Chapter 59

"You want to sign my company?!"

Li Saifeng's sudden question made Zhang Yang slightly astonished.

what's the situation?
A big gift package from heaven?

Zhang Yang who came to his senses, fearing that Li Saifeng would regret it, hurriedly nodded with a smile.

"Of course no problem. If you want to sign with my company, I absolutely welcome it."

"That's good, let's hook up, it's settled."

After all, she was still sixteen or seventeen, and it was difficult to think calmly and rationally when she had an impulse in her heart. When she heard that Zhang Yang was willing to let her join the company, Li Saifeng immediately stretched out her little finger to hook up with Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang was not disgusted with such a childish manner, he also cheerfully stretched out his little finger and hooked it with Li Saifeng.

"Then it's settled."

After letting go of his hand, Zhang Yang turned around and continued chatting with everyone.

Li Saifeng, on the other hand, stared at his little finger, feeling the remaining warmth between his fingers, and was lost in thought.


The closing banquet came to an end amidst cheers and laughter.

In the next few days, although Zhang Yang continued to train hard in the boxing gym as usual every day, he maintained his level.

But although others are in the martial arts gym, their minds are all on the Eagle Film Company.

After all, whether it is Chen Huimin and Jiahe's negotiations about the release date, or whether Chen Jiashan leads the post-production team and is responsible for the final film editing work, it will affect the final release date of "Fist of Heroes".

The release and performance of "Fist of Heroes" also determined the establishment of Yingyang Company.

How could Zhang Yang remain calm in such a situation that could affect the whole body at a moment's notice.

Fortunately, this tormented wait did not last long.

Less than a week after the finale, Chen Huimin called.

The film is confirmed to be released in early May, taking over the schedule of "Beware of Little Hands" which was released in late March.

What makes Chen Huimin even more happy is that Jiahe has promised that they will not be almost completely free of charge for "Fist of Heroes" like the last time "Black Fist" was released. Instead, they will follow the rules of Jiahe Films. Pre-heating and publicity in theaters.

After Chen Huimin finished speaking, Zhang Yang counted with his fingers and frowned slightly: "Brother Min, Chen Jiashang, how is the progress of the editing of the film? It won't be there in time, right?"

"Don't worry, I also asked about the progress when I came to the company these two days. If there is no accident, it will be finished in late April. The time must be in time. But you, don't you have any other ideas?"

Other ideas?

Chen Huimin's words startled Zhang Yang slightly.

Immediately, he reacted abruptly, and opened his mouth with a half-smile.

"Brother Min, what do you mean, let me also find a way to make a public announcement?"

"I know you are alert and have any ideas. Let me tell you and listen first."

The last time the film "Shaolin Temple" was released, the effect was really good. Naturally, Chen Huimin also wanted to copy the successful experience and asked Zhang Yang to come up with another idea to build momentum for the upcoming "Fist of Heroes".

After all, although Jiahe promised to provide certain publicity and distribution resources, the publicity and distribution is naturally not too much. From Chen Huimin's perspective, he hopes that everyone in Hong Kong Island will know the news of the film's release, and he will be happy. .

Holding the phone, Zhang Yang thought for a moment, and after a while, he spoke.

"I have an idea, but whether it can be realized depends on whether someone is willing to take the bait."

"Take the bait? What's your idea, Yangzi?"

Chen Huimin couldn't help asking curiously, but Zhang Yang didn't reveal the answer prematurely, instead he smiled.

"Brother Min, you will know my idea by reading the Mingpao tomorrow."

After saying that, Zhang Yang hung up the phone, then changed hands and dialed the phone to the Mingpao reporter who interviewed him that day.


The next morning.

Bo Zai woke up early in the rare morning, followed Chen Huimin's instructions, and rushed to a newsstand.

As soon as he got closer, before he could say hello to the boss, his attention fell on the two young men beside the pavilion.

At this time, the two young men were holding a Mingbao in their hands and discussing in a low voice.

"This guy named Zhang Yang, who is he? He actually openly challenged all the Muay Thai fighters in Hong Kong. How arrogant?"

"You don't even know if he is a real boxing fan, boss, last time he was at the Hong Kong Island Stadium, and the current boxing champion Jiang Fude lost to him, but I heard that he didn't go to make a movie? Why did he suddenly think An open challenge to a Muay Thai fighter?”

"Let's take a look... Oh! It's written here. It seems to be Zhang Yang's martial arts gym. Previously, a Muay Thai fighter went to the gym to kick him, but he was beaten away by Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang said that he couldn't deal with these troubles in the gym every day. Muay Thai fighter, so why not just hold such an open challenge to give all unconvinced Muay Thai fighters a chance to go on stage and fight with him..."

"Huh? Kicked by a Muay Thai fighter? Is it true or not? Let me see."

Seeing the two young men snatching up the newspaper in their hands and looking down, Bo Zai couldn't bear to be curious, and hurriedly asked for a copy of the newly issued Ming Pao from the boss, spread it out in his hand, and glanced at the content on it.

On the side page of the newspaper, a huge headline proclaimed, Martial arts movie star declares war on all Muay Thai fighters in Hong Kong.

Looking further down the title, the content inside first records in detail the incident of kicking the gym, with particular emphasis on describing how the Muay Thai fighters used their strength in numbers to forcibly block the door of the boxing gym, affecting the normal operation of the gym. thing.

The follow-up was that Zhang Yang was angry and dissatisfied, so he decided to give all the Muay Thai fighters in Hong Kong a chance, especially the Muay Thai fighters from the Yamato Fight Club, so that if they were still dissatisfied, they could fight and resolve the matter.

Yamato Fight Club?
The name sounds familiar.

Bo Zai thought for a moment, then slapped his thigh suddenly.

He's holding his mother in his mouth, now he's in trouble!
Before he had time to think about it, Bo Zai took the newspaper and rushed back to the company to find Chen Huimin.

In the company, Chen Huimin was supervising Chen Jiashang's editing work. Seeing Bozai stumbling over, her heart tensed up. She thought something else happened, so she quickly hinted with her eyes, and led Bozai into the manager's office. .

After locking the door to the manager's office and asking Bo Zai to sit down first, Chen Huimin spoke seriously.

"Didn't I just tell you to buy a newspaper? It's necessary. What happened?"

"It's about the newspaper, Brother Min, look."

Bo Zai hurriedly put the newspaper on his desk and spread it out, briefly explained the content, and finally frowned and said: "Yamato Fight Club, that is an industry owned by Xin Ngee Ann. Yang Zai didn't know about it, so he got into trouble." If you kill them, I'm afraid you'll be in big trouble!"

"It turns out that Yang Zai's idea was this..."

What Bozai didn't expect was that after hearing the contents of the newspaper, Chen Huimin didn't panic, but smiled instead.

Following him, he raised his head, saw Bozai's nervous appearance, and smiled.

"You've been nervous for a long time just because of this? Are you surprised? Good things will come."

(End of this chapter)

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