Chapter 65 Heavyweight Fan

After the game at the Hong Kong Island Coliseum, discussions about the game were rampant.

Yamato Fight Club is a well-known club in the Hong Kong Island fight circle.

Guild President Su Long was not only defeated simply, but also defeated so miserably, which really exceeded many people's expectations.

Of course, some people have also discussed whether Zhang Yang was too harsh in the boxing ring.

But soon, the organizer issued a statement to the majority of boxing fans, saying that the reason why the match was so tragic was that the referee was hired temporarily, and it was too late to announce the termination of the match. There is no problem at all with the professional attitude of continuing the game.

However, the organizers also admitted their truth. They had fired the temporary referee, and out of humanitarian principles, they were willing to donate [-] Hong Kong dollars to Mr. Su Long as his treatment expenses.

10 yuan may not be a big deal to Su Long himself, but in the eyes of the public, this price is already fair enough.

Therefore, following the organizer's statement, the discussion about Su Long's serious injury gradually subsided.

Of course, how the outside world publicizes it has no effect on Zhang Yang.

At this time, he had already started to prepare the gifts that might be given out at the premiere ceremony in advance.

There are more than 100 pairs of mixed martial arts gloves specially customized for Zhang Yang, and each one has to be signed.

By the time I finished writing, Zhang Yang's wrists were already a little sore, and he even didn't recognize his own name.

After I finally got all the gifts, it was almost time for the premiere of Jingwu Heroes.

In order to distribute the gifts this time, Zhang Yang did not attend the premiere with Chen Huimin. Instead, he called the Qian brothers, Zhou Billy, Chen Yijie and others to help. He also rented a van and drove in the premiere half before the show. Arrived at the cinema an hour early.

At this time, a wave of moviegoers in the theater had just left.

Zhang Yang didn't arrange it specially, but let the big guy hold the glove box and sit next to the entrance of the theater in the back row.

As ticket checking began, audiences attending the premiere began to enter one after another.

But what Zhang Yang didn't expect was that the first person who recognized him was familiar to Zhang Yang.

"Wow, you are Zhang Yang! I didn't expect that I would touch you. You are so sharp in boxing!"

Looking at the excited young man in front of him, Zhang Yang felt even more excited than him.

this face...

If I'm not mistaken, he should be Zhou Xingxing who once ruled the film industry in the mid-90s!

Resisting the urge to directly recruit the other party into his group, Zhang Yang smiled.

"Did you bring the tickets for the boxing match with you today?"

"I did. Of course I did. I just didn't expect that I would actually have the chance to meet you. Wow, I'm so lucky."

As Zhou Xingxing spoke, he rummaged through his pockets, and then actually took out the tickets for the game.

Zhang Yang reached out to take it, then took out a pair of gloves from the box and handed them to Zhou Xingxing.

"This pair of boxing gloves was customized by me. It is considered a special boxing glove for future mixed martial arts competitions."

Zhou Xingxing's eyes sparkled, and after taking the glove, he looked at it.

The style of the gloves is similar to that of Thunderbolt gloves, except that the edge of the fist is thickened. The overall color scheme is mainly white and black, supplemented by blue and red as different style logos. It is a specially made-to-order model, so there is nothing to say about the workmanship.

"Can I try it on?" Zhou Xingxing held the glove in his hand and asked a little excitedly.

"Of course." After a pause, Zhang Yang asked curiously, "Have you also practiced boxing?"

"Yes, I practice Wing Chun. Like you, I also regard Mr. Li Xiaolong as my idol."

While Zhou Xingxing was talking, he had already put on the glove, only then did he realize that there was still Zhang Yang's signature on the glove on his right hand.

He quickly took it off and wrapped it in the bag given by Zhang Yang, and then smiled at Zhang Yang.

"I will keep this pair of gloves well!"

"It's good if you like it. By the way, if you are interested in boxing, you can also come to my boxing gym and I will teach you."

"Are you willing to teach me? Real or fake, boss?!" At this time, Zhou Xingxing became even more excited.

"I think you are more talented."

Zhang Yang said, asked Chen Yijie for a note, wrote the address of the boxing gym on it, and gave it to Zhou Xingxing.

"Hey, if you are free, come over anytime. If you are really talented, I don't need to charge tuition fees."

No tuition fee...

These words completely ignited the flame in Zhou Xingxing's heart.

His family background is not that good. If there is an opportunity to learn boxing without having to pay, he doesn't want to miss it.

"Okay, okay, okay, I'll definitely go find you when I'm free, Mr. Zhang."

"I've made a note of it, go take a seat first."

Watching Zhou Xingxing holding his boxing gloves and taking a seat on the other side of the back row, Zhang Yang had an unstoppable smile on his face.

If Zhou Xingxing could really be brought to his company, wouldn't it be a huge source of money in the future?
Among all the movies in the Hong Kong Island film industry, the most profitable ones have never been kung fu movies, but comedy movies.

The cost is low, the cycle is short, and the box office is high.

No one who runs a film and television company would not like this kind of film!
It's just that I don't know how big the gap is between Zhou Xingxing at this time and the future king of comedy who has firmly established a nonsensical line, but no matter how far or how big the gap is, it is obviously worth publicizing.

Just as Zhang Yang was sighing in his heart, the following audiences also walked into the theater one after another.

Surrounded by countless movie fans, Zhang Yang no longer had the mind to think about Zhou Xingxing. Instead, he started busy distributing gift gloves to other spectators who came with tickets to the boxing match.

Hurry up, when the lights on the set went dark, Zhang Yang finally distributed all the gifts.

Of course, this is thanks to the fact that he brought enough people today. Without the help of the Qian brothers, Zhou Billy and Chen Yijie, Zhang Yang might not have had time to distribute all the gifts even if the film was officially performed.

There were more than 100 pairs of gloves, but only three pairs were left. After thinking about it, Zhang Yang directly handed it over to the Qian brothers and Zhou Billi.

"Thank you for your help today, this is a thank you."

After the three of them took the glove, the Qian family brothers didn't care too much, they just nodded and said thanks, but Zhou Bili picked up the glove and observed it carefully, as if he wanted to understand, such a glove and How much difference does a kickboxing glove make?

But before he could figure it out, Chen Yijie beside him whispered a reminder.

"Hey, Billy, stop watching, the movie is about to start!"

(End of this chapter)

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