Yusen, although he is indeed more famous, but His style of shooting movies is actually not completely suitable for Zhang Yang.

Of course, even if he can't fully fit, Zhang Yang must find a way to win such a potential director.

Even if you can't recruit the company, at least you should leave a thread here first, so that when the company grows bigger in the future, you can attract others at any time.

Sitting next to the two, Zhang Yang followed the same pattern and had a long talk with them.

For Chen Jiashang, it was settled quickly.

The reason why he left Shaw Brothers was to fulfill his dream of being a director.

After filming "Jing Wu Heroes", although he has accumulated some experience, others may not hire such a nobody like him.

If Zhang Yang really opened a film and television company, it would undoubtedly be the best place for him.

Unsurprisingly, Wu Yusen rejected Zhang Yang.

Although the cooperation is very pleasant, Zhang Yang's company is still affiliated with Golden Harvest in essence, which is obviously not the most attractive option for Wu Yusen who has not yet stepped into a desperate situation.

At least for now, compared to Zhang Yang's company, Xinyi City is the best place in his mind.

Seeing that Zhang Yang couldn't persuade the future great director, he no longer tried to persuade him to stay, but only made sure to leave a good impression on each other.

And after this round of chatting, Zhang Yang returned to his seat contentedly.

Although the company has to wait until Golden Harvest sees the box office of "Heroes of Fist of Fury" before it can be counted, at least director Chen Jiashang, actors Zhou Bili, Qian Xiaohao, and Qian Jiale have basically completed the team.

Although this team is far from being strong, at least they are all good at shooting Zhang Yang's best martial arts films. As for whether the team can be expanded in the future and a complete production team can be formed, it will depend on subsequent filming of new films. , then continue to recruit masters.

Satisfied, Zhang Yang picked up the wine glass and was about to take a sip, but found that the wine in the glass had already been drained.

He put down his glass and was about to pour wine, but a pair of bare hands filled the glass for him first.

Afterwards, Li Saifengqian pushed the filled wine glass to Zhang Yang with a smile, blinked her eyes, and opened her mouth curiously.

"Brother Yang, what have you been talking about for so long?"

"It's nothing, it's just that I may start a production company in the future, so I discussed with them in advance and asked them if they would like to stay and plan to sign with my company, and we will continue to film together in the future."

As for Li Saifeng, Zhang Yang wanted to sign it too.

However, considering that his teacher Xu Xiaoming, who is now considered to be very popular in Li's TV station, how could he agree to his request, Zhang Yang simply did not mention it, lest he would refuse and make both of them more embarrassed.

But what Zhang Yang didn't expect was that after listening to his words, Li Saifeng took the initiative to ask a question.

"Brother Yang, can I sign your company?"

(End of this chapter)

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