Chapter 60 The sound of gunshots

"A good thing? Brother Min, what do you mean?" Hearing what Chen Huimin said, Bo Zai was a little confused.

Chen Huimin sneered and said: "Those people in Xin Ngee'an have been dishonest recently, stretching their hands in the direction of Tsim Sha Tsui East. I didn't have much chance to meet them before, so it would be a good idea to take this opportunity to explore their background. "

Hearing what Chen Huimin said, Bo Tsai immediately realized, but he still couldn't help frowning.

"Brother Min, I'm afraid something will happen to Yangzi, and he doesn't know the details of the Yamato Fighting Club."

"Don't worry about Yang Tsai. Aren't Dalong and the others with Yang Tsai? We really can't give them a few short dogs so that they can take good care of Yang Tsai. As for the problem on Xin Ngee'an..."

Chen Huimin picked up the newspaper on the table and narrowed her eyes.

It was only at this moment that the domineering and cunning in him that belonged only to the Jianghu people showed a little.

"I'll fix it!"


"It's really deceiving to kill his mother on the street!"

At the same time, inside the Yamato Fighting Gym.

Su Long looked at the newspaper brought back by his apprentice, his eyebrows stood up in anger, and his chest was filled with evil spirits.

The matter of privately sending people to kick the gym was exposed, but Su Long would not be like this, after all, whoever opened a boxing gym has never experienced such a thing, but the problem is that Zhang Yang, who hit the street, not only kicked them The failure of the gymnasium was made public, and at the end, the challenge was publicly launched again, and the names of their Yamato Fighting Club were named at the same time.

No matter whether he was timid or lost in this battle, not only would he not be able to hold his face, but even those boxers who also learned Muay Thai would probably use him as a shameful laughing stock, and these alone were not the most terrible ending.

The position of chief coach of Xinyi'an martial arts is not so easy to take...

The members of the club rely on their names outside.

If his reputation is ruined, Xin Ngee Ann will never let a person who has been reduced to a shame and a laughing stock continue to be the head coach.

Under his butt, there are countless famous boxers and martial arts masters, ready to move.

If this place is not recovered, then maybe even one’s own foundation will be shaken by others!
Fight, must fight!
Su Long resisted the anger of tearing up the newspaper and forced himself to think calmly.

He also watched the video of Jiang Fude and Zhang Yang fighting more than once.

To be honest, he was not sure whether he could beat Zhang Yang, especially the ground fighting and wrestling skills Zhang Yang showed, which made his skin numb and he didn't know how to deal with it.

If you fight normally, you have absolutely no chance of winning.

Normal means don't work, so there don't seem to be many options left.

Thinking of this, Su Long did not alert the other disciples with any fanfare. Instead, he called Du Lianshun, who was closest to him, and led him to the corner of the boxing gym.

"Master, what are your orders?"

Compared with Chen Zhiming, the knee king who will become famous on Hong Kong Island in the future, Du Lianshun is much more calm and silent.

Even if you just look at his appearance, it would be hard to believe that he is actually a martial arts practitioner who learns boxing.

However, it is precisely because of this appearance and the experience of studying with Su Long since he was lonely. Among the many disciples, Su Long trusts him the most, and is also the most willing to let him take responsibility for things that are not on the stage. work.

"Call your brothers and keep an eye on the publicity of the Tiger Boxing Gym for me these days. If there is a chance..."

"Break one of his legs!"


Three days later, late at night, at Tiger Boxing Gym.

The Qian family brothers and Zhou Billi finished their training, packed their things, and prepared to leave.

After sending the three of them away, Zhang Yang turned back and glanced at Dalong and Ajian, the only two people left in the boxing gym. He frowned slightly and felt doubtful in his heart.

I don’t know what’s going on. On weekdays, I always treat Dalong and other club boys who are lazy in training, but in recent days, they have been surprisingly diligent. Almost every day, two or three people stay in the boxing gym, dawdling away. He refused to leave until the end.

Zhang Yang is not a fool. The way they are in one day can be said to be a sudden accident. It has been three days in a row. It is obvious that they are deliberately staying in turns to either monitor or protect. Anyway, it must be for themselves. of.

Zhang Yang really didn't like the feeling that this situation was out of control.

So he felt that it was necessary to have a good talk with Dalong and the others.

"Ajie, close the door for me."

"Huh? It's so early today, Yangzi."

Chen Yijie behind the counter was startled, but he still walked out from behind the counter obediently and prepared to close the door.

Zhang Yang didn't pay attention, and just strode to Dalong and the two, and was about to speak to force them to explain the situation, when Chen Yijie's exclamation suddenly came from behind him.

"Hey, what are you doing...I'm asking my mother, Yangzi, let's go!"

After the words fell, Chen Yijie staggered back into the house, and ran towards Zhang Yang's direction.

Behind him, seven or eight people covering their faces with scarves and holding machetes and clubs in their hands rushed directly into the boxing gym from the gate. With very clear goals, they rushed straight towards Zhang Yang!

"Brother Yang, be careful!"

With a low shout, Dalong stepped forward, keeping Zhang Yang behind him, and at the same time took out the gun in his hand.

"Stop anyone who doesn't want to die, and I'll send him to the King of Hades if he goes any further!"

Ajian, who stayed with Dalong, was silent, but he quietly pulled out a gun from his waist and pointed it at the opponent.

Pointed at the muzzle of the black hole, they are all human flesh, so naturally no one dares to act rashly.

The two waves of people confronted each other in the air, and Zhang Yang recovered from his initial shock and took a deep breath.

When things got to this point, no matter how stupid he was, he could still react.

Whether it is the abnormal state of Dalong and others, or the sudden attack of these people, it only proves one thing.

The background of this Yamato fight meeting is not as simple as he originally thought.

The environment on Hong Kong Island is really dangerous. If you don't pay attention, you will easily get into trouble.

Calming his breathing, Zhang Yang wasn't too panicked, he just rushed to the people opposite and spoke in a deep voice.

"You are not just members of the Yamato Fighting Club, right? You are all here under whose orders, please tell me?"

The people who broke into the boxing gym looked at each other and remained silent.

Seeing that they didn't reply, Dalong opened his eyes, tightened his grip on the gun in his hand, and shouted in a low voice: "Are you mute? Just answer the question quickly, or I'll tell you that you won't have the chance to speak again..."

Before the last words could be uttered, among the people on the opposite side, the one closest to the entrance of the boxing gym was taking advantage of the cover of his companions in front of him, and secretly stretched out his hand in the direction of his lower back. The sights of Long, Zhang Yang and others were clearly seen by Ah Jian.

There was no time to think anymore, almost subconsciously, Ajian pulled the trigger.


A gunshot completely broke the tranquility of the night.

(End of this chapter)

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