Hong Kong Entertainment: Kung Fu Superstar 1981

Chapter 69 The Motivated Zhou Xingxing

Chapter 69 The Motivated Zhou Xingxing

On the big screen in the theater, Chen Zhen and Fumio Funakoshi both covered their eyes with handkerchiefs.

Under the close-up shots, the two pricked up their ears and listened carefully, even the audience off-screen subconsciously held their breath at this moment, as if they were afraid of disturbing the two on-screen.

The arms tested each other forward, and finally when the two wrists came together, the battle immediately started!
Even though they couldn't see anything, the movements of their hands were not slow.

When seeing the moves, it feels a bit like Tai Chi's listening skills and Wing Chun's cunning hands.

After several confrontations, the two actually ended up winning and losing each other. Fumio Funakoshi punched Chen Zhen directly at the top of the sky, but Chen Zhen didn't give in. He kicked Fumio Funakoshi back and forth with a heavy kick.

After the two separated again, it was Chen Zhen who attacked first.

He picked up the withered grass on the ground with his toes, and kicked it forward violently. Fumio Funakoshi reacted very quickly, and immediately swung several punches in the direction of the withered grass, but all his fists fell into the air without exception. at...

Throwing stones for directions!

He really deserved to be Chen Zhen, he was smart enough!

The audience showed a smile, and followed by Fumio Funakoshi, who seized Fumio Funakoshi's gap and punched him three times in a row, causing him to retreat steadily. Chen Zhen wanted to continue to pursue the victory, but Fumio Funakoshi, who was as shrewd as a monkey, Immediately grabbed Chen Zhen's wrist, threw an over-the-shoulder throw, and then immediately used the judo wrist lock.

The audience who watched the boxing match between Zhang Yang and Su Long suddenly put their hearts in their throats.

They never forgot that back then Zhang Yang also used the shoulder throw combined with the lock technique, which left Su Long with a serious injury that would never heal in his life. Could it be that Chen Zhen would also be defeated by this beck?
Fortunately, both Zhang Yang and Chen Zhen in the film are obviously no strangers to the technique of grasping locks.

When he realized that Funakoshi Fumio was holding his wrist, Chen Zhen, who was lying on the ground, suddenly hung the golden hook upside down and kicked Funakoshi.


After being kicked in the head by Chen Zhen, Funakoshi had to stumble backwards, and the two distanced themselves again.

After the two separated again, Funakoshi Fumio actually followed the same example again, leaning down to pick up a stone and throwing it forward.

The stone hit the ground with a crisp sound, and Chen Zhen's fist followed immediately.

But this time, the person who fell into the trap obviously became him.

Hearing the sound, Fumio Funakoshi chased after the situation and used judo's grappling and locking skills, but Chen Zhen was not afraid at all. If you use grappling, I will also grappling. The two wrestled with each other. When Fumio Funakoshi was knocked down with an over-the-shoulder throw, the old fox immediately showed his experienced side.

Put your hands on your waist!

With a gentle push from his palm, Chen Zhen was immediately broken in the over-the-shoulder throw. Fortunately, Chen Zhen reacted very quickly. The over-the-shoulder throw failed, so he used the upside-down golden hook again to force Fumio Funakoshi back. Then he turned around and performed a scissor kick on the ground, knocking Fumio Funakoshi away. Put down.

Funakoshi Fumio reacted very quickly and quickly reached out to lock Funakoshi's throat. Chen Zhen did not give in and also reached out to lock Funakoshi Fumio's throat.

Both of their faces turned red quickly.

Just when the audience was worried about the outcome, Fumio Funakoshi let go of his hand first.

Chen Zhen was startled, and then let go of his hands. The two took off their blindfolded handkerchiefs and stood up again.

"It's rare for young people to have such skills and skills."

Funakoshi Fumio panted heavily, rubbed his ankles, and praised him sincerely.

"It's even more rare for an elderly person to have such physical strength."

"You don't have to be polite to me. There is an old saying in China that says that fists are afraid of young people. It is really a wise saying."

"But we haven't decided the winner just now..."

Seeing the two people cherishing each other on the screen, the audience breathed a sigh of relief.

When the two were choking each other just now, they thought that this time the outcome would be determined by life and death, but now that Chuanyue showed weakness and let go, they felt that this person, like Guangzi, could be regarded as a person with some conscience.

On the screen, the conversation between Chen Zhen and Funakoshi Fumio continued.

When I heard Fumio Funakoshi say that the most important thing in kung fu is your own practice, and if you only want to defeat the enemy, you should use a pistol, thunderous applause burst out from the scene, and everyone nodded secretly.

Although Zhang Yang has always regarded himself as the real kung fu in actual combat, it can be seen from the attitude shown in this film that the emphasis on actual martial arts seems to be just a part of Zhang Yang's self-cultivation. A barbarian who can run amok, and the wisdom contained in this kind of kung fu is what the Chinese people are most proud of about martial arts.

"Well said! We need to be able to fight both internally and externally. This is our Chinese Kung Fu martial arts!"

"No wonder I heard people say that Li Xiaolong was able to get into the philosophy department because he had Chinese Kung Fu as a foundation. Of course he can understand this."

"That's right, Zhang Yang really understands Li Xiaolong very well, and using this film to pay tribute to Fist of Fury is absolutely sincere!"

The audience applauded in recognition, and Zhou Xingxing, who was also an audience member, felt even deeper at this moment.

Winning or losing is important, but the most important thing is to practice oneself...

Kung Fu is like this, so acting skills should be the same, right?
Recalling last November, when he failed miserably in the TVB actor training class for the first time, looking at the boxing gloves given to him by Zhang Yang in his arms, he suddenly felt motivated.

When I go back tonight, I must continue to hone my acting skills, keep going!
It's as if he won Zhang Yang's favor because of his persistence in kung fu, as long as he continues to practice hard on the road of acting, one day, they will also see the light of Zhou Xingxing!

While Zhou Xingxing was silently cheering for himself, Fumio Funakoshi on the screen waved his hand and left the barren mountain.

As night fell, Huo Tingen unexpectedly appeared on this barren mountain, beyond all the audience's expectations.

He begged Chen Zhen to return to Jingwu Sect, and even allowed him to take Guangzi back with him.

And under these barren mountains, Chen Zhen finally confided his heart to Huo Tingen.

Just as Guangzi said, he really can't let go of Jingwumen, but now he thinks it through, even if the same school can accept Guangzi, the outsiders will not, and Guangzi stays in Jingwumen, maybe it will hurt Jingwumen in the future Be hated.

But Chen Zhen didn't know that his words happened to be overheard by Photon.

The brothers continued their heart-to-heart talk, and Huo Ting'en handed Chen Zhen all the Huojia Quan's secret technique, Mizong Quan, which had not been passed down to the outside world, and then informed him of the news that he was going to the Hongkou Dojo to fight Fujita Tsuyoshi.

When they heard Huo Ting'en's words, "If anything happens to me, please ask Brother Chen to spread the Mizong Quan throughout China." The entire audience was moved. They deeply felt that this former irrational junior brother, Now it has completely grown up.

At the same time, they also secretly prayed in their hearts, hoping that Chen Zhen would participate in this decisive battle and save the lost Huo Tingen.

(End of this chapter)

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