Hong Kong Entertainment: Kung Fu Superstar 1981

Chapter 68 The Surprise Continues

Chapter 68 The Surprise Continues
And just when the emotions of the audience in the cinema hall had accumulated to the full point, Chen Zhen turned his head and saw the photon.

He stood up again and faced Huo Ting'en. There was no confusion or hesitation in his eyes.

When Huo Tingen rushed forward recklessly again and waved his fist, Chen Zhen finally stopped holding back!
The momentary turn and side kick against Akutagawa Ryuichi reappears!

Huo Ting'en was kicked out like Akutagawa Ryuichi and fell to his knees.

Standing up reluctantly, Huo Ting'en raised his eyes and looked up, but Chen Zhen had already taken the initiative to come up with flexible steps.

Fist attack!

Several consecutive punches were easily dodged, and Chen Zhen's heavy punches hit Huo Ting'en one after another. The realistic camera performance also made the audience, who were already filled with emotions, start shouting. Enjoyable!
All kinds of unfair treatment in Fist of Fury undoubtedly made movie viewers full of grievances.

And a crisp and sharp blow is undoubtedly the best channel to vent this grievance!
"Well done! Beat this unreasonable bad boy hard!"

"Huo Daxia's son can't tell what righteousness is, so wake him up!"

"Zhang Yang is indeed a master of real kung fu. His punches and kicks are powerful just by looking at them!"

On the screen, the fight continued.

Huo Ting'en, who was retreating steadily, relied on his keen talent to discover the flaws in Chen Zhen's steps. He swept his legs and knocked Chen Zhen to the ground again. But just when he wanted to pursue, Chen Zhen, played by Zhang Yang, suddenly used The extremely gorgeous Brazilian war dance!

The hummingbird kicks the half-moon compass!

This difficult combination of kicks and dance-like gorgeous movements immediately caused a lot of exclamations in the auditorium.

"Damn your old mother, how did you sweep this leg over here? Hey, did you replay it?"

"Boss, this is from a movie theater. Who is here to play it back for you? But this action is really sharp."

"Indeed, I don't know when there will be a videotape of this film. If there is, I will definitely collect one first."

"I think so too, this fight scene is really seductive, better than his last "Black Fist"."

The buzzing voices of the audience are still ringing.

At this scene, even Zhou Xingxing, who claimed to have practiced martial arts, subconsciously opened his mouth wide at this moment.

Kick technique...can it still be used like this? !
Such a dazzling and gorgeous move simply broke Zhou Xingxing's cognition of kicking!

Using your hands as support on the ground, and then attacking from the top with your legs, this is a bit too exaggerated!

"Big nose, can you do this?"

In another theater, Hong Jinbao's eyes sparkled with light, he stared at Zhang Yang on the screen and asked casually.

At this moment, he didn't even realize it, maybe because he was too shocked, he subconsciously called out the nickname he gave Chenglong when he was still studying opera.

If others called him by this nickname, Cheng Long would definitely feel extremely upset, but for Hong Jinbao, Cheng Long had already become accustomed to it, and just subconsciously said: "If you just imitate, it's not difficult, but if you want to achieve his strength and speed, you may Need to practice for a week? It’s hard to say, maybe it will take longer.”

"It seems that I can go to Zhang Yang for advice when I have time. His stuff is really good."

Hong Jinbao touched his chin, looked at the almost boiling audience, and sighed.

Lin Zhengying smiled wryly and nodded reluctantly.

"It is indeed necessary to ask him for advice. It seems that he didn't design the movements alone."

Lin Zhengying's words immediately stunned Hong Jinbao and Cheng Long.

Cheng Long couldn't help but ask first: "What do you mean the movements are not designed independently?"

"Although I am not sure now, looking at his movements, it is obviously a continuous attack formed by two moves spliced ​​together, so I think this move is not like a single martial arts move, but more like a systematic kung fu routine. "

Hearing what Lin Zhengying said, Hong Jinbao, who was already very interested in this move, became even more interested now.

