Chapter 64 New Surprise
"Before the competition started, the organizer came to me excitedly, saying that we have sold out all [-] tickets this time."

"I believe there are many people here who came to watch my game last time. Why I mentioned this is because everyone who watched my last game should know that at the end of the game, I announced my new movie plan, if old viewers remember it, I hope you can help me shout out the name of the movie and tell it to the new viewers."

As he spoke, Zhang Yang raised the microphone and aimed it in the direction where Chen Huimin and the others were.

There was no need to order or make arrangements. Seeing this scene, A Jian, Bo Zai and others had already understood it, and immediately shouted into the microphone at the top of their voices.

"It's a Jingwu hero!"

"That's right, Jing Wu hero!"

At the beginning, the shouting was still chaotic, but as the volume increased, as Zhang Yang walked around the ring with a microphone in his hand, the shouts of martial arts heroes converged in one place, and gradually became the audience. their collective cry.

"Jingwu Hero! Jingwu Hero!"

After shouting four words in unison for a moment, Zhang Yang leaned against the corner post and put the microphone to his lips again.

"It seems that everyone has a good memory. Yes, it is "Fist of Heroes". I have told you before that the reason why I started practicing and decided to promote mixed martial arts was because of the influence of Li Xiaolong, and this movie is for I put a lot of effort into this video to pay tribute to my idol. I thought it would be a pleasant memory for me, but unfortunately, something unexpected happened..."

Zhang Yang paused, deliberately whetting the audience's appetite, and then slowly opened his mouth as if sighing.

"Yamato Fight Club."

"It's perfectly normal to be kicked out of the boxing gym by someone, but these people, knowing that I was not in the boxing gym because of the filming, unexpectedly came up with a large number of people and blocked the gate of the boxing gym. If I hadn’t received the news and hurried back, maybe the signboard of the boxing gym would have been smashed by them.”

Although Zhang Yang had already told what happened once in the Ming Pao, there is naturally a huge gap between reading the cold text and listening to the dictation of the person at this time. With an emotional sigh, the audience was filled with righteous indignation and suddenly realized.

No wonder they felt that Zhang Yang's style of play today was so violent and ferocious, so he was wronged!
These people from the Yamato Fight Club are so bad!

Especially the fact that Zhang Yang was going to make a movie last time was really fanfare, and this group of people deliberately found a time when they were not around. They clearly wanted to provoke trouble on purpose.
Naturally, most of the spectators who can come here to buy tickets to watch the game are looking towards Zhang Yang in their hearts.

Now being guided by Zhang Yang, he naturally has an even less favorable impression of the Yamato Fighting Club in his heart.

Each and every one of them couldn't help but curse them secretly in their hearts for being shameless and despicable.

As for Zhang Yang, he also knew the scale in his heart, and instead of continuing to sell miserably, he pretended to be free and easy: "Of course, I am actually very grateful to them, because if it weren't for this incident, I probably wouldn't have had the opportunity to do it again." Let’s start the boxing match and gather with everyone in this familiar gymnasium again, and I believe that after today’s fight, they should no longer doubt my strength.”

After saying this, the audience couldn't help but burst out laughing in unison.

Yes, they definitely won't question Zhang Yang anymore.

After all, even the president, Su Long, was pushed to the ground and beaten into such a miserable appearance, what shame and qualification do they have to question Zhang Yang again?If you really want to deny it shamelessly, let alone make it public, the [-] witnesses present can spit out this group of thick-skinned people with a mouthful of spit!

After the audience's laughter subsided, Zhang Yang said again: "About the Yamato fight meeting, let's talk about this first. After the last boxing match, I announced the filming of "Jing Wu Heroes" to everyone, and this This time, I also have a surprise for everyone..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Yang lengthened his coda to whet the audience's appetite.

When some smart people in the audience had already vaguely guessed some results, while whispering to the people beside him, Zhang Yang smiled and said: "I believe that some people in the audience have already guessed the news I want to announce, that's right, The surprise I bring to everyone today is that this "Jing Wu Heroes", which has condensed my hard work, has been officially scheduled to be released on May 5st in Golden Harvest theaters!"

"Wow, it's actually scheduled to be released, and it's so soon..."

"Alright, I've been looking forward to it for a long time since I announced the shooting last time, and I've finally been told to wait!"

In the auditorium, bursts of heated discussions suddenly broke out.

However, Zhang Yang did not allow everyone to continue the discussion this time, but took the microphone and continued: "Of course, in addition to announcing the release date here, I also want to tell you that when the film's midnight premiere, I will also Go to the theater to watch the movie with everyone, if I am lucky enough to meet you in the theater, you can hold today's tickets to watch the game, and I will personally prepare a gift for everyone!"

"Wow, is it true or not, can you watch a movie with Zhang Yang himself, and get a gift?"

"So, no matter what, I have to try my luck at the premiere."

"I didn't expect to buy the tickets for the game, and there is such a preferential treatment. It's really profitable."

Hearing the news announced by Zhang Yang, the already excited audience immediately looked forward to it even more.

Although it is an unwritten secret in the Hong Kong Island film industry that there will be crew members coming to watch the premiere of the midnight show, but everyone has seen it so many times, and no one has announced it to the audience with great fanfare, or even announced it to the audience. Prepared gifts...

This is definitely a surprise for the audience who originally wanted to watch the movie.

It's just that I don't know if I'm lucky enough to successfully see Zhang Yang on the set.

The audience is still secretly looking forward to it, Zhang Yang on the ring has put the microphone to his lips again.

"Then, thank you again for coming, and I would also like to pay tribute to Mr. Li Xiaolong again with this film, thank you!"

Putting down the microphone, Zhang Yang turned and left the boxing ring. The audience who came back to their senses stood up and applauded.

In an instant, there was thunderous applause in the entire gymnasium.

Chen Huimin, who was under the ring, couldn't help but smile when he saw the hot scene in the boxing gym.

Turning his head, he said to Bo Zai beside him: "Hahaha, how about it, I know he can do it!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Huimin stood up, took big strides, got up and left the table.

Bo Zai hurriedly followed and said subconsciously: "Brother Min, what should we do next?"

"What else can I do?"

Chen Huimin had an uncontrollable joy on her face, and her eyes were full of complacency.

"Of course we wait for Yang Zai to change his clothes and have a celebration banquet with him!"

(End of this chapter)

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