"Whether it's a whole set of kung fu routines or not, you'll know when you ask Zhang Yang face to face, keep watching, keep watching."

After Sammo Hung greeted him, his eyes turned to the screen again.

Now, he really wants to know what other tricks Zhang Yang can do in terms of drama and kung fu.

The plot of the film continues to advance.

When Chen Zhen said those words, I want to leave the Jingwu Sect, and slowly came to kneel and kowtow in front of Huo Yuanjia's memorial tablet, the entire audience couldn't help but be moved, because they had witnessed with their own eyes what Chen Zhen had experienced. What a grievance.

In order to avoid the eyes of the world, Chen Zhen took Guangzi to the barren mountain and stood guard in front of his master's tomb.

When Chen Zhen said that he wanted to take Guangzi far away, but was pierced by Guangzi that he still couldn't let go of Fist of Fury, the audience was all moved by Guangzi's intelligence and the same tolerant attitude as Chen Zhen.

People in the Jingwu Sect were still panic-stricken. The Black Dragon Society of Japan also took this opportunity to declare a challenge, and wanted to send the best master in Japan to challenge the Jingwu Sect. Everyone in the Jingwu Sect was shaken because they gave up on Chen Zhen. The scene lasted all day long, and the audience felt that all the bad breath they had been holding back had been let out.

a few days later.

The master of the Black Dragon Society, played by Yasuaki Cangda, arrived as scheduled.

But contrary to everyone's expectations, this master of the Black Dragon Society seemed unwilling to collude with the military.

the next morning.

Fumio Funakoshi, the number one master of the Black Dragon Society, did not show up at Fist of Fury, but came to Huo Yuanjia's cemetery, and found Chen Zhen and Photon, who had lived in seclusion again. Although Photon tried his best to stop her, she finally had to Can watch the two masters prepare for this final duel.

Right in front of Huo Yuanjia's tomb, Chen Zhen and Funakoshi Fumio got into a stance.

Facing this menacing Chen Zhen, Fumio Funakoshi took it easy, first asked about boxing techniques, then asked about the way to switch between offense and defense, and then undressed and warmed up, interrupting Chen Zhen's offensive rhythm many times, making Chen Zhen even more impatient.

It was only when Chen Zhen exhausted his breath three times that the number one expert in Japan really attacked.

Chen Zhen, who was caught off guard, suffered a loss immediately. The audience who thought Fumiko Funakoshi was a bit funny before couldn't help but scold the old bastard for being despicable. Fortunately, although Chen Zhen suffered a loss in the first fight, he quickly adjusted. come over.

The gorgeous reappearance of the Brazilian war dance made the audience applaud and at the same time sweep away the downturn.

But Fumio Funakoshi is indeed the number one master of the Black Dragon Club, and he quickly adapted to Chen Zhen's style of play. Seeing that one move was not enough, Chen Zhen immediately continued to change his offensive, boxing, muay thai, Sanda, wrestling, and various styles of play All the tricks are revealed.

Such a variety of attacks, in this era when the development of fighting is not yet comprehensive, is naturally a feast for the eyes of the audience.

But Funakoshi Fumio's performance was once again unexpected. Facing Chen Zhen's offensive, he actually began to imitate Chen Zhen's style of play. Fortunately, Chen Zhen still had the advantage in the situation.

But at this moment, Chen Zhen discovered that Funakoshi Fumio's defeat seemed to be due to eye disease.

Not wanting to take advantage of others' danger, he took the initiative to take out the white handkerchief from his arms and covered his eyes.

When Fumio Funakoshi saw this, he followed suit and took out his handkerchief and covered his eyes.

"Blind type?"

The audience was still watching this scene with relish, but Hong Jinbao couldn't help but uttered surprise again.

Although I always talked about wanting Zhang Yang to continue to create some surprises in the play, these surprises and tricks...

It’s a bit too much!

(End of this chapter)

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